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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. Jacob I'm surprised you didn't use something to do with Thomas. 😆
  2. There is no way of telling what gender we are On the forum. Not many of us use our names so who's to say.
  3. That may be so Jacob, but have you ever bought something from a shop when the tills aren't working, and watched the 'young' person behind the counter trying to work out the total price and then trying to work out how much change to give?
  4. Have a look anout 12 posts back Jacob and you'll find the Colonel. 21 is definitely old to some. 😆
  5. The Colonel probably considers anybody over 20 to be old. The idea that computers are new makes me laugh.The fact of the matter is we can do things without computers that young people wouldn't even consider. 😆
  6. All my friends are 'old' and all of them use computers and ipads without any problem at all. What they don't do is wander about staring at their phones 😆 😆
  7. 68 but not old and have all my own teeth.
  8. Happy Birthday Jacob. You do realise that now you are 21 you won't be able to play with Thomas any more. 😆 😆 😆 Have a great day.
  9. What a splendid idea PP. Tell you what, I'll get a 3-legged fishing sofa then we can sit together. 😆
  10. Norman I used to have a set of points that certain locos fell in to. If the right front wheel went down the rear left one came up, wierd. I did the same as you, worked a treat.
  11. Let's do it RDS, could get a bit boring 😆
  12. I give that advice so often I'm beginning to think I should publish it as a book. 😆
  13. Not really Jacob. 140 quid for a wagon is a rip off. 😆 😆 I actually paid £65 for a brand new £150 loco.
  14. Dapol Class 52 Western Consort. Brand new only £650. Bargain. 😆
  15. I reckon a lot cheaper now. About ten times more expensive now but my wages were over 20 times higher now than 1975. Guess it depends on how much you get each month.
  16. I think locos were far more expensive compared to todays prices. We are going slightly off topic. We will be sent to our rooms.
  17. I wonder what the mouth-watering wages were when they had the mouth-watering prices of locos? 😆 Look forward to seeing the pictures. In 1966 I was on £28 per month 😮
  18. Very useful tool. If they put it in with each model you could end up with lots of them. Finger nails work very well. Bachmann use the same plug/socket so you could end up with a tool box full 😆
  19. I really don't want to motorise them. I want to be able to move them if necessary. They are fine detailed HO kits and will look just fine as they are. 😆
  20. ....Motor from a mobile phone with the wobbler removed and a sleeve fitted to run an elastic band as the conveyor belt?? This is them. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/172267588184?_trksid=http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/172267588184?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  21. No they're not motorised HB they are only about 1/4 inch wide. Would be good though.
  22. Yes good point HB. Apart from the Wickham Trolley I purchased a set of B'mann loco crew. Two of them are seated and I needed them for the trolley. I repainted them to look like workmen. I also bought a conveyer kit. You get two portable conveyers. I shall use one in the goods yard for loading open wagons and one next to the coaling stage for coaling small locos.
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