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Jimyjames Model Rail/Working Roundhouse/other Railway Videos :)


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Hiya :)

Just Up-loaded a few more Vids to my You-Tube Channel

Goto :- Jimyjames73

or here are a few Direct Links :-)

RoundHouse -

GWR Small Prairies

Midland Compound 1000

Double Sided Coach


Coal Wagon - Opening

Old Railway Way Wagon

Thanks for watching :)

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Well Folks if any of you have been watching my YouTube Channel (Jimyjames73) then you would have known that I have been reviewing G. B. L. C. (Great Briotish Locomotives Collection) & Issue 41 seems to be the last Issue :( Here is the Link :-  

if you want to watch it
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Every 1 :)

I've just re-arranged my YouTube Channel (Jimyjames73) I've made it easier to view my videos, on my Home page - click on where it says Playlists, then after you have clicked on Playlists then you will see 19 categories/playlists, for example :- Model Trains   3D Printer & Build   Monsal Trail   Trains  Cycle Rides   Train Publications. These are just some of the categories/playlists. Please feel free to take a look of what I have done :)

Thanksa in advance


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  • 7 months later...

Hiya 😆

My Latest Video about thje Evening Star,

Here is the link for it :-

or goto my Youtube Channel :- Jimyjames73, then click on Playlists, then click on "Model Trains + Railway Simulator"

Then look for :- Opening The Evening Star Class 9F - Hornby Model - On Board Camera

which will be at the bottom of the list.

Thank you in advance



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Can you repaint a class 66 into BR Green and name it Evening Star. Then make a video of that!


Class 66 is a Diesel & not a Steam Engine like the Evening Star was/is, & I I'm not sure what your saying P.P.

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Hi Jimyjames,


I've just moved your two latest posts to this thread. As we discussed last time we spoke, please just update this thread when you release a new video.

Sorry I'd compley had forgotten about this thread & didn't realise that it stilll exsisted!!!

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Class 66 is a Diesel & not a Steam Engine like the Evening Star was/is, & I I'm not sure what your saying P.P. 


Only suggesting that you could do a comparison between the 2 "Evening Star"s, the 9F and the class 66. The last one has just entered traffic in GWR lined green and named Evening Star. She's already been offered to the NRM at the time she is withdrawn.

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I often wondered if there were many locos with the same name or if swapping names and numbers was common.


I know that aircraft can be reregistered time and again with new IDs, but no two would have that reg at the same time.


The reason I ask is that I want all the locos in my 'RAF' fleet to have the same last three numbers and the same name, odd as that may seem.


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In days of steam locos with the same name were uncommon, although not unknown. Normally it would be where locos from different pre-1948 happened to have the same name. Sometime the same name could be used again, after the original was scrapped, such as 'North Star', 'Lord of the Isles' . The GWR also changed the name of a number of 'Castles' for Earls (off the Dukedogs) and RAF aircraft.


The LNER didn't normally rename, apart from the A4s and the B17.


The LMS had a 'Jubilee' named 'Britannia' and this was renamed when the Standard pacific was similarly named. The new name was 'Amethyst' after the RN frigate trapped up the Yangse river by the Chinese.


My list is not a full list, merely an illistration


BRs non-steam naming policy was a right old mixture of names. Some of these were carried only for a short time, although the loco possibly named again (different name)


Hope this has been of interest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 In days of steam locos with the same name were uncommon, although not unknown. Normally it would be where locos from different pre-1948 happened to have the same name. Sometime the same name could be used again, after the original was scrapped, such as 'North Star', 'Lord of the Isles' . The GWR also changed the name of a number of 'Castles' for Earls (off the Dukedogs) and RAF aircraft.

The LNER didn't normally rename, apart from the A4s and the B17.

The LMS had a 'Jubilee' named 'Britannia' and this was renamed when the Standard pacific was similarly named. The new name was 'Amethyst' after the RN frigate trapped up the Yangse river by the Chinese. 

My list is not a full list, merely an illistration

BRs non-steam naming policy was a right old mixture of names. Some of these were carried only for a short time, although the loco possibly named again (different name)

Hope this has been of interest.


Very much of interest PP.

I missed your reply due to travel and duff internet connxn, but eventually found where I asked the question.

thanks Rob

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  • 3 weeks later...

 In days of steam locos with the same name were uncommon, although not unknown. Normally it would be where locos from different pre-1948 happened to have the same name. Sometime the same name could be used again, after the original was scrapped, such as 'North Star', 'Lord of the Isles' . The GWR also changed the name of a number of 'Castles' for Earls (off the Dukedogs) and RAF aircraft.

The LNER didn't normally rename, apart from the A4s and the B17.

The LMS had a 'Jubilee' named 'Britannia' and this was renamed when the Standard pacific was similarly named. The new name was 'Amethyst' after the RN frigate trapped up the Yangse river by the Chinese. 

My list is not a full list, merely an illistration

BRs non-steam naming policy was a right old mixture of names. Some of these were carried only for a short time, although the loco possibly named again (different name)

Hope this has been of interest.


Very much of interest PP.

I missed your reply due to travel and duff internet connxn, but eventually found where I asked the question.

thanks Rob

The GWR did quite a bit of renaming. The preserved Castle number 5051 Earl Bathurst was originally Dryslwyn Castle. Later on the name Dryslwyn Castle was used on 7018. I believe the most transfered/reused name was Ogmore Castle being carried by 3 locos 5056 (later Earl of Powis), 5080 (Defiant) and lastly7035. Of course there were the GWR Counties 4-4-0 and 4-6-0 types. However the GWR avoided using the same names at the same time and ever renamed locos with similar names for example a number of Stars carried King Names, 4021 British Monarch was originally King Edward. Notably these "Kings" did not carry a roman numeral within their names they were just simply "King Edward". Interestingly when first renamed it was "The British Monarch".

Also there was a GWR Evening Star, number 4002 which waswithdrawn in 1933

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  • 2 months later...

Hiya Every one :)

When back in 2008 when I joined YouTube, I didn't know how to edit video, so for the 4 or 5 years, they had some akeward silences in them, but in the last few months I've discovered how to use the Youtube Editor, so now I can now edit out them - to get rid of those awkward silences!!! Also in the last few days I discovered how to join 2 videos videos together so that there is no more of "Part A" & "Part B" Videos - instead, I'll just join them up to make 1 video instead of 2 video of Part A & Part B!!!

All I need now is to make a fancy title screen to make my vids perfect - but I'm not sure how to do that :(

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 BRs non-steam naming policy was a right old mixture of names. Some of these were carried only for a short time, although the loco possibly named again (different name)


When the HSTs first appeared, someone in a railway magazine suggested naming each end after a celebrity pair e.g. Laurel & Hardy, Morecambe & Wise

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  • 1 month later...

Hiya 😆

I've got 2 new vids for you to watch - 1st 1 is a ride on my Fowler Class 2P '44' (here is the link :-

 ) which you saw me unbox & test - also as b/c the Midland Compound is a very simular Engine to the Fowler (the Class 2P) I thought I'd give them a race to see which 1 is the fastesrt :)

Click Here to see them race :-

Thanks in advance :)

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If you want to race things, Jimmy, go for a Scalextric set!

Yes, I know that the 'Big Four' used to race trains, but most of them ended up in the workshop afterwards, with wrecked bearings, etc.

Well I've had my Model railway since I was about 8 to 10 years old & I've got Scalextric since I was about 12 years old

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