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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. Hey HB there is a bloke on the other forum who has done exactly the same thing, how weird is that. Nice work.
  2. OK you win. Hattons have more than 10 I believe, very rare. It's like the shop on this forum. It often says out of stock. That doesn't mean they are all gone it just means Hornby don't have any left. -THE END -
  3. Oh for heavens sake Jacob just because something is discontinued it can take years for the whole stock to be sold. Did you check to see if there were any available. Somebody on here bought a brand new Q1 loco the other day that hasn't been made for years.
  4. Why wouldn't they Jacob. Hornby make 2000 Tornado's, send them out to the retailers then stop making them. Retailers sell 1800 of them and guess what, still 200 in the shops for sale. It's hardly rocket science.
  5. Jacob, Hattons and Rails both have it in stock about £69 new.
  6. Yeah OK Jacob just trying to help. TTHE says Truro doesn't move in the episode so it doesn't need a motor. Don't know why I bother. Sometimes we have to compromise Jacob.
  7. It's a kit Jacob, you make it then add Truro name/number plates. I think it might be Truro though.
  8. Airfix/Dapol make a splendid City class loco.
  9. Nice work Barry. If I can post pictures on flickr anybody can do it. 😆
  10. Help yourself Jeff. You may notice in one picture there is a station and in another it has changed to a goods yard. I rarely run passenger trains so decided the station was a waste of time. If I do run coaches they are empties returning to the depot, none have passengers anyway.
  11. Thank you chaps, at least something to do with posting pictures worked for a change. A few strange ones like the picture of the track in there but couldn't get rid of them. Jacob the City of Truro is a Bachmann/ NRM special edition.
  12. Try this link. MIGHT work 😆 https://www.flickr.com/gp/156695429@N03/ixC513
  13. I'll do my best but for some reason everything I do throws up a problem.
  14. /media/tinymce_upload/ba708a3d633bb3a1f306cc6f278951db.JPG
  15. It's OO Jacob. It was the second loco my dad bought for our train set in the 50’s.
  16. When you say isn't being made, do you mean by Hornby or all of the other companies. There are people who will build you any loco but it will cost a great deal of money.
  17. Apart from the rust patches it's in great external condition SoT. Wish I still had mine, I've no idea where it went.
  18. Years ago on my old layout in the attic which had a circuit about 10X10 ft which gave a track length of about 40 ft, I attached all the rolling stock I could to a Wrenn Castle class loco. The coupling of the last wagon was about 1 inch away from the front of the loco, so I reckon about 39ft of coaches and wagons. No gradients.
  19. I have a couple of Kings, early crest blue single chimney and early crest green double chimney, that'll do me. I really hope the 61XX makes an appearance, great favourite in my spotting days in Slough.
  20. You're probably right, it never got past the CAD stage. Anyway the Hornby one is a beauty.
  21. I reckon Hornby will have cornered the King market by the time the other version appears, if it does. Seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth. No longer appears on Hattons project update list.
  22. Maybe only you were interested Jacob. Well done anyway. I've got an Annie and Clarabel, no idea what faces they have though, and a Thomas body.
  23. I converted my Railroad 4-6-0 County to a double chimney version. Will more than likely get a single chimney version some time.
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