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Everything posted by Bulleidboy

  1. Well here it is. https://flic.kr/p/2aXoQ2o https://flic.kr/p/MgMqZr
  2. I suppose it is my latest acquisition, but the Hornby Club 0-4-0 is due to arrive this morning between 9.50am and 10.50am. BB
  3. Hi WTD - I think it is correct - they were a strange shape and mounted at a slight angle. BB
  4. Hi Al - I have one of the those (FS) when it was R2441 and was the Hornby NRM model - they produced one every year. Tony Wright in one of the monthly mags., described it as the best model he'd ever seen. This was the 2005 NRM model - and mine has never "ever" been out of its box. BB PS. Back on track - the new Brighton Belle Coach Pack arrived yesterday.
  5. The question has been answered in another posting, stating that the headcodes are not illuminated at all - so don't worry about directional, despite what is said by Hornby in the special features this set has. This is disappointing.
  6. A couple of Maunsell Coaches R4345A and R4348B - I need to replace R4348B for R4349A. The new R4871 Brighton Belle coach Pack is in the post - that was an impulse buy!
  7. Surely it would tell you in the instructions whether two decoders were required?
  8. Hornby R4349B Maunsell Brake new from ebay. Awaiting delivery of R4349A and R4345A. This should give me Set 201 - Waterloo to Weymouth. First Blood and Custard coaches on the layout - I thought a bit of colour was needed!
  9. Thanks for that Caiptean. I run trains so rarely (I spend more time on scenery), the back-to-back dimensions are something I've never checked. I'll check them out and it will be an excuse to buy the appropriate gauge. Many thanks.
  10. Hi mjb - To be absolutely honest I was a collector before I built a layout, so at the moment all of my M/N's are still in their boxes - I have twenty four. However, one similar loco that I do run is the Hornby West Country Crewkerne, and the front bogie has started to derail when passing over points - it's on the layout all the time, but does not move to often. I use Code 75 track which may be the problem. The Hornby Bulleid Pacifics have been around since 2000 - they were described as "super detail" which they were at the time, but I'm not sure if the earlier ones had a deeper profile on the wheels which allows them to "ride-up" at the smallest iregularity in the track. Sorry not to be of much help. BB
  11. Hi, I have the three loco's you mention, but would be interested in knowing the difference in the five Hornby Rebuilt Clan Lines. I know some Hornby M/N's had cab windows closed and some had one open. I have to say I've never looked that hard enough to see whether the Firebox Door was flatter than on other models. BB
  12. Hi PP I think they were fitted once it was preserved. Could find no pictures of it in pre 1967 service with the flashes.
  13. Same here although the rebuilt version (like Port Line) has electrification flashes which I suspect weren't fitted to these two during steam days.......... So maybe a cull is needed! 😆 Clan Line has been available is various forms, analogue, DCC Ready and DCC Fitted over a number of years - I probably have all three (and more!) - did it have the electrification flashes on all versions? I'll check my stock. BB
  14. I have both versions of Clan Line - original form and rebuilt. I actually prefer the rebuilt version. It was introduced by Hornby in 2000 - so it has been around for some time. They are superb loco's. BB
  15. I can't really see that the late delivery should cause any "inconvenience" to anyone. They will arrive when they arrive. It will be interesting to see though when the 2018 Club model does arrive, what the 2019 model will be?
  16. I think I might be classed as a "sniper" - I never put a bid in until there are a few seconds left. If before the end of the auction the price is higher than I'm prepared to pay I don't bother. Some of the "sniping" software used to almost guarantee you a win, but if several were using this software someone has to lose. I really can't see the point of bidding a pound a time weeks before the auction is due to end. Just mark it as "watching" and don't forget.
  17. https://flic.kr/p/21uL21Z Sorry to post this again, but there was a question under "Forum and Website Feedback" about posting videos - to which the answer was you could not, and it would not let me post this video, but it has allowed me to to do it here!
  18. Is it possible for you to push the loco over the point and see where this problem occurs? I have found in the past that the front coupling (the bit that hangs down), struck the top of the point rod - the one that is vertical up through the board and through the tie bar. Although, thought to have been cut off flush, there was just a bit which caught the coupling - the loco usually stopped dead in its tracks.
  19. I can also confirm that it does not have the electrification flashes. BB
  20. He's alive and well on another "channel"! I will of course pass on your kind regards.
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