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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. I have one about a foot long under a viaduct /media/tinymce_upload/13bfaa7fb43bec3baa557e330a67982b.jpg
  2. Cheers Doc, I think it looks rather splendid.
  3. Doc I've just come across your narrow boat, not sure how I missed it before. Did you form it around something like balsa or is it hollow?
  4. I am about to start attaching a permanent wagon with pickups to my Huntley and Palmers 0-4-0 Peckett. Thought I'd wait until Christmas was out of the way.
  5. Just unpacked my Huntley and Palmers Peckett. Wow just about sums it up. The detail is incredible. I'm going to permanently attach a wagon with extra pickups if I can find a way to route the wires.
  6. Yes I realised that but I reckon he was just making a blanket statement. You must admit it would be quite easy to let a DCC loco run out of oil and keep running, it could be standing in a fiddle yard or on shed or just out of view, you might have a very big layout. Better to be safe than sorry. If he didn't make the statement and you left it running oil free and it burnt out the unit, there is a good chance you'd be knocking on his door. ๐Ÿ˜†
  7. Roy maybe the 'do not use without smoke oil' was referring to DC not DCC. The unit can't be switched off with DC.
  8. I've been using those couplings for years Vespa. Apart from plugging in they are ideal to replace older couplings that are held by a screw.
  9. Modern Peco code 75 and 100 also need a converter rail of sorts, special rail joiners. As detail and accuracy improves over the years these things will keep happening. It's not a problem to anybody really. Just needs a little adaptation.
  10. Hey just giving some advice RAF that's what the forum is for. Racing two locos on track laid on a carpet isn't a good idea. I'm pretty sure you've advised people that what they are doing isn't good. ๐Ÿ˜€
  11. Sorry Jimmy I don't think you should race locos. Running them at full speed is very bad for them. There are many posts on here about locos breaking and I bet this is why. ๐Ÿ˜€
  12. That's not fair LC, you have posted the picture on two forums. You know how weak I am.
  13. Your wagons look great 37, that's a lot of whiskey.
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