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ver 1.57

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As long as when it arrives it doesn't cause anyone of us to become a patient... with all the bugs and all... sorry Hornby :-) Couldn't resit that one! lol


Looking forward to it though but I wish I knew what was being updated/added? So how do I know I am looking forward to it then? 'Tis a strange life we have been born into...

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RailMaster 1.57 is just a maintenance release fixing a few things in the program and adding a handful of minor things. It will be made available for automatic download imminently.

Definition of imminent - the day after tomorrow and we all know tomorrow never comes.


Hornby - please resist publishing over optimistic estimates when you obviously haven't a hope in hades of meeting them. Let's have something realistic to look forward to. People will live with that, but not la-la statements.

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That wasn't very pleasant RAF. I reckon the only reason HRS made the statement is because you lot keep on like a lot of kids waiting for Santa on Christmas night.


Apologies WTD to each and all. I am under a lot of stress at the moment.


My beer fridge is nearly empty and the only wine in the house is from SWMBO on the subject of 'you are not testing that train stuff again are you'.

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RailMaster 1.57 is just a maintenance release fixing a few things in the program and adding a handful of minor things. It will be made available for automatic download imminently.


Definition of imminent - the day after tomorrow and we all know tomorrow never comes.


Hornby - please resist publishing over optimistic estimates when you obviously haven't a hope in hades of meeting them. Let's have something realistic to look forward to. People will live with that, but not la-la statements.

Hi RAF96,


HRMS did say 1.57 would be available any day and that was 21 October at this link



Now they say imminent.


What do you know that we don't? I know we all get excited when an update is coming, even more so when we are told roughly when to expect it but, I did think your statement is a little strong (this is just my opinion, it is no good getting upset. I don't mean to offend you or anyone else when I say these things).....


Many of us are looking forward to the fixes and hoping they are all included, I think HRMS should have learned their lesson by now, not to build peoples hopes up, so I am expecting 'imminent' as they have said imminent. ;o)


I am frustrated too, I have £600 worth of signals, purchased and installed, but I cannot get them to work correctly until the fixes are done and another 3rd party supplier is added to RM. Other people are frustrated too as they wait for fixes on their issues. Hopefully soon! Hopefully imminent!



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That wasn't very pleasant RAF. I reckon the only reason HRS made the statement is because you lot keep on like a lot of kids waiting for Santa on Christmas night.



Apologies WTD to each and all. I am under a lot of stress at the moment.


My beer fridge is nearly empty and the only wine in the house is from SWMBO on the subject of 'you are not testing that train stuff again are you'.


Sorry RAF I didn't realise the beer fridge was running low. No need to apologise at all. You had good reason to be miffed.

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What? The beer fridge running low? Why? We can't have that!!! That's almost how mutinies start man... so what I do when the fridge is bare of the beer is sneak out my bottle of whisky (Northern Irish) or my miniatures and delve into that...


Now don't go thinking I am a drinker coz I ain't... just thought I'd lighten the moment coz you are all waiting for this update which is imminent. If it's gonna be bug fixes etc as HRMS have stated then so be it. We can't expect major add-ons when we've just had two!!!


So, roll on the bug fixes and let's stop pestering Hornby for them. It's much easier to raid the spare bottles in our train rooms (or the fridge where it's more obvious to SWMBO where she doesn't think you have spares under the top shelf where your locos pull in the supplies).


The good part about having a room stocked with your fav minis is that when you fancy a drop you ain't walking past the telly when the soaps are on and not getting a look that ultimately means the power supply to your trains is about to pulled! lol


Let's remember guys that these bugs have to be researched, worked on, tested and then released and not before... :-)

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I reckon the only reason HRS made the statement is because you lot keep on like a lot of kids waiting for Santa on Christmas night.


24 hours down the line, we have all had time to sleep, and take a little water with whatever we were drinking ;o)




The problem is, I am sure most will agree, we are like little kids with our trains, nothing new, we all know that, Hornby know that.




HRMS said what they did with good intentions, we all know that to but, any day, read to us I am sure... any day now, which without the last word was literally 'any day', from now to eternity. But, having made the statement built up our hopes. Maybe HRMS should have said, 'We are working hard to fix a few small issues, although we are progressing, we need them to be right before we make the v1.57 available. Thank you for your patience.'




Again imminent is a very positive word, without doubt it builds up hopes, if they didn't mean imminent they should word things differently. They know we are excited about these things, it would be sad for them if we weren't. They knew we like a bit of banter on the forum too. HRMS intentions were good, I believe they are so close now, so close the release is imminent ;o)




Thank you HRMS, we know you are doing a great job, we know some of the fixes you are looking into are not straight forward, we also know you are under pressure for many reasons to get it right as quickly as possible. Thank you.





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Hello Ray


Brilliant news. They are working through the issues slowly.


I have not had an email yet so, maybe, maybe not.


The issues I am waiting for are


1 - R, Y, YY, G sequence back down the line in order but, R & G are working in reverse.


2 - CR Signals and SC1 decoder. First signals 3 aspect as we discussed previously, secondly 'feathers' on these signals.


I know the first was hard for them to find but, have confidence they will sort it. The second, I know there was a delay in HRMS receiving the signals and decoder due to the company not recieving HRMS email, with send to address. I know this was sorted in the end and the items were posted to Hornby.


I remain hopeful, I know they are working on the items as a 3rd party supplier but, feathers are so important to many of us. I can see the demand for these growing so hopefully they will get the items in the drop dow list in RM.


Are you still working on your turn table Ray?


I will be out of things from later today until probably mid week, I hope to have my layout uplifted for me today and I can then finalise lighting (separate system) and wire in the sidings signals and 3 aspect signals with feathers I got from CR Signals to the SC1 decoder and to the DCC Bus. I will still pop up/drop in on the forum. Sorry ;-)


I am glad I pushed myself to do these things with my layout, all I want to do now is play ;o)



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Hi PJ,

My turntable works fine. I just got involved in the TT thread when tibrahim posted about his rotating TT icon, and the icon losing sync with the actual TT.


I did read a little Ray


But, with the TT going round and round I thought I was at the Isle of Man. ;o)


I will be watching Formula 1 though, Brazilian GP tomorrow and final race of the season at Abi Dhabi on 23rd.



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When the first update came for 1.56 I started to experience a delay as I know some of you did for my points responding and also trains responding. I have updated as each bug was sorted but still have this annoying delay. Is anyone else still having this prolem and will it be fixed with 1.57?


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When the first update came for 1.56 I started to experience a delay as I know some of you did for my points responding and also trains responding. I have updated as each bug was sorted but still have this annoying delay. Is anyone else still having this prolem and will it be fixed with 1.57?


Hi Let us get back to some serious talk rather than some of the rediculous posts. It is that type of attitude that devalue forums. I still get delays between voice being recognised and command being actually operated. I have found after two restarts of software that all has gone great Not sure if you are talking about voice recognition aspect or just normal use but whatever could be related. RMS are aware but again seem to say not had this problem so I am not sure whether or not they are looking at it as a possible bug or whatever. Hopefully they are and it will do the job. I hope so because voice recognition is brilliant once it all gets linked up. regards Malcom

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When the first update came for 1.56 I started to experience a delay as I know some of you did for my points responding and also trains responding. I have updated as each bug was sorted but still have this annoying delay. Is anyone else still having this prolem and will it be fixed with 1.57?


This has now been fixed for me in the latest rm-setup download by changing an entry in the railmaster.ini file from;




Reset eLink on start=1








Reset eLink on start=2




This essentially seems to trigger the older eLink initialisation routine that we saw pre-1.56. Worth a try.

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When the first update came for 1.56 I started to experience a delay as I know some of you did for my points responding and also trains responding. I have updated as each bug was sorted but still have this annoying delay. Is anyone else still having this prolem and will it be fixed with 1.57?



Hi Let us get back to some serious talk rather than some of the rediculous posts. It is that type of attitude that devalue forums. I still get delays between voice being recognised and command being actually operated. I have found after two restarts of software that all has gone great Not sure if you are talking about voice recognition aspect or just normal use but whatever could be related. RMS are aware but again seem to say not had this problem so I am not sure whether or not they are looking at it as a possible bug or whatever. Hopefully they are and it will do the job. I hope so because voice recognition is brilliant once it all gets linked up. regards Malcom

Hi Malcolm and thanks for your reply. No I am not talking about voice recognition. After the first update to 1.56 I noticed that there was now a delay after throwing a point in RM and it actually changing. Also if I try to stop a train again it does not respond to the command for about 6 seconds.


This did not happen before the update and I noticed other forum members having the same issue, but no one mentions it anymore. Does anyone know where I can get hold of the version before 1.56 as I was happy then?


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When the first update came for 1.56 I started to experience a delay as I know some of you did for my points responding and also trains responding. I have updated as each bug was sorted but still have this annoying delay. Is anyone else still having this prolem and will it be fixed with 1.57?



This has now been fixed for me in the latest rm-setup download by changing an entry in the railmaster.ini file from;





Reset eLink on start=1












Reset eLink on start=2






This essentially seems to trigger the older eLink initialisation routine that we saw pre-1.56. Worth a try.


Thanks for the information, i shall try that tomorrow. Ron

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Well, not so sure why you have to be so forthright over "rediculous posts" when this is just intended to lighten things up a tad. It can't be bad actually because some of these guys have posted comments in their thousands and still seem to get an awful lot of excellent feedback when chatting seriously.


It does not degrade this forum when folk have some banter. Lighten up. It is precisely that type of comment that puts most people off including me. When a thread is getting to a point where time dictates an answer is not forthcoming like here some of us can indeed have a bit fun. It's called life... we're used to it having been around for a while...


No offence intended but if you really don't like this banter just skip it... don't have a surreptitious dig and believe you speak for everyone or at least most and assume that your thoughts are correct. Hope you don't take that the wrong way but if one person spoils it the rest are entitled to say so as long as it is not out of hand.


Take a look at the Tesco hudl thread for more rediculous posts where the content is just as equally serious in the SAME posts...


OK now back to business... :-)

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When the first update came for 1.56 I started to experience a delay as I know some of you did for my points responding and also trains responding. I have updated as each bug was sorted but still have this annoying delay. Is anyone else still having this prolem and will it be fixed with 1.57?



This has now been fixed for me in the latest rm-setup download by changing an entry in the railmaster.ini file from;





Reset eLink on start=1












Reset eLink on start=2






This essentially seems to trigger the older eLink initialisation routine that we saw pre-1.56. Worth a try.





Hi Tried your suggesting today but two problems.

1. In RM the Ini file has no entry for elink?

2. Thought I would simply add the line, but I am not allowed to save the file?


Any ideas? Ron.

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Jailor, one of the problems I had when first joing this elink 'club' was that the railmaster folder was set as read only. this was one of the things that RM support changed on my system - amongst other things - you could check on the attributes of the RM folder and see if yours are lao set to read only?
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Well, not so sure why you have to be so forthright over "rediculous posts" when this is just intended to lighten things up a tad. It can't be bad actually because some of these guys have posted comments in their thousands and still seem to get an awful lot of excellent feedback when chatting seriously.


It does not degrade this forum when folk have some banter. Lighten up. It is precisely that type of comment that puts most people off including me. When a thread is getting to a point where time dictates an answer is not forthcoming like here some of us can indeed have a bit fun. It's called life... we're used to it having been around for a while...


No offence intended but if you really don't like this banter just skip it... don't have a surreptitious dig and believe you speak for everyone or at least most and assume that your thoughts are correct. Hope you don't take that the wrong way but if one person spoils it the rest are entitled to say so as long as it is not out of hand.


Take a look at the Tesco hudl thread for more rediculous posts where the content is just as equally serious in the SAME posts...


OK now back to business... :-)



I agree with you if you can't have a bit of lightness in our lives with are pretty poor human beings I am as serious as the next person but showing a bit of light heartness is good for every one .





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Jailor, one of the problems I had when first joing this elink 'club' was that the railmaster folder was set as read only. this was one of the things that RM support changed on my system - amongst other things - you could check on the attributes of the RM folder and see if yours are lao set to read only?

Cheers Tony.

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