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TTS Sound engines released

Augustus Caesar

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Hi all

My DoG just arrived, lovely looking machine, haven't run it yet as want to ensure all oiling points attended to first.  I have viewed the video sequence, and to me, the sound is just right (but I am deaf and have ringing in the ears !). Seriously though, I am chuffed to bits with its appearance, and if it sounds as good as my 'City of Coventry' I will be delighted.  The suggestion (teaser?) of Son of Trianman re separate decoder release sound an absolute winner to me, hope Hornby are listening (or should that be reading?)

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AS also posted in the 'what's your latest' thread - I've got a TTS Duke, and although the model looks good, I'm not over enamoured with the TTS - (compared with a 'regular' sound chip)

It makes realistic noises - BUT - the exhaust sounds do not relate to the wheel revs.

After a bit of running in (it was a bit jerky at first) I get eighteen - yes eighteen chuffs per wheel rev at very low speed, and a mere two chuffs per ref at a higher speed, wind the rpm's up to semi-fast level, and the chip is going frantic with chuffs!

The whistle sounds are good, as are the various other noises - except the door-slam, which sounds like a short chuff, not a bang, and the 'fireman's breakfast', which sounds like hail on a tin roof.

When sitting static, with the F1 selected on, the boiler noises are not constant, they have a small audio variation in pitch, on about a two per second rate, as though the sound is being modulated by a type 66 dismal running in the background.


Does anyone else have any comments on the TTS sound, now they have one to listen to? Or is mine a rogue?

The hornby ad, shown on the forums a short while ago, also had only two chuffs per wheel rev.

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Hmmm.... my mate is bringing his loco down soon (not sure what he bought but is probably the DoG) and I will listen again properly to the sounds.

Some folk are having issues, which I believe Hornby said they will attempt fixes for, and as some of you don't like the breakfast or door sounds I will listen closer to those before deciding whether or not to wait and get the 47 when it is brought out.

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The DoG is my first sound loco. Having no experiance with sound and little experiance of model railways, I brought the loco on the basis of the Hornby video. To my inexperianced ears its sounds fine to me with one provisor: If you are using a Select contoller you can only access Functions F0 to F8. thefore only 8 of the 16 available.

Apart from this the other disappointing feature is the tender coupling. Its very flimsy and became completly disengaged from the tender during a minor derailment of the carriage being pulled. Its not a major thing but its disappointing. All my rolling stock and other locos were passed on to me by Dad and they have the "old fashioned" (closed wide steel loop and hook) type coupling. I wonder if any one can advise on a replacement type for the new on DoG?

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Right, I can start giving my own assessment of the TTS Sound DoG I recently bought from my local model shop.

The ice pack concept which would seem to have been introduced recently by Hornby for models such as this, probably copied from Bachmann ones, is definitely much better than previous offerings.

It comes with spare fittings and replacement brass etched name plates.

The first thing I noticed, when I took it out of the box, was how heavy it is. I'm not going to open it up to see what's in there, though. That certainly helps with traction.

I have only set it up on my Elite so far before testing.

It took a 4 digit ID with no problem, 7000 to be prompted by looking at the number plate when working direct from my Elite. Just hope I don't get 70000 "Brittannia" which, on my system of setting 4 digit ID's, would, of course, cause a clash!

The default sound volume setting was 4 out of a range of 0-8, which I found to be too loud for my layout room. I ended up resetting the overall volume control of CV 178 (Quick Set Volume level), although I do know that individual sound function volumes can be altered individually. Bearing in mind that I am slightly mutton, I took it down to 1 which is still plently adequate. I must admit, I did try 0 but, as expected, that just mutes all sound. I might just step up the volume of cylinder drain cocks and blowing off. (I beg your pardon, madam!)

The sounds themselves aren't bad for the price. Chuff acceleration is just a bit noticeably suddenly stepped up and down, but the way you drive it can make the process a bit smoother, with gradual acceleration/deceleration.

The general steam sound is not fantastic but pretty good nevertheless. One restriction, of course, is that it is twin track sound. So, if your loco's in steam, you can't whistle or make any other sound whilst frying your breakfast. I can live with that for the price and the loco itself, if not the breakfast.

Looks very good, although I'm not a rivet counter anyway. Separate bright shiny metal handrails look slightly bulky and could perhaps do with a bit of toning down. There are cab details but no colouring.

What I liked most about this loco was how smoothly it ran (extra weight?), especially over my junction, with no stalling or shorting out.

Overall, a brilliant sound loco for an excellent low price, Hornby.

Now to set it up on RM.............  

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Admin, please note Gerard's post above with regard to Select. I believe there is a need for some advice to be given on how to best run TTS with Select given that you can't access all of the functions, including I think going from chuff to idle being a problem. 

In fact, I think TTS is a good way of highlighting to new users just how limited Select capability is. TTS will likely sell more Elites and eLinks than any other single factor over time. 

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Good report Graskie

Reading your comments I picked up on the following...

1 - Chuff acceleration is just a bit noticeably suddenly stepped up and down, but the way you drive it can make the process a bit smoother, with gradual acceleration/deceleration.

I can't help but wonder how big the difference is between the tortoise and hair setting which Hornby have recommended in the past we use. Also

2 - One restriction, of course, is that it is twin track sound. So, if your loco's in steam, you can't whistle or make any other sound whilst frying your breakfast.

If I read that correctly you get the chuff, then it stops for the whistle or hoot then restarts. Is it really noticable or are the changes more or less running consecutively?

I would have loved one but have just blown £300 on signals, this is the trouble when evrything comes available at once. Christmas present comes to mind (if available) 


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Thanks, PJ.

I'm just testing the DoG performance on my RM.

1 - I haven't tried the tortoise or hare settings yet but will do so.

2 - Sorry, I was trying to say that, if you have 1 sound track for basic sound on, such as steaming (which you really must have), you can only then have 1 more sound at a time on sound track 2, so you can't have basic loco sound on with more than one other simultaneous sound function, eg you couldn't whistle whilst frying your breakfast. If you try that, for instance, the whistle will cut out the frying eggs and bacon which will only recommence once you have whistled. You literally can't have more than 2 (twin) sound functions on at the same time.

Well worth getting one, though, whatever.

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Hi Graskie

Thanks for confirming. I will watch for your comments regarding shunt/cruise speeds and working in RM.

It is interesting what you say about the extra weight, I wonder if they have done this to ensure good traction.  If so I hope they do not reduce ths later.

I would love the DoG, in fact I would love the CoN also but, I am deep in to signalling. Getting the infrastructure right I think. I will find a way to get one or both in time.



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PJ, I answered, "1 - I haven't tried the tortoise or hare settings yet but will do so."

I did that last night but the hare seems to have hopped it and the turtle seems to have lumbered off in my latest version of RM. Probably not a bad thing. I wasn't particularly enamoured of them anyway. I drive my locos like I want to!

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Hi Graskie

The tortoise and hare are still there.

cIn the new look RM, black version, they are replace by single > or double >> Some of the other colour variations still have the old tortoise or hare (no questions please how I know they are old!)

They are called shunt and cruise speeds.

I drive mine how I think best also but I wondered what the effect in sound was from > the tortoise to >> the hare.


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