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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. Impressive, they certainly have a good turn of speed.
  2. I have quite a few assorted unused traction tyres from Hornby and Bachmann. Had a look to see if any were suitable for the 14xx but they had all perished. I got rid off all my tyred locos asap. 'orrid things. I have seen quite a few people on here say that the locos run OK without them. Guess it depends on the loco. Maybe a wheel change should be considered.
  3. Heat shrink is a bit shiny and tends to go a bit hard once shrunk. I reckon tyres from another loco would fit. Problem is finding the right ones.
  4. I reckon they’ll pretty well with the decent controller. The rolling stock isn’t Railroad either unlike other sets. Due in the shops November.
  5. Even out of stock on ebay which is unusual. I wonder if another type will fit.
  6. If you look on the forum Colin you will see that many received the loco a week or two ago. It's a lucky dip when the container ship arrives. I think Hornby are just as surprised as you with what arrives. Don’t know why they give dates any more. They should just say it will arrive eventually.
  7. Jacob if you buy a loco and post it on here several might think that’s nice I think I'll get one. The magazine you bought today has more than likely been purchased by a large majority on this forum some 3 weeks ago. Still you carry on, I know you will. 😆
  8. Sorry disagree Jacob. It’s a magazine. If we all posted each time we bought a magazine about railways the forum would explode. 😆 😆
  9. Are we going to post each time we buy a magazine or newspaper? Surely this section is for model railway products and perhaps books.
  10. We are talking about the GWR, not one of the minor companies. 😆 😆
  11. Al, do you mean the darts. Why did you need to mask anything, just use a very small brush.
  12. I think it is quite a convoluted process BB. Why not get brass nuts, bolts and washers. If the DIY shops don’t have them, I think they will, Amazon has them.
  13. Hello Vespa nice to see you. It isn’t just model shops that are disappearing, it’s all types. The way we live has changed, it always has done. Thank heavens in many cases.
  14. Although visiting a local model shop is very nice, I am amazed at the number of posts on forums that say "the man at my local shop said......" and the advice given is absolute rubbish. 😮
  15. You are very fortunate to have such shops on your doorstep. 😀
  16. Maybe it’s because you appear to be concentrating at a particular market M-R, I’m sure you’ll get customers.
  17. You should try and get some etched brass wind deflectors, they make a huge difference.
  18. Ah, you don’t get tabs on an iPad. I guess if you make lots of typing errors 6 days comes in useful. 😆 Trouble is if you alter something days later it could be too late. Somebody may have already taken your advice and regretted it.
  19. It was 10 minutes. That’s a long time. 😀 How can you keep editing your posts. I thought there was a 10 minute time limit?
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