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Unable to install Elink Driver on new Windows 10 laptop, please help?

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Here are the release notes for 1.62 beta:

Hornby RailMaster 1.62 Release Notes - August 2015 =============================================

The latest release of RailMaster is a maintenance release. 

This update continues to make RailMaster more robust and reliable.


> +Minor enhancements and bug fixes - a couple outstanding to be resolved for the next update

> +Loco decoders added: Gaugemaster, ZIMO, Lenz, Train$ave, SoundTraxx, MyLocoSound, LaisDCC

> +Added Littfinski accessory decoders

> +Pro-Pack unlock code now shown on About screen with main RailMaster and hand-held keys

> +Improvements made to Repeat .. End Repeat program command accuracy

> +Current as well as registered email address on key reset request form in case they are different

> +Movement/resizing cursor added to button bar to avoid miss-hitting buttons

> +When "All" locos selected from groups, group name shown on loco name (tooltip)

> +Added Railmaster.ini command "Double pulse=0" to send single pulses to point motors

> +Printing CVs list only prints those with read values

> +Improved RailMaster networking (PCs)

> +Allows right-click on mark all button to un-mark program lines for testing

> +Checks for time missing on program lines when saving and warns user

> +Program screen auto-scrolls when moving line up/down beyond top/bottom

> +You can now select a block of program lines to mark/un-mark for test running in program editing

> +Added & profiled locos: R1169 Tornado, R3169 Olton Hall, R3170 Adderley Hall, R3287 Class 47 TTS

> +Added passing loop track plan sample for Pro-Pack users

> +Tested on several hardware platforms with Windows 10

> +Guides in all languages updated for version 1.62


Well this tells us... not a lot about problems reported being fixed i.e. Signal issues


Unless this statement is another stalling point?


> +Minor enhancements and bug fixes - a couple outstanding to be resolved for the next update


If this is the case it would seem, due to the number of people to install signalling are few, Ray and myself and a few others, they are not as important. Even though 10 months has passed since RM included signals in their program and recommended as they are the easiest to program!  It would also appear to me that many have avoided signals in depth due to the problems experienced by Ray and myself. 


I like Hornby, I like RM, I have been excited about LD, but if these signal issues have run on for 10 months and are still not fixed!!! It doesn't give anyone faith in the company regarding any new items or systems launched in the future.


As mentioned earlier, it is important I think, not to jump to conclusions at this stage, but to wait for the RM 1.62 update to be made available.

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Pj, i have commented on other thread. but as i said to Ray, its a shame, but it would appear, there are other priorities for Hornby. john


Priorities or pressures John?


Priorities are, get right what was done before moving on.


Pressures are, we have to make money!


But pressures will affect priorities until priorities are pressures and have to be sorted out.


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Pj, sure, could be pressures, but whatever it is the 2 signals guys on this forum, will be no further forward. john


Sadly because of all the issues Ray and myself have experienced many members have chosen not to add signals to their layouts, certainly not the 3 and 4 aspect ones or in any quantity. I invested in almost 30 signals between November last year and February this year, it is now September, it is now extremely frustrating. 


It is not just that they do not work as they should back down the line, it is as Ray says, holding us up moving forward with planning the running of our layouts as we would have hoped.


Would they be happy to buy a car and find 10 months down the line the indicators still do not work correctly?  

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PJ_Model_Trains - with respect, the problem you are having, which has been reported by only one other user, is not the same as a car not having indicators.  Indicators are a fundamental part of the way a car works so this analogy is unfair.  The problem you are having is a detailed one, only apparent when you get deeply into signal relaying around a layout.  It does not stop RailMaster users from using signals: two, three or four aspect.  It does not stop users from relaying signals against points and vice-versa and it does not affect the operation of signals normally.  What you are wanting to do with signals is detailed and most users would not go that far.  If you want to use cars as an analofy it is more like automatic headlights which do not come on and go off automatically but have to be operated manually.  Many would see this as a minor issue - however we take all issues seriously.

Having said that, the fact is that we built this functionality into RailMaster and therefore it is important that it works, just as it is also important that, having built in support for multi-aspect signals, we also build in a database of signals from other manufacturers such as Traintronics and Signalist, not just Train-tech, which is exactly what we are doing.  This is all linked together and a major undertaking.

You must realise that this recent Windows 10 driver bug debacle has wasted an incredible amount of time here and we have had to do a great deal of work in RailMaster and on the eLink firmware to get around this bug that was introduced by Microsoft and not ourselves.  This affected many more users than the detailed multi-aspect signalling issue and so surely must take priority.  We have worked day and night for several weeks on this and this has paid off with users reporting that our solution is working.

We are not ignoring your issue however we have to prioritise.  If this Windows 10 issue had not beed introduced you would have had your fix some time ago.  The fact is that the next update (1.62) is now primarily a Windows 10 driver bug fix and also contains a few other items that we had already finished before the Windows 10 bug became apparent.  Once 1.62 is out, we will be working to finalise those things we could not finish in time and package them into 1.63 in early course.  This will include your signalling issue.  We may need to contact you to test what we are doing as this is not just a signalling fix from your point of view, but more.

We are sure that the vast majority of users will fully understand the situation and agree with what we are doing.  You must bear in mind that there is a small development team responsible for RailMaster's development and support and producing this software is a very expensive process (which is why no other model railway manufacturer has produced anything like RailMaster).  We do not have the resources of a Microsoft, who can put out a major new operating system release and not really concern itself with the small number of users with packages such as RailMaster, so we must take control of the situation and provide a solution rather than wait for them.  

We are committed to making everything built into the software now and in the future work and work well.


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HRMS I am certain all the effort you have put into sorting the W10 issues is well appreciated by all those like me affected. I can now use RM on the excellent W10 allbe it still with the slow load issue. I have tried many things to resolve this but with no success. I think a trip to my local computer expert is in order to find where the confict is. However a suggestion. How about a fixed post that list outstanding issue and possible resolution time scale. Knowing what is happening even if it going to be a long time is good.



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Nicely put HRMS - once again putting everything into context for us (well, those that needed it anyway). As I have said before I am happy to wait. This is a great hobby, and RM is a great product. Lets enjoy ourselves. R-

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 How about a fixed post that list outstanding issue and possible resolution time scale. Knowing what is happening even if it going to be a long time is good.


Agree with that GWR, their efforts over many hours are indeed appreciated. I have also taken up HRMS resources on W10/Elite issues and we are working our way through them (slowly - for all the reasons they have just posted elsewhere). Also the listing I think would be helpful on at least two counts. One, the purpose you give and the other that there would then be a single point of reference for folk wishing to report an issue being able to see if it is already in hand. R-

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@hornby RailMaster Support


Thank you for your reply, it is really appreciated. So also is the work that you are doing, I have never doubted that for a minute but, the frustration lies in the fact we had not had an update, Ray and myself where expecting signals to be fixed in the next update because we had not been told any different and that the update was 'coming soon'.


I accept everything you have said above except to say, your comments in reply emphasise Windows 10 more or less as the reason you have not fixed the signal issues, putting this in prospective from the tests early in the year and from the update in March to RM 1.61, five months have passed. Windows 10 issues which everyone would agree is not your fault, had to be prioritised,  but these are  recent issues, after the five months the faults could have been fixed or at least an update confirming the reason for the delay. I say that, as you yourselves did say the update was 'coming soon' and no word that signals issues previously mentioned would not be fixed.


Putting all that aside I confirm, as everyone else, we do appreciate everything you are doing, we are aware of Windows 10 issues, we are aware these issues are not your fault and we all agree they had to be prioritised and fixed.


Now, moving on. I thank you for taking time to reply, I thank you for confirming although RM 1.62 will not have the fixes I hoped for, you have at last taken time to reassure us of your concern in the matter and that it will be dealt with once RM 1.62 with Windows 10 fixes is out of the way.


I always try see both sides of any issue, as explained above, I hope you too can also see things from our side, we were not updated until we complained, six month has passed, we were expecting the issues to be fixed this time as we have not been told anything to the contrary,  so it was, as we were left to believe 'coming soon'. Had communication followed on all this would have been avoided. 


I thank you again for taking time to write and update us of the issues and what to expect regarding the signal problems. I accept the reason for the wait, I accept the issues are more than just a simple change of aspect on one signal and I am sure the issues will be fixed as you have confirmed so. As before I confirm I am happy to test alongside you anything you ask to help resolve the problems. I am not sure I agree with your comment regarding most people will not set the signals as Ray and myself have, in line with the system used on live railways systems, some will not that is for sure, but I personally think as people progress with their layouts and with LD when it comes, linked to discussions on the forum, many more people will want to have their signals work correctly back down the line.


I like RM, I think you have done a great job so far, I accept the last update bringing in signals and many other items was a major one and has taken RM steps forward, it will take the system forward even more by the time we get to RM 1.63 with the signal fixes back down the line and with LD, by then you really should have a system that should become a market leader. We look forward to being part of that and being able to sing your praises.


Thank you again for your reply


Kind regards



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Good post, PJ.


Thank you RDS, but I wasn't looking for credit.


The key is 'communication' or shall I say 'continued communication'


One can say, and it has been said, be patient. But the game changes as time runs on. We can all be patient if we know the facts, good or bad. Sadly the situation changed following the words 'coming soon' or similar, as soon as this is said it has created a sense of expectancy, it created hope, not just for additions to the system but 'fixes' to our problems, but then as time runs on 'coming soon' becomes frustrations, then increased frustrations.


We all know HRMS haven't been sat on their butts doing nothing, we also know staff will have taken summer holidays, it all adds to their pressures and probably without realising, even prior to Windows 10 issues, time ran on, their pressures increased , it happens it is life.


At least RM 1.62 has now been launched, Windows 10 fixes hopefully have sorted peoples issues out, at last we have received an update, we now know they hadn't time to sort signal issues in this update, but are going to work on it in for the 1.63 update. We do not know when that is coming, but we have their word they are working on it, yes frustrating, yes stopping us working on things we would like to work on but at least we know so can adjust. Ray and myself are available to test any bug fixes they have to check if the issues are fixed, my layout should be back down in the next week but other than that we are ready. The most important part, I think, is that we have now been informed, we can move forward, everyone will have learnt something.


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  • 3 years later...

29th September 2018. Have built a layout for grandson using the Elink from the "Western Master" set. I too can not install driver(s) on a new "ish" (not pgraded) windows 10 laptop. Have wasted days initially trying to find out why the loco won't run, and finally realising that there is a driver issue! It is obviously a W10 isusse, because although the driver can be downloaded, it won't "install" because the "certificte" has either not been signed, or not "recognised".

Even tried the ELITE v1.44 download, as aparently the Elite and Elink share the same driver.However, for the Elite upgrade, there is a specific task to perform which can't be done on the Elink!

The problem for me, is the downloads available all seem to be updates from previous O/S, there does not seem to be any downloads specifically for a new W10 installation?

I don't see the CDC S-323 OR the "R2134 Hornby Elite" (not that I would expect too) notifications mentioned in the installion guide.

Please Help!

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As you have discovered, you are trying to install the wrong driver. The "R8214 Hornby Elite (eLink)" driver is for Windows XP and Windows Vista and won't work on Windows 10. Which is why the Windows 10 system is rejecting the driver 'certificate'.


PS - I assume your reference to R2134 is a typo, the Elite is R8214


To resolve this, you will need to remove any Hornby driver files that might have already been installed so that 'plug n play' can re-detect the eLink when you attach the eLink as a new device. Then install the Microsoft USB Serial driver that 'plug n play' can download from the Microsoft online driver repository. Note there is no easily identifiable file that you can download on the MS site that will perform a manual driver installation, it is best done through 'plug n play'.


Once you have got to the stage where the eLink is being detected as a new device and you get some form of dialogue regarding driver installation then follow the instructions given by me in this previously posted reply. Initially follow the steps in my post (3rd one down on the page). Note that some additional clarity is added in my second post on the page (6th post down).




Important Note for clarity: When during 'plug n play', you are offered an option to navigate to the driver file to install. DO NOT navigate to ANY files that are installed on your PC by RailMaster OR located on a RailMaster CD OR any files that you have manually downloaded etc. You MUST choose the option that makes the driver installer search online for driver files on the Microsoft located servers. I suspect that this is the step where you were previously going wrong with the Windows 10 eLink driver installation.


Note that the instructions in the link above were written for the Elite. This is not an issue. When reading and following the instructions just substitute each reference to the Elite with eLink. They both use the SAME Microsoft 'USB Serial Port' driver and the installation process is identical. Note that when the driver is correctly installed there will not be any reference to Hornby/Elite/eLink in the Control Panel 'Device Manager' Window. The correct driver is a generic Microsoft 'USB Serial Port' one. Also note that the post in the link above was written as part of a tutorial guide for updating the Elite firmware. Thus the references to running the Elite firmware updater software can be ignored as you are only interested in the initial driver installation part of the written guide.


Once you get the correct Microsoft driver installed, there is still more initial setting up to do. You will probably need to amend your 'railmaster.ini' file to ensure that the correct eLink / Windows 10 entries are added. If you don't, you are likely to have ongoing communication issues between eLink and RailMaster.


The 'railmaster.ini' file is also covered on the AC RailMaster Help Site (see further below). But can also be reviewed here in another one of my previous forum replies (2nd one down on the page):




Ignore the instructions given in the Hornby 'driver.pdf' document. They are not well written and very misleading to the novice. Probably why you are going round in circles if you have been using that particular installation guide document.


As well as my instructions given in the clickable links above. The full Windows 10 RailMaster (eLink/Elite) driver installation process is documented in a 'step by step' tutorial with screen shots of each step on AC's 'RailMaster Help Site'. The link to this site is located in the 'sticky post' of the same name at the very top of the RailMaster sub-forum. Note that to see the screen shots, you have to click the icon embedded in the descriptive text to open an image pop-up window.


PS - It is pointless using files in the Elite 1.44 firmware download, they are of no use to you whatsoever. Again those files are for Windows XP and Vista.


Once you get to the state where your RailMaster software installation recognises and communicates with your eLink controller. Then you are halfway there. The next series of tasks involve configuring the RailMaster software to represent your model railway layout (track plan) and setting up the loco roster database to represent your fleet of locos. But guidance on 'How To' perform these tasks can be given as answers to future questions that you might raise. I have tutorial guide posts already existing on this forum that I can provide links to if needed. These tasks are also covered further on AC's RailMaster Help Site. If you do need further guidance on these tasks, then please start a completely new thread with your question in the RailMaster sub-forum. Rather than adding the question on the end of this unrelated thread.


All the Hornby documentation was originally written for Windows XP and Vista. In all honesty it could do with a complete re-write to make it more relevant to Windows 10 (that includes the RailMaster application itself as well, as that was also written for XP / Vista using the now obsolete Microsoft Visual Basic version 6).


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  • 2 months later...

I have just joined the forum and have exactly the same problem as abovE. I have a Microsoft Surface with windows 10. Installed RM software okay, but the pdf refers only to eLite and Windows versions below 10. 

I had got the Select and thought that I would upgrade straight to the eLink, as this appeared to be top of the range. But clearly not, as the thread above is from 2015. I am here at the end of 2018, and the problem is still clearly not resolved. 

Can anyone advise me what to do or where how I can get some decent documentation and drivers specifically for Windows 10?

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Welcome to the forums Js.  Yes it was a problem in 2015, now it’s not. See Chris’s post two up for full details and my suggestion above for the order to get correct ini file entries. Note the solution is interchangeable for eLink and Elite. 


PS.  Just beat Chris to it, see his over. 

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The Elite and the eLink use exactly the SAME drivers in Windows 10. Follow my instructions for the Elite and substitute any Elite reference with eLink as you read them.


EDIT: Just to be super clear. I have pasted the relevant instructions from 'my linked previous posts' below and edited the text for the eLink.


Ideally, the eLink driver should have been installed BEFORE you installed the RailMaster software.....too late for that now. When you DID install RailMaster. DID YOU right click the installer and choose 'Run as administrator'?


If you didn't, then you may experience problems. If you didn't, then all is not lost, search and find the "railmaster.exe" file. Right click it, choose 'Properties' and then tick the 'Run as administrator' check box.


The PC needs to be connected to the Internet for Windows to install the eLink driver. Windows 10 has to download the driver from the Microsoft driver server. Just plug the eLink into the PC and it should be detected via 'Plug 'n' Play'. If 'Plug n Play' isn't invoked, then try a different USB port. However that said, the installation process is not 100% automatic. You will need to make the correct option choices in pop up menus and such like.


For example:


The installation of the eLink driver is a two stage process. The initial 'Plug 'n' Play' part should place the following "CDC RS232 Emulation Demo" entry in 'Windows Device Manager'.




Right click the "CDC RS232 Emulation Demo" entry and choose "Update Driver Software"




Then in the next popup window choose "Search automatically for updated driver software".


Follow any on screen prompts and the "CDC RS232 Emulation Demo" entry should disappear to be replaced by "USB Serial Port (Com x)" where x is the assigned com port number in the device manager "Ports (COM & LPT)" section.


You will need to make a note of this com port number for later, where you need to enter this number in the RailMaster system settings screen. This number is recommended to be less than 5 (typically 3 or 4). Problems have been known to arise where the allocated com number is 5 or above.


Once the Microsoft USB Driver is installed and detected by the RailMaster software. That is to say that the COM number assigned in Windows Device Manager matches the COM number you choose in the pull down box in the RailMaster 'System Settings' screen.


Then check the 'railmaster.ini' file to ensure the most appropriate eLink entries are in it. Many newbies just accept eLink communication issues as being the norm, because they have not been advised otherwise and know no different. So if you have any problems whatsoever regarding communication issues between your eLink and RailMaster, then check your .INI file. Even if you have not observed any issues, then it is still worthwhile carrying out this recommended .INI file check.


You open the .INI file editor by clicking the bluish COG icon in the RM 'Help Screen'. Follow on screen prompts to open the editor. Since you are using Windows 10 then ensure that these two lines are at the very bottom of the file as the last two entries:


Alternative comms=1

Check controller=1


Type them in if missing, or delete them if existing higher up the file and retype them at the end of the file, then save the changes, close and re-open RM to ensure the changes take effect.


Once the eLink is working with RailMaster....ALWAYS use the SAME USB port each time you run RailMaster. If you chop and change the USB port you use, RailMaster can lose communication with your eLink.


TIP: I write long posts. If you intend to write a reply, it would be appreciated if you didn't use the 'White Arrow in Blue Box' button. This is not a 'Reply to this post button. It is best to write any reply you want to make in the 'Reply Text Box' at the very bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write will be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.

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