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Let's see your layouts


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The temporary ( ephemeral English Summer ) layout in my garage is now running. Very primitive, no scenery or buildings but very useful for trying out locos and differing rakes esp. on the 14ft straight and fairly acute bends.  Laying the track, in the absence of any real plan was helped a lot by the use of Hornby semi-flexible, which I can thoroughly recommend.  For the present I decided against my earlier idea of elevated sections  in order to get things running.    Have also been getting practice with my recently acquired Elite, running 3 trains simultaneously./media/tinymce_upload/fca0ec612c9fed2369317fa7494d402e.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/9ca9eb9ea6052c2e844af1bd4e257dea.JPG            Experts - please don't laugh at my effort. The pictures just something for people to have a glance at.  😛  The white fencing in Picture 1 was made from disposable razor handles - I hate to ever throw anything away, much to the aggro of The Female Controller !

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For anyone interested I have included another 6 images to the Gallery over the last couple of days. (4 today)


The current updates include work above the layout for, lights to the Railway Inn, cars, station platforms, Burger Bar, street lighting etc, with provision for controlling 14 different items, or sets of items, across the layout. I hope to starting connect these up in the next few days.  😆


To view them click th Gallery Image link below.

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Yes it does but not to their forum, to a Gallery on their forum.


It is an easy way of adding images for your layout as you build it, a sort of layout diary of pictures.


It is nice to look back on, but also I find, looking at other peoples layouts and Galleries is handy from the point of view you end up saying... 'I never thought of that' or 'I never knew about that' or 'I didn't know you could buy them'


We all have the same hobby, but we all have and do things differently, no two layouts are the same, that in itself I think is so good about the hobby. Every layout is different, every choice of loco/train is different, every bit of scenery we add is different to what someones else has done. We can learn so much from each other.


I think  😉

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Very impressive, Paul, you have created a great layout, with lots of interest and activity potential - good job you have got a big screen to follow it on, eh?  is that a rubber keyboard I espied in the picture? Either that, or my screen is very distorted lol. Look forward to seeing more of your project.

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where is the administator now? why post pictures of real pictures,this topic is for peoples layouts,many people moan on here that people dont look where they post or post in the wrong topic,i want this topic so i can see other peoples layouts,not pictures of somebodys day out !!!!!!

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Hi Bulver

No it isn't a rubber keyboard. LOL.


Most keyboards have the extra keys at the side, not wanted for RM, so it is a basic Maplin's keyboard without all the additional keys, so as to take up less space, but has a plastic keyboard overlay. Ideal for keeping things clean whilst modelling, I thought maybe the plastic overlay will not last but I have had it over a year now and use the PC for more than just RM. I got it when their sale was on for £9.99, I think it was half price.

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You have spoilt it now Paul.P



I thought it looked really good, the people were not moving like mine are on my layout. There were no leaves falling from the trees, but I couldn't manage to get the steam like in that image. Now I know why.


I agree with WTD, good harmless fun. A few comments and chuckles, it wasn't a run away train like some conversations can get on here.

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To keep Paul P happy, here's my layout that no longer exists!

I'll get a round tuit and make a new vid, if/when I can get the lighting right! -

(and once again, the 'clicky' link didn't work! You'll have to copy and paste, or swipe over it and 'open in a new window').

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