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Sound for DoG TTS


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Hi I have checked the forum listed but this did not help. However things have moved on since my post. Having run the loco in on a rolling road. I put it on my dcc layout to adjust the CVs. I changed the address to 71 and although I could start the sound the loco would not respond. I set the back to 03 and every thing worked fine. It would appear there is a problem with the decoder not recognising any address other than 03. I will get in touch with Hornby.


Thanks again.

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Chuff and all other sounds works in both directions providing F1 is on and F17 hasn't been toggled to coast, but there is a lag (adjustable) between starting the loco when TTS will blow steam before moving off. 

You can reset the sound part of the decoder by writing value 5 to CV8.

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Things have moved on a little. I have reset the decoder (CV8 data 8) numerous times and have now resolved the issues regarding the decoder not recognising address 71 regarding movement. The current situation is the I can get a reverse chuff but only if I set my Prodigy Advance to 128 Steps. It does not chuff if set to 14 or 28 steps.


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It is a Hornby problem. The sound doesn't work, in reverse, when the decoder is set to 14 or 28 speed steps.

Is it mentioned in the instructions? From the reply by Hornby, it doesn't seem so.

I would suggest upgrading to a modern DCC controller that does more things.

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You're almost right Graskie, it's actually 255 (starts at 0 with all bits at 0 and ends at 255 with all bits 1, giving 256 different numbers). I wondered if anyone would ask this. The thing is you need 8 bits to get to 128 because 7 will only get to 127. Conventional to use 8 bits to a byte anyway and someone at NMRA must have decided 128 steps was more than enough. 

Enough rambling. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am relativley new to railway modelling and I am looking at upgrading my contoller. I have researched several diffent types e.g. Prodigy but I find myself getting more and more confused and uncertain about the correct choice. 

I am at present using a Hornby Select with a 4 amp transformer driving several older type locos, 15 years old, all of them fitted with Hornby decoders fitted proffesionaly by my dealer.

I am also running 3 new locos including the DoG TT loco. Total number of Locos 7.

I have already discovered that the Select has limitations, typicaly I can only acces half the sound options on the DoG!

Can you, or any on the forum, suggest an altrenative to the Select. I.e. Is the Elite ok or would you recommend another within the price range of the Elite, or indeed a cheaper controller. My layout is reasonable small and I dont envisage enlarging it in the near future. 

All advise gratefuly recieved.

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Hi Gerard,

This forum by its nature can only give you advice on hornby offerings.  As you have discovered select has its limitations, particularly evident with sound fitted locos.  The hornby options are the elite which is excellent and will do anything and everything you want (including playing sounds and functions F0 to F28), or an elink but that requires software (railmaster) and a laptop.  If you are not computer literate and don't have a spare laptop then go for the elite, the elite will work by itself and does not preclude you going to computer control with railmaster in the future. Also the learning curve on the elite is quite small if you know the select.  If you are computer literate and fancy going down the road of computer control, elink+railmaster is much cheaper, less than half the price of elite, but the learning curve will be high compared to what you are used to with the select.

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Hi idemarvel,

Many thanks for the advise.

I have all thats required to use railmaster but I'm content at the moment to follow your advise and upgrade to Elite, not least because my layout is far from finished and I don't want to spend to much time on going through the learning curve with railmaster. I would rather spend the time building the layout and running my locos. I will look at running on railmaster when I have completed all the hard wiring and interfacing required to fully automate the layout. 


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I think you've come to a very sensible conclusion, Gerard. I started with an Elite which, as has been said, is far more versatile than the Select, no matter how many amps you have with the latter. RM wasn't available when I bought my Elite but nevertheless was able to be employed in conjunction with it when it did appear. I still sometimes run my layout with just the Elite, or even in addition to RM. It's a combination I never regret having. You can learn a lot from the Elite on its own before going computerised, such as reading and writing CVs, and it is, of course, NMRA compliant, whereas the Select is not.

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I totally agree with Graskie and that is exactly the system I use as well.  The upgrade to Elite will help a lot and you can then go to RailMaster (which I would fully recommend) and it would make your 7 Loco's a lot easier to control.

It would also make it possible, if you wish,  to just sit back and watch them operate themselves under computer control, which I must admit, I find fascinating.

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