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My details are shown at the side to "Log in" They are correct but I have to go to the top of the page and click "log in" because the side panel log in doesn't work. What on earth has been done to the site that makes it so unfriendly to users??

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It depends upon your window width as to how your view of Hornby is seen. i.e. is the login at the right or at the bottom of the screen.

Try dragging your window wider or narrower and see where stuff moves to.

That said when navigating to the bookmark I have for Hornby Forums in IE11 I pitch up at the Forum main list but focussed on the login username/email. As I have cookies enabled this will allow me to click in the login user area and see my email address appear. I click this and against AC's advice it paints in my password and I can click login and be presented with the top of the same page but logged in.

Other browsers and op systems may present differently.


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Yes, my details are remembered and all I have to do is click on OK - but it just seems so unnecessary and just another reason, albeit minor, to get frustrated with this new forum.

Hornby, please advise what the setting is.

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The plot thickens as now I cannot get to Forums once logged on without going to another page. This is when I log in at the bottom. So, side log in useless, bottom log in at least I can log in but have to go to another page. The top log in takes me to my personal details and then I have to go to forums at the bottom of the page. It's a bit like the real railways now. Nothing is so simple as just buying a ticket to travel!

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OK - this is ny experience...

My shortcut to the forums takes me to the top index page but focused at the login area, whether this is at the side or bottom of the page depends upon screens width. I click in the user line and I get my e-mail to click on, this also populates my password and in I go to whichever forum page I was on previously.

Now if I logout and login at the top of any page I find my login area area already populated with my user and password ready to click ok, so the cookies are obviously in place and working.

I'm happy with this.


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So my suggestion is to enable cookies in your choen braowser, navigate to the area of the Hornby web site you would like to start in, click the login, enter your details, then save it as a bookmark (or whatever your browser calls it).

Next time you hit that bookmark you should be at the optimum start point you have designated.

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