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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Well, they will make 29 but three are Britannia in different guises. I nearly went back to the older model yesterday as Hattons had a secondhand Tennyson but decided not to. Someone has bought it already so I hope they enjoy it. I do have a set of nameplates for Earl Haig that I bought when  there were a few more Brits on sale. Today on MREmag  ( http://www.mremag.com/news/bulletin.asp  ) there is a link to a film of the Foxfield Railway. This shows the smaller locos, often forgotten but when it finishes there are another selection of films that have a connection to 71000 and the Britannias. So another 45 mins taken up with Brits and the Duke.

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I suppose that they were special to me as they were the only whole class left when I started trainspotting. It was always a buzz at school if "there's a Brit on the shed!" I once went on a cold drizzly night just to see 70020 Mercury ex works. Since then I have seen loads of photos of it on our local shed ( now gone, almost)

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Regarding the full size loco not for sale, I have found another today, by accident, but it may be completely goosed. I am going to ring the yard on Monday where it is and arrange to go and have a look at it. Funnily enough it is only 15 miles away from me. I am not sure but it looks like a Hunslet saddle tank amongst a load of junk in the photo I saw.

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Olly, I would hopefully restore it and have it on permanent loan to a preserved railway who would appreciate it. The only thing I would want then is to be able to have it steamed and drive it when possible. There are many things that may plunge this idea into the depths and initial cost could be the first stumbling point.

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I've got a TTS Duke, and although the model looks good, I'm not over enamoured with the TTS - (compared with a 'regular' sound chip)

It makes realistic noises - BUT - the exhaust sounds do not relate to the wheel revs.

After a bit of running in (it was a bit jerky at first) I get eighteen - yes eighteen chuffs per wheel rev at very low speed, and a mere two chuffs per ref at a higher speed, wind the rpm's up to semi-fast level, and the chip is going frantic with chuffs!

The whistle sounds are good, as are the various other noises - except the door-slam, which sounds like a short chuff, and the 'fireman's breakfast, which sounds like hail on a tin roof.

When sitting static, with the F1 selected on, the boiler noises are not constant, they have a small audio variation in pitch, on about a two per second rate, as though the sound is being modulated by a type 66 dismal running in the background.


Does anyone else have any comments on the TTS sound, now they have one to listen to? Or is mine a rogue?

The hornby ad, shown on the forums a short while ago, also had only two chuffs per wheel rev.

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Kindly ignore my missing post post!

I'm used to the forums where it puts the last post on top, on the first page, and since this Hornby forum has been updated I've not used it much, and forgot that it puts the last post on the bottom, on the last page. Result - I was looking in the wrong place!

I did try to delete the post, but it undeleted itself again!

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Just accidently bought a GWR King of Amazon!

My finger slipped as I move the mouse to one side and just cliped the one click purchase button!

Fortunately I did want another but need to know if the R2460 GWR 4-6-0 KING CLASS KING JAMES II is DCC ready.



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Cock O' The North by guess who. The TTS version. Three days to cross the channel, excellent time for an old engine.

Very impressive machine; Seems the wheels on this version are painted the same colour as the superstructure but my eyesight may be playing tricks. I find the detail outstanding, its also runs extremely smoothly and the TTS is a revelation for me. Can't compare with memories of the real engine, wasn't quite around yet, but I deem the sound to be excellent. And despite the fact this isn't a cheap loco, it beats anything else I've seen or owned for the price. This is a real winner. I really hope Hornby will make this decoder available separately with a the possibility of programming it ourselves for two, three or more cylinders, whistle, etc....

This has now convinced me to go ahead with the build of the (very) old Keyser kit of the streamlined version of this engine (but with a different motor, gears, etc....) which I have had lying about for longer than I care to remember. I wonder if Hornby will ever make the P2 chassis and power train available as a spare....??? (please....)

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Hello PP (and the rest of the lads in the NER/LNER waiting room)....


Now that you mention it I do vaguely recollect something about trials in France. But whatever for? Surely there was enough testing ground in Britain? And by the way, what I said about the price was in relation to what comparable continental models cost (you can at least double the price!) Initially I would have like to model the steam era in Belgium, where I live, but apart from some reliveried war reparation German engines (steam), for genuine Belgian locos, and some were mighty impressive, it's limited edition brass, well over £1,000 and coaches to suit. Afraid that is out of reach for me. 

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Thanks for the advice. It arrived today and has a small DCC ready logo on the box but it must be a second hand one because I found it was already fitted with a Chip and also explains the very cheap price! Only thing was I could not programme the chip to 6008 - Must be the old type chip. So I swapped it for the one I had in my GW (steam) sentinal no 12 and reprogrammed both.

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