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21 pin train can i use it on 8 pin train track system, newby


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Hello all, new to this was just wondering, could i use a 21 pin train on a 8 pin train set ? I know the 21 pin has extra things for sound and stuff but im not interested in that, i just want to know if i could just put them on my track set up and they will run ? Thank you

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The track doesn't care how many pins the decoder has. The socket in the loco is the deciding factor. Your dcc equipped loco will run on ant dcc track.

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Just to add to 96RAFs reply.

The long answer.

In principle, every locomotive decoder has two pins allocated to the two rails that the loco sits on. These two pin connections provide the power and DCC Command input to the decoder and also has two other pins allocated to the two connections needed to connect to the motor. This is a total of four pin connections. These four pin connections are common to ALL locomotive decoders regardless of how many pins the decoder actually has (barring special function only decoders that do not need the motor pins connected). Any pins in excess of these four pins are used for other things that are, in essence, optional.

To add further. There are many brands & models of locos. They may have a factory fitted socket that could be compliant with any one of the wide range of standard decoder types i.e 4 pin, 6 pin, 8 pin, 18 pin, 21 pin etc. But regardless of the decoder pin type they are all compliant with the DCC standard and will therefore work on any two rail track that is powered by a compliant DCC Controller. The wiring within the locomotive will make the necessary pin connections required to run the motor and that will be completely oblivious to the track and controller.

Given the exceptionally basic nature of your question. It may be worth mentioning the following to ensure you are aware of it. Apologies in advance if you know this already.

If you have or purchase any locos that are documented as being "DCC Ready". Then these locos will not have a decoder fitted. The "DCC Ready" just means that the loco has a socket into which a DCC Decoder can be fitted. A "DCC Ready" locomotive is a DC Analogue locomotive until such time as a suitable decoder is fitted to make it fully digital. You should not place a 'DC Ready' loco on a DCC powered track unless a DCC decoder is installed, even IF the instructions manual of the DCC Controller you are using says you can. To do so, increases the risk of damaging the locomotive motor.

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To ensure the basics are not lost in the detail: DCC is DCC is DCC. All DCC equiped locos will run on a DCC track with a DCC controller.

The socket arrangement is irrelevant - 4-pin, 6-pin, 8-pin, 18-pin, 21-pin, 22-pin, they are all the same. They are just different arrangements for connecting the DCC decoder to the same DCC system.

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As he hasn't mentiond decoders, I presume he has a standard DCC train set which came with a 8 pin loco. He now has a new loco, fitted with a 21 pin decoder and wants to run it on that train set-up and as Fishy said, yes you can.

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This is an excellent example of what I mentioned the other day, when a new member who describes himself as 'newby' asks a simple question and then receives a complete overload of information.

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Fair comment, BUT, as Thomas was not very specific in his query, ie: 8 pin train set and 21 pin loco, different contributors gave advice on what they understood the question was. From those responses, I am sure Thomas was able to work out the answer.

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