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I've been busy this week with the wife and kids away I've made a start on my layout in the evenings. I installed Woodland Scenics 4" risers and two 3% inclines. Expensive way of doing it but i've been buying items for the last 6 years with the intention of building a layout so the cost has been spread out some what. It is also easy to do and very quick as i don't have too much time. I laid down the track bed and also managed to get the DCC Concepts power base down and a fair amount of plaster cloth between the risers. The trackbed wasn't the best job i've done, a little wonky but i was rushing so a lesson learnt there for the lower section.

I tested several locos up the incline and they all managed it ok but only tested with 1 coach. I'm hoping I'll get away with an incline and not have to add the magnets to the locos but it gives me the option if needed.

My original intention was to have the upper level analogue and the lower level DCC with no incline. But went for it so will see what happens. If the locos do struggle i might go back to the idea of having an analogue upper level and model the inclines as dis used rail lines.

Before i lay any track i'll carry on with the plaster cloth. I bought a Bachmann Lighthouse from Thomas and Friends to go in one of the corners as I'm intending to do a cliff and sea scene./media/tinymce_upload/be031578f0d18163db3aa1108e471fcc.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/24c24b3771e1e451fb3d5dfabd35b46b.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/8304518cce3de55f5b89bc1510a5be6c.JPG

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've laid the track and the pointwork on the upper level and inclines. First time i've used flexi track and i'm slowly getting better. The Bachmann Pullman is the longest set i ever use so tested tonight across the points and up the inclines and it went well. Next jobs are droppers for the DCC bus and planning the lower level.

Has been a learning curve using the woodland scenics risers/inclines and hot foam cutter. Being in the conservatory it is great making no mess. i can look after the kids while working on the railway and not upsetting the wife with noise and mess associated with wood work.


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"It's looking good m_duck - I'm envious of the space you have available. Do you have blinds in the conservatory? They can get very warm."


It wasn't my first choice for location but after negotiations with the wife was the only feasilble option. The ceiling has full blinds and they do help, there is also a large ceiling fan. I would love more space ...... 

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Some updates from my side;













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"It's looking good m_duck - I'm envious of the space you have available. Do you have blinds in the conservatory? They can get very warm."


It wasn't my first choice for location but after negotiations with the wife was the only feasilble option. The ceiling has full blinds and they do help, there is also a large ceiling fan. I would love more space ...... 


I know what it's like negotiating with SWMBO - after three years of negotiating and pro-longed discussions, SWMBO has agreed that the door to my railway room will be re-hung to open out onto the landing rather than into the room. It has been standing on the landing for the last six months, and she got fed up with seeing it there. So when I get back from holiday it will be one of the first jobs.

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I like that one dgilbert2. I have a lot of track to sort out before I start on the scenery properly. I also want to convert to DCC some time.


I was lucky with my room, I was going to go up into the loft, but my wife didn't like the idea of me climbing the ladder. Seeing as our son now has his own house, we moved my wife's office into his (big) room, and I get one end of it. Her office then becomes the (small) spare bedroom.


Carpenter friend built the baseboards for me. His is ex-navy, and built them to battleship strength.



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You have to have passengers - here they are arriving at Wykeham. https://flic.kr/p/ZhqPiG

I like your retaining wall Caiptean, is it Bachmann? The Metcalfe kit is ok, but it looks too new, and no texture. I have dirtied mine up a bit using charcoal dust applied with a broad paint brush - but a change is possible -  https://flic.kr/p/25BpATB

I did add LED lights to the arches in the fiddleyard retaining wall, but this was my layouts novelty item - the bulbs have now had a dab of yellow paint and are powered through a voltage regulator, so they can be toned down - https://flic.kr/p/XHAq8F

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Thanks Bulleidboy, I like the way you have lit up the arches. It has given me some ideas...... 😀


It's a very simple job. Two lengths of copper tape stuck on the back of the arches, with two pieces of wire soldered to the tape (-/+) at one end which then drop below the board to a power supply (in this case 3v), and then the LED's were placed in a gap above each arch and soldered to the copper tapes. The LED's are about 1mm sq. and came from ebay - about £5 for twenty - prewired. I'm not joking, the whole job took about ten minutes.

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Thanks for confirming the retaining wall was Bachmann.  I have about ten feet of Metcalfe retaining wall - it would be an expensive episode to replace it all. I have seen some plaster retaining wall on ebay which is not expensive - it might be worth buying one and seeing how it comes out - decisions.

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