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Release notes:

Hornby RailMaster 1.56 Release Notes - September 2014
The latest release of RailMaster is a major release.

FREE with the RailMaster 1.56 update
● +Bug fixes
● +Minor enhancements based on customer feedback
● +Integrated eLink firmware updated to version 1.06 for improved stability
● +Updated Microchip USB driver for Windows 7 and 8 (use only if needed)
● +Speeded up start-up connection time to eLink
● +Incorporated remaining released Hornby locos released for 2013
● +Incorporated newly released Hornby locos for 2014
● +Added new high-tech steel/blue LED colour scheme and buttons
● +Added N scale (1:160 European) support
● +Added all ready-made plans from the track plans book 2009
● +Added left and right arrows to red and green point buttons for colour-blind people
● +Functions with macros shown underlined in loco settings screen to highlight at a glance
● +Added program command to chain other programs and merge allowing numerous modules
● +Added RailMaster.ini file option to disable/enable remote mouse control
● +Added RailMaster.ini parameters to allow loading of locos sets (Hornby, Rivarossi, Arnold, Electrotren, Joeuf)
● +INI file settings are validated for unrealistic settings and user warned
● +Added region/country option to Settings window to adjust RailMaster for European users
● +Shows point/signal IDs at all zoom scales on main operating track plan
● +Improved loco function names displaying on buttons
● +Improved working on multiple monitor systems (remembers window positions correctly on non-primary monitors)
● +Allows double click on RailMaster form title to maximise and minimise form size
● +Allows double click on Track design form title to maximise and minimise form size
● +Added to Joeuf database locos profiled from 2007 - 2013
● +Added to Rivarossi database locos profiled from 2007 - 2013
● +Added to Arnold database locos profiled from 2007 - 2013
● +Smoother speed curves for built in profiled locos
● +Checks if comms lost to DCC controller and notifies user then retries connection
● +Loco selection screen now shows real-time updates of speed/direction on locos currently in motion
● +Large pop-up loco controller can now be moved around by touching/clicking anywhere on it
● +When reading loco CVs en-masse, now only reads those that the decoder is capable of to improve speed
● +Makes colour scheme changes instant (no restarting program required)
● +Added additional information to the RailMaster PDF guide in certain areas to clarify prodecures
● +Allows other characters to be used instead of "~" when entering loco sound function macros (-,_,=, and .)
● +Allows sizing of all sizeable windows from the top and left
● +Included PDF guide for adding RailMaster/TrackMaster as exceptions to popular antivirus/firewall packages
● +Updated RailMaster PDF guide for all updated/new features
● +Updated all screen images in guide for default Metal theme
● +Added support for more accessory decoders
● +Built in tutorial video viewer (480p resolution)
● +New introductory RailMaster video - Tutorial videos to come
● +RailMaster sends additional technical information with Help Requests to aid support
● +Choice of Small, Medium or Large device on RailMaster HandHeld to override automatic screen metrics for generic Android devices
● +Full-screen mode on RailMaster HandHeld on most devices
● +Ability to slide throttle on RailMaster HandHeld (very smooth on Apple devices)
● +Updated colour scheme of HandHeld app to match RailMaster
● +You can now run a program on the RailMaster PC from the RailMaster HandHeld app (PRG buttons)
● +Improved button audio (click or beep) feedback
● +Improved checking of network reliability from RailMaster PC to HandHeld app
● +New restart button on HandHeld app settings screen for convenient restarting/refreshing of app

● +Voice Control of locos, points, signals in five languages
● +Incorporates multi-aspect light signals with sequence switching
● +Supports all Train-Tech colour light signals intelligently
● +Added second large pop-up loco controller
● +Allows Collapsing the top menu and bottom logo to increase track plan size
● +Added function to reverse a loco for double-heading within headers screen
● +Added section to points/signals to switch other points/signals for auto-setting (also for 3-way point support)
● +Added section to points/signals to run a program when point/signal set
● +Intelligent control of double and single slip points (from Peco)
● +New sample track plans for multi-aspect light signals and double slip points
● +Added "run program" to floating button bar for quick selection of often-used programs
● +Added TT scale support
● +Added Z scale support
● +Added a new data backup button (locos, plans, programs) to About screen
● +Copying and pasting of lines within program editing screen
● +Copying and pasting multiple lines between programs
● +Deletion of multiple lines within program editing screen
● +Create new blank programs within program editing screen (without having to exit first)
● +Saves current multiple-headers setup when exiting software and remembers when restarting
● +Added positionable buttons to design screen to run programs anywhere on-screen
● +Minimise, maximise and restore buttons are larger on RailMaster screen for touch-screen optimisation
● +Added printing of loco CVs list
● +Allows user to set order of firing points/signals on start-up or not at all
● +Added function to automatically get scale speed factors for locos (when using loco detection)
● +When dragging RailMaster window, drags floating button bar too
● +Added 45 degree point icons (8 of) and point control buttons
● +Added 45 degree points on RailMaster HandHeld app
● +Allows printing of track plans on printers in track designer
● +In design mode allows immediate testing of point/signal settings
● +Added function to reset loco decoder chip for known chips
● +Added manual section on setting up double slip, single slip and 3-way points
● +Facility to print out the schedule
● +Added deletion of track plans to open button in track designer
● +Added deletion of programs in program editor
● +Added reverse loco setting to locos settings screen
● +Reversed locos (DCC IDs) are highlighted in light blue in controller area
● +When starting RailMaster, displays track plan at the last set zoom level
● +Facility to email user on short circuit or USB cable disconnection
● +Any DCC ID can now be entered into large pop-up controllers to control locos not in the database
80+ updates in version 1.56 (including Pro-Pack) with another 30+ minor enhancements not listed

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And it's rubbish; wiped my diagram out and meant both elink & elite controllers no longer recognised.

Hornby support solution; you're an idiot customer who's not read the instructions. (I had; admin rights etc etc).

Actual solution; deregister software, uninstall then reinstall, so now have to set everything up once again.

Thanks a million Hornby; another day of my life wiped out uneccesarily.

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No RailMaster upgrade wipes out track plans or locos, nor indeed any other thing that a user has set up.

The only way this can happen is if you uninstall the software and delete the program folder, which is not necessary, nor advised anywhere when an automatic update is performed.

If you are the same person who sent us a Help Request, to which we replied explaining how you could get your plans etc. back (and the tone of your message is is similar) then you should have followed those instructions and it would be unnecessary to post this message.

To clarify, if RailMaster had been installed in the first instance without admin rights, then on some Windows operating systems Windows actually intercepts all loading and saving functions within RailMaster and instead of saving your data into the expected C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster folder it in fact stores this data in what is know as a local store, off the Users folder.

When RailMaster is installed again, where it is now installed with admin rights automatically (as in the latest version) RailMaster is expecting see these files in the above program folder but of course they are not there.

All you need to do therefore is to copy your user-created files from the local store folder (you can research how to find your local store folder on the Internet).  The files you can copy are:-

resource.mdb - your locos

*.pln - your track plans

*.prg - your programs

settings.dat - your settings

groups.dat - your loco groups

So another day in your life is not wiped out if you just follow these instructions.

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I have looked briefly through some of the other posts but as I've just got back from holiday, when I haven't had internet access, I think I've missed some important news along the way. Loco detection doesn't appear to be in release 1.56 so presumably it is still something for the future?

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Loco Detection is a hardware and software system.

All of the support software for Loco Detection is already built in to RailMaster and will come alive when the Loco Detection hardware has been released later.

We cannot specified dates at this time as it is in the hands of third parties (patenting and manufacturing optimisation).

We are looking forward to making the Loco Detection hardware available as soon as reasonably possible as we know this will be a game-changer in the world of model railway control.

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What fun is this then?

Three attempts not to have corrupted set up files finally I have a monochrone looking desktop.

Of course, the handheld doesnt work as that has been relagated back to eval...again. Hornby say this is my fault. I must be an idiot clearly...for not buying Gaugemaster.

Come on Hornby, make RM a pleasure. 

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I think Addlestone you may need to look elsewhere for the basis of your problems. Obviously I dont know the figures but I would imagine Hornby could tell you that several thousand folk have downloaded the upgrade and maybe a couple of thousand have upgraded to Pro (I am one). Not everything has gone smoothly, but the problems have been small both in number and scale, quickly acknowledged and sometimes already dealt with, by Hornby. Give us a little more background and lets see if we can sort it out for you. R-

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The venom expressed by some frustrated users on this thread is disappointing. The restraint shown by HRMS in remaining positive and focussed on helping users fix their problems is admirable. 

AP, once you fix your configuration problems by contacting HRMS as advised on the separate thread, I think you will find your upgrade problems resolve themselves. 

I think the good thing we have so far is the generally positive response to the upgrade by most forum users, not surprising given the amount of user feedback incorporated in It. 

PS. While it has been suggested in the past that I might be a Hornby stooge on the site, this is not the case. I'm just a going on 3 year model railway convert who is generally satisfied with my Hornby experience to date, not afraid to express my concerns where I have them with a view to improving things, and continuing to learn from the wide experience of the very helpful people who  populate these forums. Now back to enjoying what we have and looking forward to it being even better in the future. 

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I found the e-link and RailMaster updates ran smoothly and am very pleased, thank you Hornby for all of your hard work! The only issue I had was that all my points changed numbers but it was a very easy fix. Trains run a lot smoother at lower speeds and boot up is a lot faster.

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I have to stick my oar in. 

Having managed customer service at regional and national level for nearly 30 years, I'm always uncomfortable when I hear statements that a supplier shows 'constraint' in responding to it's frustrated  or unhappy customers. The word 'constraint' should not even enter into anyones heads when suppliers are dealing with their customers. Of course people should not become abusive, and the customer is not always right, but, especialy given the quirks and complexities of DCC, I would expect my struggles (and sound offs) as a customer to be tolerated and handed proffessionally, and certainly would not expect to be publicly berated by a supplier.

I am a qualified electronics engineer, and have an excellent working knowledge of PC's and computers, but even I find the quirks and complexities of DCC confusing and sometimes impossible to resolve. What suppliers need to remember is the vast majority of people that are into model railways are not PC software and hardware experts, and may not have the skills and in depth knowledge to use and enjoy sometthing they have just invested a consideable amount of hard earned cash into. With this in mind there are a few things that might need focus:

1. Perhaps be more open about the skills required to use DCC

2. Offer a ful money back guarantee for anyone that finds it is too complex for them

3. Fully and rigurousy test things before releasing (I know they might say this is done, but reading these forums there ae clear statements about bugs and fixes)

4. Offer better support for non Hornby products, e.g. decoders that are used in conjunction with their DCC systems

My personal experince of support leaves me neutral, neither a detractor or promoter, of the service provided. (To qualify this, the response to scale speeds and use of bmann decoders that I could not programme peterred out without a saisfactory solution, and a rather huffy and deensive reaction to my pinting out the scale speed in RailMaster does not function well)

To be fair, Hornby do provide this forum, have built support into RailMaster, and will engage directly with users, which is more than some competitors do. I just feel patience needs to be shown to our frustrated fellow hobbyists when their frustration leads to some (probably out of charachter) 'sounding off'.

Having said all that, keep up the good work Hornby. In spite of a grumble, I love the qualty of the products and value for money, and remain a loyal customer!



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Hornby failed to metion that they have updated the 1.56 (presumably to 1.56.1 or something) and took me through a seemingly endless process of "have you read the instructions, are you using the programme with admin rights" etc. etc. before mentioning there's a new release of 1.56, which solved 1 of the problems (and may have meant I didn't have to uninstall & reinstall in the 1st place to get the drivers working).

But there remain other problems such as function delay (mentioned in other posts), a track plan that has vanished, and Hornby still taking the "customer is always wrong until he can prove otherwise" approach.

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To add to what admin has just said, a little reading of the forums and some objectivity might come in handy here. So let me make a couple of points:

Dear anonymous, have you contacted admin as they suggested to get your identity back. I trust they can fix this for you soon. 

I think there have now been three, or is it only two issues where HRMS has advised us a minor fix has been loaded into the "latest" v1.56 and told us all to download it if we had the particular issue. Then there is the fixed manual that you might have noticed downloaded itself unheralded at your first startup after they put it on the site.  I agree with you 1.56.1, 2 and 3 might have been a better approach. But they have told us what they are doing. 

There aren't many reasons for you to uninstall then reinstall the software, rather than just update it, but then you just might have "lucky" in this regard. 

Try not to confuse the customer always being wrong with good fault finding to help you. Unless you advise explicitly that you have done all of the basics correctly, the first thing that forum members and HRMS do is to ask if the basics like admin rights and virus exceptions have been dealt with. Saves a lot of tail chasing as these are clearly the most common mistakes people make. 

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Can we point out in respect of the messages posted by "NULL" that we have logged into his PC on two occasions and been met with rudeness, abuse and a generally hostile attitude, questioning and criticising everything we tried to do to help him.  We had never come across this scenario before.

Please put his comments into context and decide whether he may have an axe to grind when reading.

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As a very new model railway enthusiast and hopefully a permanent future customer of Hornby (if they sell what I need, when I need it I will buy from them first) I would like to praise the company and staff from my experience so far. I spent many years as a retail manager and got frustrated that the fickle public are very ready to complain but rarely take the time to praise a job well done. 

Given the technical aspects and great detail of trains that this hobbie goes hand in hand with I found a few problems with items I bought. But every time Hornby amazed me with there fantastic customer care, immediate advice passed on to me and warranty repairs sorted without any argument and dealt with in record time. Thank you Hornby and the Railmaster team, keep up the good work.

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Hornby Railmaster Support, can i add my 5 pennyworth. I have had a lot of problems with elink connections, i belive down to my rural location, and had the need to Twice have your colleagues take over my computer, both for extensive periods. During these times, i had no difficult questions to answer, at no stage was i told to refer to the manual, the whole process was super efficient, courteous, and extremely rewarding. Given that my Laptop is totally in FRENCH,  your ability even to understand it, went above and beyond what one might reasonably expect.  I know PJ, has had a similar experience, all be it in English. Please rest assured you are held highly in our esteem, and i for one, will accept NO criticism, of  your support. Of course it is frustrating, but we must accept some degree of resposibility for that, as majority of us are not computer boffins, and originally thought this advance  in technology, was plug and play. At no time, were we told that, its just the way, a lot of  more simple programs perform. You can do no wrong in my eyes, fellas, keep up the good work. john

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I have just read this thread... wish I hadn't!!!

I will go to another thread instead. 

HRMS are doing a great job, I still have a problem but know it will get fixed. They accessed my PC and were very helpful and very polite. 

If I was trying to help someone and received abuse from them, they would get less help, there is no need for it. 

Hornby are not just dealing with the technical aspects that continue to get more complex with every version, they are making their software available for people to install in their computers, every computer is different due to the items we install and run in them. There are so many other things can cause conflicts. 

Just about every piece of software on the market has had to have patches and updates to get round problems experienced.  Patience is all that is needed and guess what... it is Free.

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