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Corgi Wallace & Gromit train

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Still no response to mine but let's face it, it's only asked earlier this week. I agree there's no point anyone at Hornby sitting around waiting for questions and responding immediately, but on the other hand I do hope an alert is issued for someone to monitor and for the customer it could be frustrating if the answer might influence their decision to buy (or not).

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In the long gone past Adam the Admin would forward batches of questions to use with a request to answer as many as we could; he would then post a formal response based upon ours.

That methodology no longer exists and any answers are now pure Hornby.

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As of Friday, close of business, Hornby have not answered Ntp's questions, nor mine on Locomotion.

Now I am attempting to follow established procedure. I have waited more than a week, and as I asked my questions after Ntp did, he has waited the requisite time as well.

These questions / reviews should get a ticket number, just as email queries do. A simple acknowledgment, a 'pending in queue' message from Hornby with that number would go a long way towards calming aggitatition.

If my questions were about a purchase, Hornby's apparent lack of interest would likely dissuade me. This is Hornby's online presence, their virtual store front. Is nobody minding the store?


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The ‘shop window/store front’ absolutely needs a kick up the rear end. In a digital world it is how a huge number of customers interact with the business. I’m prepared to accept the majority at Hornby put a lot of effort in but some contractors and contracts need reviewing and very quickly. That needs to come from the top with meaning.

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It depends at what 'level' it is marketed.

If 'a fun scale product' then individuals' loading gauges will be very limiting to it's fun application.

If simply as a rugged, functioning beginner's toy train set - it'll be a great winner assuming the rights are not too extortionate.


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  • 5 months later...

Never answered my questions on Locomotion No.1 either.

I had to write to Carl, Director of Engineering, to get them answered.  Surely he has better things to do than to correspond with me.

Hopefully this improves when the webpages are brought in house. 

If a company is going to offer a feature, like "ask a question", they should support that feature.  Conversely, if they will not support the feature, they should not offer it.  It just leads to customer frustration


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