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the peco diesel shed is  now on my layout/media/tinymce_upload/399ea4a9ea0e132d7290e876a0805923.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/646873568e6c975c3a314103ac8c7e64.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/7031aca8da025e76fb92e38b86192f20.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/27e8a0eafd32590f23b72c01b68b61a1.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/e41076cbc3c6cbbe35d80bc50e201f09.JPG

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Thank you MJB. Layout is garage based - 14' x 8'. Here's some more. I'll do a full layout shot and post that.



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I think it is just the camera angle and he is holding some pink flowers or something, but it does look like he is holding his own head under his arm. See below:


Very good level of detail overall in the layout....impressed.




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 Have you been watching them 'Who done it programs' again 2e0


Is the guy holding his head in his hands or is he holding someone elses head? 😳


It looks like he could be throttling someone.


With the hole near-by it is not a case of whose done it but may be who is next?


On a better note, thanks Monty for the pictures, we have now seen two great pictures... can't wait to see the full monty 😎

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Hi Rod - The Clipper powers my two Peco Turntables - one in the engine shed area and one at the end of the fiddle yard. I have also been successful in "powering" the Ratio SR Concrete Lamp Posts. They can be seen on very many southern layouts, but I have yet to see them powered - hopefully a picture below.


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This is the shed area, showing one of the Peco Turntables, they are operated by Locomotech motors which turn at 2rpm - flatout! and are extremely quiet, so with the Clipper at half-power you sometimes have to look twice to see whether the table is turning. I have done very little on the layout for some time - just pottered, may be spending just a couple of minutes glueing something in place. I am currently building the "new" Metcalfe Mainline Station, and incorporating LED lighting during the build - it's taken me weeks - I do have other things to do! LOL. I've also just fitted illuminated buffer stops at the end of all tracks coming into the terminus - these really do look like the Peco "rail" type with a lamp on top, which has had an LED inserted, and the wires well hidden. I'm also going to change the backscenes to "Hills and Dales". So a long way to go.


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