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Sound Distortion on new 8 Pin Decoder

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Here’s a new one for me….

8 Pin decoder all successfully installed into a brand new Bachmann Fairburn 2-6-4T, with the 2MT sound profile loaded and working. Sound volume set at 35.

Everything running fine, THEN the without any obvious cause, the sound started to distort - all crackly and hissy.

I’ve re-loaded the 2MT sound profile, same distortion. I then loaded the Class 08 sound file to be sure it wasn’t the 2MT file causing the issue……same distortion. I’ve swapped speakers several times…same distortion. I then removed the decoder from the loco onto my Test-Board to check it wasn’t the loco’s PCB causing the problem….same distortion.

Any thoughts on what might be happening here or what I might do to resolve?

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I’d initially suspect speaker too, however if same distortion is present on multiple speakers, I’d suspect a fault with decoder’s amp was more likely the culprit. Either way contact George & ask his advice for what to return.

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I did have this happen on a TTS, I only noticed it was that badly distorted when I bought another one off Amazon because they were doing a deal. I eventually sent it back to Hornby for a replacement. Normally it is the speaker, or as I found with HM7000 the supply voltage not being high enough but there is some electronics that can go wrong.

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Make sure the speaker driver and enclosure are sealed as air leaks with cause crackly sound. A smear of silicone sealant is ideal as it can be removed later if necessary.

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