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Desirable features for future Railmaster Software updates

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Oo, oo, I think I know what he wants to do!


Some of those cameo things like the welder. Program it so it only comes on for a few seconds and then after a suitable time period comes on again so that the nuisance thing isn't on all the time distracting a viewer from the next 'look-at-me' programmed event. Then maybe a crane lifts up and then after a while when people are looking at something else they then see the crane bringing something down instead of crane goes up. Crane goes down. Crane goes up. Crane goes ... etc

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to recommend the following items


1 - the ability to change the background colour to the mimic plan e.g. Black, white, green (grass), brown (earth) or grey.


2 - the ability to change the colour of fonts. This would help with speed limits and other items that may need to be easily distinguished from other things.


3 - the faciity to add our own graphic items at present a program link with image is being used for station platforms, station building, signal boxes etc. This would separate simple graphic items from the RM's programmable items. We appreciate the adding of items as stated are not supported by RM but we also think you will agree station platforms and buildings are an important part of the layout plan.

See https://www.hornby.com/forum/platforms-in-layout-diagram/?p=1 


Thank you




Example of station platforms, buildings and speed limits. With a black back ground I would certainly like to make speed liits yellow to match those on the layout.



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Whilst I think that the ability to change text colour would be helpful (the white can be difficult to see unless you boost the size of it) I did think that the mimic was supposed to be just that a "mimic" of the sort of thing that one might see in a signal box. Are the things your suggesting PJ on such diagrams? I don't know. R-

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Whilst I think that the ability to change text colour would be helpful (the white can be difficult to see unless you boost the size of it) I did think that the mimic was supposed to be just that a "mimic" of the sort of thing that one might see in a signal box. Are the things your suggesting PJ on such diagrams? I don't know. R-


Hello Roger


The white can be hard to see at times, speed limits also need to be small so as not to be to prominent, these are clear guidance of speeds I would expect my trains to be programmed to when LD is available. The whole rail network has speed limits and if I may say, much better than those for our roads.


I always think speed limits on our roads are an absolute joke (UK). You can come off dual carriageways and other A and B roads with speed limits of say 4-0 or 50mph to a national speed limit, just before a very sharp bend. Crazy.


How far we go with our mimic plans would be down to each person. Trees and other things have nbeen mentions, I said in the thread mentions, for me, station platforms, buildings and signal boxes would be as far as I would go as it is a mimic plan. But, I also think these items help with visualising everything that is happening on my layout.


The think is, I think, by adding these very simple items into RM everyone can decide just what they want to add or not add.



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Please don't misunderstand me, I am up for anything that helps us to find our way around our layout (well, not mine as it's simple and tiny) and I think your platforms look great. Having said that I did for fun put some signal icons on there the other day but it looks very busy now and at the moment confuses me more than it helps. Anyway, thats just me. R-

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Please don't misunderstand me, I am up for anything that helps us to find our way around our layout (well, not mine as it's simple and tiny) and I think your platforms look great. Having said that I did for fun put some signal icons on there the other day but it looks very busy now and at the moment confuses me more than it helps. Anyway, thats just me. R-


Hello Roger


No problem I never thought anything about your comments, we all have different ideas and different layouts. Some like specific periods in time, some like train regions, some like to try have everything as it would have been in those periods, others go part way and some don't bother. It is a facinating hobby but one that can give everyone enjoyment however they choose to view and model it.


Signalling can be confusing at times, especially when you buy all in one go as I did then find you can't get them to work as they should. Then there is using two signals to work for one with a signal. Yes it can be confusing but there is an answer Roger.


Just add one or two, no more, choose what may be your main line and do those and get used to them first. A layout with out signals is like a house with no lights!  A new dimension so give it a try with just one or two and see how you go.  


My layout is only small Roger, but it is crammed with lots of stuff, but that is just me. I set out my brief at the start, what did I want?  A wanted multiple loops, I wanted stations with multiple platforms, I wanted goods yards for shunting and fiddling, I wanted multiple levels of ground not necessarily multiple levels of track. My layout is only 7' 6" x 4' 6" and I got all that in that space. Wait until I get 5,6 or more trains running at once! Passenger and goods, DMU shuttles etc. 


All that Roger and I didn't mention Loco Detection  ;o)

John will be impressed



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Very interesting picture guys (twice - why?), now back to the original intention for this thread!


In the 'Edit Program' window, there are 6 columns;

Start (secs), Resource, Resource Name, Instruction, Notes / Start Position Details and Run.


Would it be possible to allow the width of these columns to be adjusted because I regularly find that the 'Resource Name' column is too wide and yet the one immediately to it's right, 'Instruction' is nothing like wide enough to accomodate the text associated with instructions.  I have suggested previously that some of the regular text could be abreviated but if not could we either have the ability to amend the column widths or at least adjustments to the 2 columns I have identified.

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At the risk of repeating myself (it was a long time ago so I have some excuse!) the requests for interface customisations and easier programming could both have been met by a programming API.  I know it won't happen but those of us who are slightly more proficient at coding, for example, could then have used a proper IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and not have to wait for Hornby to re-invent the wheel.  I can completely understand how the project got to this stage - it's just a real shame that someone in Hornby didn't stand back and see the value to the company of an army of free programmers inventing all sorts of useful ideas for RM.  Oh well !!!!!!,


i dont recall call this having been mentioned but ..... The loco dialog boxes are set to 'always on top' and therefore get in the way of other windows on my screen.  In particular, whilst setting CVs, I need to refer to the instruction manual PDF and it is a right pain trying to move them out of the way.  I expect Hornby will say it is to prevent basic users from losing the dialogs but ......

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Back on track as it were...

For double heading of TTS locos (or other sound equipped locos) I would like to be able to expand more than one loco throttle so as to have access to all locos' throttles in the lash-up.

Although the Sapphire decoder supports advanced consisting I dont suppose the TTS decoder will have that capability at the price, so any consist control would likely be a group address command to all consisted locos rather than seperate commands to individuals.

Anyway I'm off to try TTS consisting including mixed steam & diesel.

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Ok let me simplify the request RDS.

Can we please expand more than one loco throttle at once. Presently you can only open one, then if you open another one it just closes the previous one.

Something I asked for eons ago in this thread was the ability to open and close loco throttle windows under the control of a program. This would allow precise "manual" stopping of trains at appropriate positions in the running of a program.


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We do not have a note of a request to add the programmable pop-up of large loco controllers. Perhaps because it was mentioned "eons ago" it predates the Internet!!


This is not a difficult thing to achieve and we will look at building this in, not that we would imagine many would use it as it somewhat defeats the object of programming, i.e. that you want the thing to run on its own, without human interaction. In any event Loco Detection should resolve most instances where you want precise speed control to a given location and this will be carried out automatically after the loco passes a sensor.


Regarding the number of large pop-up loco controllers: you can use one in the normal RailMaster and two in the Pro-Pack. If the controller is already visible and you click on another loco in the roster then it will now appear on the loaded controller. The same applies if both controllers are on-screen in the Pro-Pack and the last one used will be updated with the new loco selected.



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I hadn't spotted that you could view 2 expanded throttles in the Pro-Pack additional features list HRMS.

Another reason for me to think about giving you 30 quid...then I'd have to buy a decent wireless headset/mic to replace my wired one...oh dear the wallet may have to take a bashing again.

Maybe I should wait for LD.

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  • 1 month later...

In the 'Edit Program' window, there are 6 columns;

Start (secs), Resource, Resource Name, Instruction, Notes / Start Position Details and Run.


Would it be possible to allow the width of these columns to be adjusted because I regularly find that the 'Resource Name' column is too wide and yet the one immediately to it's right, 'Instruction' is nothing like wide enough to accomodate the text associated with instructions.  I have suggested previously that some of the regular text could be abreviated but if not could we either have the ability to amend the column widths or at least adjustments to the 2 columns I have identified.

Hello again Dave,

Remember this post you made? I discovered today, by accident, that they have attempted to allow the Resource Name and Instruction columns to be variable in width. Unfortunately, there is a small bug, in that, if you narrow the Resource Name column, then click a cell in the Instruction column, the resulting Combo dropdown box which is displayed, lines up with the original left edge of the column, instead of the new left edge    :-)

I've reported it through the system.


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Hi Ray

I hadn't realised that but it is encouraging if an attempt has been made on my suggestion, even if it does require a little extra work.  I will try it later.  Thanks.

Hi Dave,

I've received a reply from HRMS that the fault has been resolved and will be included in v1.61 which will be released in the next few days.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ray

I hadn't realised that but it is encouraging if an attempt has been made on my suggestion, even if it does require a little extra work.  I will try it later.  Thanks.

Hi Dave,

I've received a reply from HRMS that the fault has been resolved and will be included in v1.61 which will be released in the next few days.


This seems to work now in version 1.61.


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I have a need to set certain points on my layout, just before closing down RM, so that they are in the correct position for the next power-on. I have created a program to do this, but I don't always remember to run it. It would be nice if there was somewhere, either in the system settings window, or the railmaster.ini file, to specify the name of a Railmaster program to be run at RM closedown.


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  • 2 weeks later...

For those of us who have Voice Control, and who also use the sound effect files distributed with Railmaster, it would be nice to be able to have RM send VC sounds to the headphones, and sound files to the original pc speakers. I'm not sure whether the Windows operating system allows a software program to do this. Since there is a piece of Microsoft software (Voice Recognition) acting as an interface between RM and the hardware, maybe the default sound output should be the headphones, then, if possible, configure RM to use the non-default pc sound card/speakers for its sound file output.


I posted this item back in December as a result of other posts in the Voice Control thread. I'm pretty sure at the time that HRMS stated that this could be done already, to which I requested clarification on how to do it. I don't think I got an answer, and now I can't find their post or my question. Maybe they have withdrawn their statement and the posts have been deleted ? ...

Anyway, I was looking in the latest guide which is available (v1.61 March 2015) and on page 27, in the Systems Settings section Advanced tab, there is a field called "Sound card to use for MSS". However, underneath the picture of the Advanced Tab in the guide, it states

"The MSS system has not been implemented yet so please ignore the first setting."

Maybe this is what we need. Can HRMS please confirm this and give us an E.T.A. ?

 This field only appears in the guide - it doesn't exist in RM itself yet...



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... In the 'Edit Program' window, there are 6 columns;

Start (secs), Resource, Resource Name, Instruction, Notes / Start Position Details and Run.


Would it be possible to allow the width of these columns to be adjusted because I regularly find that the 'Resource Name' column is too wide and yet the one immediately to it's right, 'Instruction' is nothing like wide enough to accomodate the text associated with instructions.  I have suggested previously that some of the regular text could be abreviated but if not could we either have the ability to amend the column widths or at least adjustments to the 2 columns I have identified.

Thanks HRMS for incorporating this request on the 2 columns.  This is a great improvement.



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A useful feature within RailMaster would be a row of thumbnails on screen, making it easier to see the locos you have, which could be selected to open the full throttle control box. As many of us use small laptops for convenience with model railways, it can be very difficult to scroll from the small window on the right.

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