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Everything posted by Bulleidboy

  1. My modelling era is a very flexible "1948 - 1968" - so no concerns. However the loco is unlikely to run on my layout - may be a quick photo opportunity, but that'll be it.
  2. It would appear that M/N Class 35030 Elder Dempster Line has arrived. Looks like an expensive month!
  3. I don't see Kernows producing more sets of the Gate Stock - and I have 363 & 373. However, with Hornby you never know when a particular "train pack" may be produced. I'd like a Birdcage set, but I'm also running out of storage space! Then of course the new Bulleid coaches might arrive by the end of the year.
  4. The H Class and Pull/Push Cariages - Set 602 looks nice. I'm told mine will arrive tomorrow. That will mean there are now eight sets of Pull/Push carriages in my collection. I really need a bigger layout - sadly it will never happen.
  5. According to a couple of emails just received from Hornby - the Wainwright H Class Train Pack has arrived and on it's way. An H Class loco and a Pull/Push set - Set No.602.
  6. I might buy a length when I get back home. At that price it might be worth experimenting with.
  7. This is what I'd seen on ebay. www.ebay.co.uk/itm/6-X-Detailed-Model-Railway-Retaining-Wall-With-Aches-For-HO-OO-Length-1-M-Gray/222526183392?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Looks a bit rough, but then retaining walls often were.
  8. Thanks for confirming the retaining wall was Bachmann. I have about ten feet of Metcalfe retaining wall - it would be an expensive episode to replace it all. I have seen some plaster retaining wall on ebay which is not expensive - it might be worth buying one and seeing how it comes out - decisions.
  9. It's a very simple job. Two lengths of copper tape stuck on the back of the arches, with two pieces of wire soldered to the tape (-/+) at one end which then drop below the board to a power supply (in this case 3v), and then the LED's were placed in a gap above each arch and soldered to the copper tapes. The LED's are about 1mm sq. and came from ebay - about £5 for twenty - prewired. I'm not joking, the whole job took about ten minutes.
  10. You have to have passengers - here they are arriving at Wykeham. https://flic.kr/p/ZhqPiG I like your retaining wall Caiptean, is it Bachmann? The Metcalfe kit is ok, but it looks too new, and no texture. I have dirtied mine up a bit using charcoal dust applied with a broad paint brush - but a change is possible - https://flic.kr/p/25BpATB I did add LED lights to the arches in the fiddleyard retaining wall, but this was my layouts novelty item - the bulbs have now had a dab of yellow paint and are powered through a voltage regulator, so they can be toned down - https://flic.kr/p/XHAq8F
  11. I know what it's like negotiating with SWMBO - after three years of negotiating and pro-longed discussions, SWMBO has agreed that the door to my railway room will be re-hung to open out onto the landing rather than into the room. It has been standing on the landing for the last six months, and she got fed up with seeing it there. So when I get back from holiday it will be one of the first jobs.
  12. It's looking good m_duck - I'm envious of the space you have available. Do you have blinds in the conservatory? They can get very warm.
  13. I may have posted this one before https://flic.kr/p/21uL21Z
  14. The branch-line station on my layout - Manydown. https://flic.kr/p/FF7j8d https://flic.kr/p/FF7htb https://flic.kr/p/HHEnZR An old disused wagon on the exit from the fiddle yard https://flic.kr/p/24Uhe6x
  15. I don't think the number on the loco has anything to do with the year. The two models released when the Queen was eighty in 2006 was numbered 80, for her Diamond Jubilee in 2012 the loco was No.60. As Sarah said, the 2002 (R2304) GWR (looking!) was numbered 101, and a similar loco in 2007 (R2665) was numbered 328. The last club loco (with membership) was in 2014 - it was a BR Pug (R3292) and numbered 56011. I recall a tank wagon was offered in the very early days of the free model, but as I recently threw all of my "The Collector" (from Edition One) Magazines away I cannot check. I do have a list of the free models from the year 2000. Many of the loco's are available on eBay for about the cost of your Club membership.
  16. I think it's on there twice Brian - that's asuming you would require two?
  17. Currently on ebay - Buy it Now - Hornby R537 00 Gauge Lineside Fencing - £563.29
  18. https://flic.kr/p/21uL21Z Turning a West Country Class
  19. Currently under construction the Wills Island Platform Shelter (SS78). You can see the real thing at Clapham Junction. All parts are now painted. One small problem - this is designed to sit under the Wills Canopy (SS54), and all of my canopy's are Ratio. I'm building this first, as Platforms 3-4 do not, as yet, have a canopy. I will build the Ratio canopy, hopefully with some minor modifications to fit over the shelter - fingers crossed. Also branchline platform which has the Bachmann Scenecraft Shillingstone Station building on it, has been extended so that the Shillingstone Parcels Office can be used ( it's been sitting in the cupboard for months). Currently all stock barring a Class 08 and gaurds van, have been removed from the layout. There was a lot of dust accumulating, and as I haven't run any loco's for a while, the track needs a really good clean. So for a short time all services are suspended!
  20. If you were after hard copies - ebay is the best bet.
  21. Thanks for that posting FB together with the link. My second signal was only bought three months ago, and still said "AC supply" - it is a "southern signal" so cannot really be classed as "old stock", but good to see Dapol have updated there instructions. BB
  22. I would add that my Dapol Semaphore signal is powered by a 6v 300mA DC suppy - it works perfectly.
  23. Chrissaf - I would be the last person to comment on your wiring diagrams, but just thought I would mention that DCC Concepts set up a test rig for the operation of a Dapol Semaphore signal in conjunction with the Cobalt Digital iP point motor - this posting has nothing to do with the point motor - but they found the signal worked perfectly with DC power up to 12v, and that 3v-9v was a good conservative supply - they used 5v DC on their test rig. You may be aware there were numerous problems with the signals. DCC Concepts said they would never use AC power with these signals. Very surprisingly Dapol's instructions still say 16v AC to power the signal - well it did on one I bought recently. BB
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