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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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The son of Triangman said:

What's your latest aquisition?

Here's my latest purchase, a Tri-ang-Hornby R.754 M7 in BR Black livery.

The box was tatty, crew were missing and the BR totem transfers on the tank sides were part missing

as per normal.

The model is slowly being restored, a fresh box mint was found on ebay with incorrect labels (the one on the right) and I have crew and original totem transfers a plenty in stock, I will post stages of the restoration at intervals for

all my friends on here to see as they take place.

Here's the loco pre-restoration but with nice new original 40+ BR Totem transfers put on the side tanks, a packet of the original transfers is posed by the loco for reference.

Hope all at Hornby

like what I am doing to their old locos.

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LC&DR said:

Latest acquisitions - yet another R156 ...............

I have an R156 but it is larger, both in height and length than my Bluebox Class 08.
Could you confirm please that this model is 00 scale. It doesn't look

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I turned 40 today, officially a member of the old you know what's club now. There just happened to be a train show on locally so took the little boy along, had nice time and, in keeping with the theme of the thread treated make to a nice five coach New


York Central 21st Century Limited set to go behind the Dreyfus Hudson I bought a few weeks ago. Happy birthday to me!

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Old Tri-ang stuff had a number of dimensional inaccuracies when compared to contemporary models from other manufacturers and with modern day models. The most significant was that the buffers were at least 2mm (= 6") too high. And to accommodate a standard


mechanism the bodies were stretched in all directions. As toys this didn't matter too much, but as people began to demand closer to scale models this did become an issue. I noticed this first a long time ago when I built my first Kitmaster diesel shunter and


then compared it to the Triang one.


Recent Hornby models are much closer to scale, but even fairly modern models have had liberties taken. I have fitted a Kitmaster / Airfix Schools body with a Hornby tender drive Schools chassis, and I had to adapt


the body significantly to get the it to fit. When checking against a scale drawing the Hornby version was not dimensionally correct. I guess this has been done so that the chassis fits both the Schools and the D49.

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Don't get me wrong, I love my old Triang stuff, as much as my old Hornby and Bassett Lowke tinplate trains, but I recognise them as toys and not scale models. Very good toys at that.



The son of Triangman said:


It's not to scale


and the body is now used as duck in the Thomas range, but it's a nice runner and looks like a 57xx. It also has syncrosmoke which is pretty cool!

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It's horses for courses, I like the old stuff for it's robustness and ease of repair as you can still get all if not most spares for the old locos and they can pull well. The new superdetail ones are beautiful, but are very fragile and spares availablity


especially spare bodies is a major issue. The superdetail stuff hasn't been as well made in the past as it could have been and they do tend to drop bits in the four foot as they run, but if you are into reasonably close to scale models they are the way to


go. Each to their own.

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I have just ordered a special track voltage tester. I recently bought a cheap digital multimeter but can't understand the instructions, so haven't used it. I asked about model railway testing and all the salesman said, "Well, every household should have


one anyway!" Let's see!


I loved the old Tri-ang stuff and still have strong fond affections for it. At the time, even though I perhaps should have thought it bore no resemblance at times to the real thing, eg red, yellow, green wagons for a start, my


years with it were great and very memorable. Station building yellow window frames?

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Just bought a very good condition 1976 issue Hornby R.152 BR Green 08 with the then new Hornby body and chassis which replaced the former Triang one(Hornby make the Tri-ang body still as Devious Diesel in the Thomas range and the 1976- issue body in the


Railroad range).


I put the loco through the works yesterday, runs a treat!







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Being out of work I have cut out the loco purchases. I have too many anyway really - but here are so many good ones out there now - I do crave for more !!.


Instead with birthday money I bought 4 metres of track, a point motor and 2 buffer stops


to make 2 carriage sidings - I already have a point fitted off the main line and spare points.


I have loads of time on my hands, but am not modelling as it seems best to look for work !


However, I should do an hour or day - the recent SoT posts


on doing up locos has made me want to sort out 3 old triang locos - 2 of which I have had from 1967/68 and a Bac one that "wobbles" . My Lima Crab though I think is well past it - last time I tried it the loco wheels would not run freely and I have no idea


why, so the tender drive just tries to push locked up wheels around.





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