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R3062 D49/Hunt Class Help Needed


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morning all...looking to fit a chip into the tender of my R3062, but cant remove the body of the tender.....the instructions tell you to pull the tender body upwards and away from the chassis....but it wont budge, and i do not want to use too much force.......have tried this site and the hornby you tube channel, but cant find the answer......any ideas anyone....?  cheers

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First off, there is usually a screw near the coupler that has to be removed!

If/as the bodyshell has never been off before, they can be a very tight fit, and maybe an over-bleed of a trace of paint has glued it onto the chassis.

Get out your trusty credit card or a piece of acrylic sheet from the 'window' of a scrap box, and ease it into the gap, and work it all the way around the joint, to break the seal.

Then the shell may tilt off, one end (where the screw was) coming up, and the other end (usually the front) on a moulded hook and slot arrangement.

Don't use a 1" carpenter's chisel or a screwdriver as a lever, you will only break the shell, or stab yourself!

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HSS377 for R3062 clearly shows a chuffing great screw at the front of the tender.


Quite right, I was pointing out that the service sheet also shows the clips or hooks which also hold the top in place even after the fixing screw is removed.

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evening all.....have been out all day, and have come back to see if anyone has answer....1) there is nowt in the instructions that came with the loco, about removing a screw, to remove the tender body, "chuffing" or otherwise...........2) yes, the images in the instructions DO show the position of the 4 locoting tabs for the tender body......HOWEVER, the image shown has the body REMOVED from the tender,,,.........3) the suggestion by 2eod seems to be the most sensible one, so will dig out a piece of plastic nad have another go in the morning.....will let you jnow how i get on

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morning all.....................well still cant get the body off the tender.......have tried to break the seal between the tender body and the chassis as suggested, but to no avail.......have used as much force as i dare, but remain very worried/nervous about breaking or chipping the tender body.

so, there MUST be someone out there with one of these models, that can help me?

otherwise, what chance is there that the administratir will intervene, to help a loyal customer?

we shall see......off to put the kettle on.............Steve

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Hi Steve, yes I have one of these models and have fitted the decoder inside the tender. There are no screws to be undone, the tender cover does clip in with the four clips. I found the most success when removing the cover was to apply sideways pressure on both sides of the tender cover walls with your thumb and finger (towards the bottom of the shell where it joins the chassis) and at the same time pulling upwards. It does take a fair amount of force!!!. I also used a thin plastic sheet and fine jewellers screwdrive to run aroudn the groove to ensure there was nothing holding between the cover and chassis, Its worth also applying a small amount of levering force upwards between the chassis and cover as well. Hope you have success, it will come off.

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hi ozcave bear.....thanks for the help., mucho appreciated................................but STILL cant get the tender body off the chassis...............totally hacked off with this now.....................................goin to leave it again until later in the week.......at this rate the model will soon be outside the warranty period offered by the seller........a certain co based in Margate...........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............................................off to put the kettle on again...

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Hi The_Seagull

In his reply above, ozcavebear refers to 4 clips.  I don't know whether this is relevant to your situation or not but when I have needed to remove a Loco body (I realise that yours is a tender) that is held in place by multiple clips, I have found it essential to ensure that a clip, once undone, does not slip back into the fastened position.  In order to do this, I slip a piece of thin plastic over the clip to prevent it re-attaching.  The thin clear plastic used in some packaging is ideal for this purpose.

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It usually makes things easier if you can click out both clips at one end first, then the other end should rotate about the othe pair of clips and detach. Try to see which end is the best to do this from.

It may be on this model looking at the diagram you could do it one side at a time rather than from the ends.

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good afternoon all......................well, this morning i took the model to my local model shop to ask for help.........explained to Colin the owner, and offered to come back next week............went for a browse of the cabinets in the shop and was soon called back to the counter..........with some skilled use of a blade the tender was off...............Colin fitted a decoder and clipped the tender body back in place.............now thats what i call service.........!!!! .........ordered a blue box loco while in the shop by way of a small thank you, for ending this frustrating saga for me...........will i be buying another Hornby loco.....?........NOT without a great deal of thought..........cheers all..........Steve

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I always say if something is put together it can be taken apart or vice versa. If it's not screwed together it's clipped together. 


Your lucky you had somebody to take it to. Don't think our builders merchant would have been much help. 


I guess you were a bit nervous about removing it in the way you were advised. Think you'll find tenders from all makes of loco are often a clip fit. 

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Or a pneumatic drill or press. I get my wife to stand on things like that, though. It's really effective, especially as I don't think she's particularly fond of my railway, and especially what I've spent on it. She could have had so many more pairs of shoes, dresses, tops etc......

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