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what has happened to all the oo gauge problems.

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@threelink glad to see you back and hopefully you will posting fit for many more years to come! 
There was a regular poster from Italy until someone unnecessarily made comments that resulted in him heading to Hornby International and many don’t go there so a lot of that content gets overlooked. Presenting a welcoming face to everyone is very important in any forum community, it’s been very effective on the TT:120 side of things, perhaps because we are all on the same journey at the same time? 

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I have to say, I’m very lucky with Hornby products so far, over three dozen steam engines, and only once I had a problem, a B12 R3544, with a faulty motor. Couldn’t be replaced because out of stock, so bought a second hand one (TMC value weather, not a fan) and this is one of my best runners, both on DC as with the TXS decoder. Next in line for a light glossing and decent weathering.  Apart from that, the biggest problem I had was with an Oxford J27, couldn’t be send back because it was a gift.
So can’t complain! 😀 

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Posted (edited)

My opinion, may be Hornby or other manufacturer are making more quality products with less or fewer issue's hence less people are asking for help or advice. I know most of us write or ask when we have an issue, but if we have good or trouble free purchase, how many of us share the positive experience. Maybe that's what needed to be share more often so we can see how many of us still having good time.

Just an thought so we can have more post in each class.

As for the new forum, I was busy for a good year or so away from hobby which meant I didn't even check the forum. I do like this new feature though, as I am writing or typing if someone else is posted something I get notification either, other or others writing or new reply been posted.

for example like this


Edited by Deem
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Elloloco, I usually find parts for old JouefPlaycraft HO models easier to come by than a lot of modern parts. Again, standard parts across a number of models so you can mix and match from scrap locos just as with older Tri-ang/Hornby models. One of my GRafar locos has Tri-ang brushes which are a bit short but they work and I have a scrap loco that’s about to donate it’s correct brushes so all good there. I suspect the Wrenn ones are the same length, the Grafar motor is very similar to that of the R2 tank. 

Spares for Gaeity locos…..that’d be a difficult one but I do have a spare motor in case either of mine give up. 

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@Rana Temporia I've never had much of a problem finding any spares for my Electrotren locos nor have needed many. In fact I have bought more spares for conversion projects than for actually issues my models have had. I have found my Electrotren locos pretty reliable, in fact second only to Roco amongst my fleet.

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Well , thanks Guys, at least we got some stimulated conversation. You may have gathered that for old stick in the muds, like me, taint my kind of forum anymore. At approaching 81, i simply want just that, simplicity. Perhaps there should be a aged section, where we could simply discuss what suits.

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Colin, the new forum is not an issue. Well, it obviously is, for some, who immediately left, and for others, who rarely post. Not an issue, a bold statement.

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Rallymatt,  Oh that it was. As for DCC,  i was then helped by those i am mourning for, who have voted with their feet.  When i joined, it was a bunch of friends, swapping stories, helping fellow modellers. No Moderation, twas not necessary. Thank heavens, the current mods, were my friends then, so , understand my humour.  At least we are having a stimulted discussion, amid the T20 postings.

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Posted (edited)

There is another thing in play:


 @Generic Hornby Username, in the TT sub-forum, indicated that there 66 models of locomotives and rolling stock that Hornby has released.  Total, in TT.   That means a common experience for them, as they either have those models, or nothing.

How many models in OO?  Over all the decades?  The focus is not on a group of tens of models, rather, it extends into the thousands. 

So when I get all excited and discuss an obscure LMR 2nd class carriage, the modern image modelers are perhaps not so excited.  That simply does not exist in TT120 right now.

By the way, this isn't a competition.  It is absolutely not an Us v Them situation.  Seriously, what is so different?  TT120 uses a different ratio.  And? 


Edited by What About The Bee
Rallymatt just made the same point as I did when typing. We are all modelers
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2 hours ago, Yelrow said:

Colin, the new forum is not an issue. Well, it obviously is, for some, who immediately left, and for others, who rarely post. Not an issue, a bold statement.

That to me smacks of folk simply objecting to change (as some people do with anything they're already familiar with) and not bothering to actually learn how the new forum works.  Seriously, it's just as easy to use as it was before - just rearranged a little differently here and there.  Took me a few minutes to find my way around and I've learned some of the new features through use.   I saved a link to the "unread posts" as a landing page and just carried on reading and using the forum as before 🙂 

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As I said, the new forum is just a different tool to do the same job. And it's not an issue once the revised structure has been absorbed.

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25 minutes ago, SteveM6 said:

As I said, the new forum is just a different tool to do the same job. And it's not an issue once the revised structure has been absorbed.

I don't think the new forum is the issue.

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After being absent for quite some time from Forum (over a year and half maybe) it felt really strange and took some getting used to it. But new features are worth and I am glad Forum got the updates.

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19 minutes ago, What About The Bee said:

That's a refreshing comment Colin.  You are quite the valuable resource and it was disconcerting to read some earlier remarks.

I'm happy to see you coming around.


It isn't the issue, my complaint was that the menus were repeated along the top some of which aren't necessary (they exist at the previous level). An improvement is it doesn't interleaf subjects as the previous version did because you could select multiple check boxes. A better top menu on the "forums" screen would have been "forum topics" rather than "forums" because it makes you think initially that you are on the previous menu which is also  labelled "forums" because the two menu bars are virtually the same, so the user doesn't immediately know they have reached the next level especially if the screen takes a long time to update. As I said it works and I doubt that is stopping someone posting.

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8 minutes ago, gilbo2 said:

For me, summertime does reduce, almost stops, time available to spend on the layout. I wonder if the RMweb forum has also seen a reduction in OO posts?

No, the Black 5 is keeping that busy.

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7 minutes ago, Rallymatt said:

Odd that if people have an issue with a Hornby product, they don’t raise it on a Hornby forum.  

RMWeb is often seen as the natural home for curmudgeons. A bit of an echo chamber imho.

1 hour ago, ColinB said:

I don't think the new forum is the issue.

I never said it was. Although some seem to want to use it as another stick to beat Hornby with.

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