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Im just about fed up with this system ready to sling it only had just over a month.

anyone tell me why it wont HANDSHAKE  with my p/c on windows vista.

working fine wed turned off ok turned on  on friday no go been at it all weekend still same 

We use mac p/c at home so E-LINK running on a old hp all on its own 


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hi, ALAN, i am a little confused, are you saying your Elink runs on a pc normally, an HP one on vista. eg, you only run it on one computer. If so, have you upgraded to 1.56. cos if so, all the previous handshake problems have all but disappeared. If you are on 1.56, you need to update, as there are 9 updates, already. Can you confirm you have done all that. If so, and there is still a problem, you need to email Hornby Support, who will take over your pc, and fix it. Never been known to fail. Normally you would make the help request through box on Railmaster. Come back and tell us where you are at. It would be a pity, to walk away from such a good system, when there are so many people, all who have gone through the odd problem, here to help, john

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I mean e-link runs on a windows p/c.    All on its own.   That computer does nothing else.

Yes got all upgrades.  Have been on to hornby we uninstalled and reinsaled.   Still no go.

I have sent to hornby support by the mail link that's on railmaster.

Awaiting a reply.        Just I am getting fed up to back teeth now with this system.

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Alan, email RM Support from within the Help window of RM. This form of contact sends them a lot of your configuration information and gives them a good start into solving your problems.

 They will ask you 3 things for a start, so you may as well check them and be sure of your answers for them. 

Have you installed as administrator?

Has the software updated to the latest v1.56?

Is RM listed as an exception in your virus and firewall software?

They will get you up and running I'm sure. 

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Alan, hi, i am confused again, Hornby Support dont know the meaning of giving up. Was it them that uninstalled and re installed. Once they take over your computer,  they are like a dog with a bone. They have helped so many of us.You have to download Teamviewer 9, so if you have not done so, do it. They then give you a time, for  contact via team viewer, and sort it. That will be the end of your problems. Its not the elink, it will be something in your pc, anti virus, USB admin, something of nothing. Normally is. john

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If you want to download it just google that phrase. You dont actually need the software as when you get to their site you can join/create a session without it - you are then given a password and session code which you pass to HRMS. But there is no harm in downloading the full kit and caboodle, as far as I know. (there is much talk of useless programs slowing machines down). R-

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First up, you don't need to assume RM Support is going to need to log into your machine so you may not need Teamviewer. Just email them from within RM, they will be back very quickly and you can then go with them as needed. John has a slightly different experience to some as he is not normally connected to the Internet so needs to make specific appointments, you may not need to do that. 

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So what's wrong with MS remote access that requires HRMS having to use Teamviewer instead.

Just curious as I've fiddled with other peoples' machines using built in remote access with no difficulties other than making sure the far end had enabled it on their pc.

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This remote access can be achieved in so many ways with so many products or, as you say RAF96, by MS remote access (more precisely, RDC or Remote Desktop Connection).

What it actually boils down to is simple... it's what the user at one end is actually used to using. Sometimes another program will offer more facilities and circumnavigate some issues simple RDC programs cannot handle. On other machines the MS version may be blocked by a server and thus cannot gain outside access.

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