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I seem to have been working on the underside of the layout for a long time! It is like a telephone exchange under there only not as neat I am sure. I can't wait to start playing trains and planning routes. 😎


For any one who may be interested I have uploaded another ten images to my model Railway diary.

As there are now over 100 images there are now two pages.




There is also a link in my footer message below.

I hope you like what you see but... there is a massive amount still to do. Work in progress 😉

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Layout Diary update


I have today uploaded a further 4 images to at last include some of my locos.


Page 2 of 'Layout Diary' link.




Click any image to see larger picture.


The main link to the diary is always in footer message below

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 NIce layout Bigskybirds.  As a matter of interest, what is your track laid on?  It looks as though it is white foamboard - is that the case?  I'm trying out different surfaces to see which is quietest, so any help from others would be welcome.

Thanks, it is laid directly on to 3/4 Marine Ply.

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Nice work PJ - you've been very creative. I think you are going to have some fun there. R-

Thank you Roger.


I honestly cannot wait to play, programming routes will be one of my first I think, planning Express and station hoppers routes and including the sprinters inbetween them. Goods will be last.


With 3 dozen signals and 14 RI's it is going to be fun, I just wish the RI's were completed in RM I have sent HRMS a few sample/plans of a small signalling program error tonight.


Lets hope all the fixes are cleared this year and we can all move forward.


Hope you noticed... I didn't mention LD either 😉


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Fantastic layout Bigskybirds

Excellent detailing shows us all what is possible.

Nice video too.

Thanks, sadly I do not have your excellent modelling skills, my layout is just for running my collection of trains. 

I look forward to more images of your layout. 


I think you have excellent skills bigskybirds. Your layout is a credit to you.


I enjoy the modelling side and adding the lighting was a challenge, but I look forward, eventually, to adding ballast, weeds, shrubs etc between the various tracks, may be even some workmen., so long as they promise to work and not stand talking and learning on the tools. 😉


There is a link in the footer message that goes to the layout diary, feel free to view anytiime, I do add images as I prgoress but only add a note on here if there is quite a few additions or substancuial changes to the layout. I think the diary on the RMWeb forum is a great idea, not just for shareing but also looking back at 'how it was'. Pity Hornby don't offer this, it helps to encourage others, we all learn from each other, and is good for beginners to the hobby as well.


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Thank you RDS


All the buildings, walls, platforms are Metcalfe's models, not all built as per kit, the Railway Inn is a kit made low profile but turned into an hotel. All the platforms are made from the Metcalfe platform kits, A4 sheets of tarmac and narrow strips for walls so you make them to suit your layout.


Care has to be taken by running a pencil on the leading edge of a carriage, with minimum clearance, to get the curves right but it is really easy to do and as mentioned, you make them to suit your layout not plan track around ready made sections. 😉

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I love to look at other people's layouts, I believe we all learn from each other, viewing the layouts of others also gives us ideas we can adapt.


Another important aspect, I believe, is it helps new members, people new to the hobby, not just to see what can be done but also encourage them to get into the hobby and enjoy it as much as we do. Inspiration (and a wallet or credit card and away you go). A couple of years ago I remember putting a message on here asking how to solder!!! Doesn't time fly.


I do like Metcalfe's models, they look good, are well thought out and reallly strong when made. Again I would encourage people to adapt them, think outside the box, I have ended up with two buildings from one kit by making them differently.

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Thanks Rod


As we progress with our layouts it is amazing how we look at other peoples layouts differently. I am certainly starting to look at the finer detail people include on their layouts and hoping I can try make mine look as realistic. Naturally I look at the locos people have, that is what we all enjoy, but I also like tinkering and making everything look as real as possible, even adding weeds! (real, except no steam, no oily rag, but room for my brew)  😎


Keep sharing your images guys, we are all learning and constantly looking for ideas. 😀

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should anyone be interested, I have just uploaded another 5 images to my Layout Diary, they are on page 2 of the link below, there are now 118 images.


Latest images include a second station, different lighting (not yet connected), signage, fencing, shunt signal and more.


Layout Diary - Bottom-le-Dale



Thank you for your interest

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Really Nice looing. I must tidy up the railway room and get back to building mine in enest. Currently I canot run anything because a large proportion of my stock is on the track and I only have a few feet of op-en track to test run!

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