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Unable to post after being logged in for a while...


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I keep getting logged out while halfway through typing a post. It doesn't give any warning of this, but after clicking on 'send' I notice that I have been logged off, and my post is irretrivably deleted. This has just happened, so I have re-written the post in WORD, and then pasted it into the forum. I was only on the forum for about 15 minutes when this occured.

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I came to the end of this thread as I was flagged as the latest poster in the top page right hand column.

As that is obviously not so then I assume that despite all your good work you still have a wee bug lurking in the code.

Please don't give up on us as when it is all working as advertised it will be the wonderous thing we have all hoped for.


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As of Wed 1st Oct 2014 I am still being dumped by the forum after much less than the notional 6 hours. Tad frustrating when you are just having a think about what you just wrote afore posting and it all goes gone on you. 

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I know some already do this but I suggest that until the 'log-out' time problem is solved (and I believe it should last all day, not 6 hours - so say 15 hours) and if members intend to type a long post, that it is first typed into a text editor and pasted into the forum when it is complete.

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It's about time this was sorted. You shouldn't really have to go to the bother of doing what you suggest, RDS. I wrote a long post tonight and kept on copying it, just in case, although I shouldn't have to do that either. And, yes, it had gone into the ether when I posted it. I couldn't get it back from going back, as I used to be able to, so, thank goodness, copying it from time to times saved you lot from not being able to read my most useful information!

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Hi Graskie

I agree, we shouldn't have to do it.  

Given a choice, I would rather revert to never having to log in again on the same machine as in the old forum.  In fact, I cannot understand why they do not do away with the time limit until they sort out what is going wrong.

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Problem seems to be worsening unless the moderator has put a ban on me posting a response to my "Health Warning"  I think it was about 30 minutes or less for me to lose my posting so will have to resort to setting a reply up in Word and pasting it before the systems logs me off

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Graskie, ......... creative?  Certainly with the language. Then again, not if he can't tell the difference between his gold bars and his soap bars?

Which I've said as a segue into a completely unrelated gold/soap topic - Simple soap has recently become unavailable in Oz, much to the consternation of people who use it. Easy solution though, just buy it from Amazon UK. But by the time you pay their price plus postage to Oz, I'm hoping when my order arrives its actually gold, not soap. 

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The problem is Admin that often you don't know you are logged out until you have spent time typing a reply then try to post it, unless you refresh the page immediately before hand then you should certainly notice you have dropped out.

I'm definitely not getting anywhere near 6 hours of continuous login, then again I'm not on the forum for that length of time continuous, but I tend to login then if I want to wander elsewhere around the web I open another tab in attempt to keep my place on the Hornby Forum, then when I come back to the Forum I refresh the page to see what has changed.

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