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New TT120 series from That Model Railway Guy


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Not out yet, but due for first episode release tomorrow. No affiliation or link, just for interest  His content for OO is usually quite watchable and positive.


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Didn’t put this up here because of the anti YouTube brigade but I was excited. He has good skills and is very positive. I’ve watched episode 1 already as a member. Very introductory but good for beginners. He did one on the launch as well 

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I don’t think People here are anti You Tube, just the You Tubers of a certain type. I have found some great content that’s helped me and the hobby in general. Sharing knowledge freely is what the hobby is all about 😁

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Exactly. There's lot of good information on you tube and I learn a lot from there being a visual medium. However you need to filter the wheat from the chaff keeping in mind that certain people have a negative agenda. 

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Some new ideas and suggestions seen here. I'll be looking at planning yet another plan now...  🤪

I was tempted at the £1.99 bonus offer. Until I saw it was monthly. And that there are even higher monthly options available. On top of the ads every few minutes.

I'm patient enough to wait for the free options.

Edited by Baz657
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Good to see some one elses approach, although I have to say not that impressed with his finesse for a "pro builder" !

Interesting using double sided tape for points ... no idea how that will pan out longer term, and obviously there is the risk the tape may stick to the tie bars and cause issues. But as he has built several layouts, I guess he knows what he is doing.

Also be good to see how the incline works out, it looks like it might be quite steep. I have seen a lot of videos with gradients way above the general consensus of 2% max, but they don't ever show a steam loco hauling 4+ coaches up them !

I will be following progress, although not a fan of the ads, at least using duckduckgo I can avoid the non built in ones☺️

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1 hour ago, Too Tall said:

Good to see some one elses approach, although I have to say not that impressed with his finesse for a "pro builder"

Don’t think TMRG has ever claimed to be that? His videos have always had a sense of being for beginners by a beginner, simple explanations, nothing too complicated.

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Good luck with that incline, pilot drills are a wonderful thing and the down side to carpet tape is all the debris will also stick to it until it’s ballasted. 
I looked at doing a very similar track plan for High Fell, elevated station, but after doing the maths, elected for a wide board and put it to one side of the main loops. Well presented and I didn’t get a load of ads 😁

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1 hour ago, moawkwrd said:

Don’t think TMRG has ever claimed to be that? His videos have always had a sense of being for beginners by a beginner, simple explanations, nothing too complicated.

Fair enough then, just with the sponsorship I assumed he was more pro, my bad. 😊 It is however, good to see another TT:120 layout underway on YT.

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Hi all, I just wanted to quickly drop by and say thanks for all the interest regarding the new series and the kind words that have been said so far.

As for whether I’m a “pro builder” or not, well I suppose that depends how you define it but personally I don’t feel like one and I’ve never claimed to be one either. I consider my layouts to be fairly average and I suspect most people could get similar results to me if they were to follow the same tried and tested techniques - in fact that’s really the whole ethos of the channel in my opinion. At the same time I appreciate that, as the channel has become more popular, earned sponsorship and forms a bigger part of my life in general, the line between being a “pro-builder” and a hobbyist becomes somewhat blurred.

To answer some of questions that have cropped up - the double sided tape was mostly to show a really simple way of laying points. From the comments I get, a lot of people worry about using a hammer and tacks or glue to fix them in place and the tape will aid with the ballasting process too (shown in a future episode). The tie bar on most points is recessed slightly from the bottom of the sleepers to allow frictionless switching on a normal surface so no chance of it sticking on the tape.

Going from memory the incline is a 3% grade. We’ve had a Pacific and 3 coaches on it which is the maximum length the upper level station can hold and had no issues. The HST with 3 carriages and dummy car was also fine, both pulling and propelling. Even the 08 seemed fine although that will mostly work down on the lower level anyway and if it does head up top it’ll usually be light engine to collect wagons anyway. Additionally the upper level isn’t that high, we only go up 6cm as that’s plenty to allow trains to pass underneath in this scale.

If anyone has any further questions, please ask away. I’m usually pretty good at replying to comments on YouTube so that’s probably your best bet but I’ll try and check back in here every so often just in case too.

Thanks again 😃

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I found the video inspirational and useful. Especially to someone like myself not in a position to start a build at the moment but wanting to soak up knowledge and ideas in preparation for the future. I'll be watching for the future episodes in anticipation!

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3 hours ago, Rallymatt said:

Welcome to the Forum, I hope we see you posting more in the future too 😁

Thanks! I'll try my best although producing new videos every week takes up a lot of my spare time as it is 😅

3 hours ago, PeterM67 said:

I found the video inspirational and useful. Especially to someone like myself not in a position to start a build at the moment but wanting to soak up knowledge and ideas in preparation for the future. I'll be watching for the future episodes in anticipation!

Awesome, really glad to hear that. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series and it gives you some ideas... or at least an idea of how not to do it! 😉

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Just watched the review, felt very good… how I think any one of us would review it. He mentioned a few things like the tape and small radius running but added the tape can be removed and that his curves are just shy of radius 2. Very balanced and focusing on the right things, how it runs, looks and sounds.

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Nice to see someone focusing on the positives of the TT:120 models too. It would be interesting to see a ‘detail’ comparison with OO from 20 years ago, I don’t have any now but I am sure TT:120 is more finely detailed which just shows how far things have come. 

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Cheers guys, I always try to approach reviews from a place of positivity. Speaking generally, even if there are issues with a particular model I think it's important to not hyper focus on that one issue or get carried away by going on a rant.

Additionally it's just occurred to me that I compared the TT:120 A4 to one of the new Dublo Great Gathering A4s in the video, so the fact that the TT version still looked half decent next to it is even more impressive in that regard.

(In other news, the next layout update video is coming along nicely and should be out before the end of the month)

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@That Model Railway Guy Great to have your input on this thread. A number of us have been watching your stuff for some time. And being the amazingly-patient chaps that we are, we're not at all bitter or twisted that the stone walls are not yet out for TT120!! 😁 Seriously though totally understand that you're not a manufacturer able to churn these things out by the bucketload. I think it is great to see what can be done with just a bit of thought. And one final thought - only a very minor thing - but I think having strainer posts for your fencing at the corners would add a lovely bit of realism to the excellent overall effect. 

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@GMD Likewise I would love nothing more than to be able to do the stone walling in TT:120 right now too 😅 But yes, it's just an issue with keeping up with the crazy demand at the moment. Once the initial interest in the 00 gauge stuff dies down and we're able to keep it in stock more regularly we'll start looking into scaling it down to TT and N. 

Including strainer posts is actually something I had considered too - it's one of the reasons the fence posts remain out of stock for the moment while I look at adding these in the future.

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I am really enjoying the TMRG series but I have made a mistake - I read the comments. There is some toxic stuff on there which, no surprise to me, shows no respect for the measured and reasoned approach taken in the video. You will not find a more grounded, helpful and positive online correspondent than Peachy and even he has come in for some invective. I have technically supported a HiFi-related forum for many years and I could not believe the hostile exchanges that built up on there so I know all too well about the realities of online "anonymous" discussion. I try to rise above it but always leaves a nasty taste. If you delete the comments then there are screams of censorship, censorship. I censored.

I just seek positive, online learning and mutual support. I will try harder to ignore the gatecrashers. Peace and respect to those who create; there should be a special place for those who seek to disrupt and destroy.

Edited by RB51
Banned word - now edited out
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Ahhh, I assume that you saw the video I released yesterday then! 😅 To be fair I knew I was poking the beehive with that one so I was somewhat prepared - and as someone who puts themselves online you have to have a thick skin to a certain extent. I tend to give people warnings and the chance to engage in a more measured manner if they're being inappropriate but I draw the line when they start insulting and harassing other viewers/commenters.

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@That Model Railway Guy Totally agree. That's the best way - a sense that absolutely folk can disagree - but no mean-spirited personal attacks. Even bad language etc is n issue, as we hopefully have a hobby that can and does appeal to younger folks, and we want them to be able to watch and interact without any unease or exposure to crude language. 

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