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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. You said there are pickups on all wheels but two have traction tyres. Bit unusual to have pickups on these as they are insulated from the track. Are they making the noise perhaps?
  2. Definitely sounds like the wheels are rubbing against the chassis or body.
  3. I tried cork after a trip in a liquidiser. Trouble is it floats on the glue. I'll stick to stone.
  4. They still make announcements and they're still inaudible so make your own and ensure you can't understand them.
  5. I think you new layout is better 2e0 even if you do have too many rivets on the tender. 😉
  6. I thought it looked funny but I knew you'd know I knew you knew. 😉
  7. As I hit reply I thought that's not right but it was too late. You know what I mean 😆
  8. Occasionally a real picture can spur you on to alter your layout.
  9. If your referring to 2e0's picture it was a bit of fun, like railway modelling, you know, a hobby, something to enjoy. 😆
  10. Nice modelling 2e0 but I'm afraid the tender has too many rivets. 😆
  11. Tigg once you've pushed the rivet through the hole what do you do then?
  12. Happens to me all the time. Quite often I think of a reply and by the time I've started to type I can't remember the proper name for something. 🫨
  13. I reckon you want the rivet head on the outside, is that correct Fazy? You really can't fix a rivet in place with the valve gear in situ, I would have thought that is impossible.
  14. It's hard to tell if you're fitting it correctly, how are you fitting it?
  15. They'll be in that safe place you put them in poliss. I bought a set of router bits a few weeks ago because I couldn't find the ones I'd put somewhere. I thought 'I know I'll put the new set somewhere where I'll remember where they are' so I did and that's where I found the ones I'd lost.
  16. A tool for unscrewing the back of wrist watches and a bottle of chainsaw oil.
  17. Thanks HB. Having never visited India I didn't have a clue. Flown over it a few times though. 😀
  18. Nice work Jeremiah. I dare say in the not too distant future we'll all own 3D printers, they'll be as cheap as ordinary ones. What is the dimension of the coin?
  19. It's surprising how much you can get into that space. You've got a lot more than me, mines got a bigger 'ole.
  20. Lovely layout BSB. Thanks for sharing it with us. 😀
  21. Yes 95 locos, and lots more wagons, not many compared with some on here.
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