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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. LC&DR did you see that the place famous for Bacon is making an OO Met Railway Bo-Bo electric?
  2. I couldn't programme anything but if you think it can be done suggest how.
  3. I took it to mean an integral part of the programme. Think I'll go before I get out of my depth.
  4. St1ngr4y said: Why not? If a user looks at the blue indicator, they will know which way the point is switched. Incidentally, if & when diagonal points are introduced, where will the red/green buttons 'snap' to? They're saying the red and green are part of the programming system so can't be changed without affecting the whole programme.
  5. Same here Graskie, walked to school and back home for dinner and that was in the infants/junior school. If you take into account all the diversions on the way home it's a wonder we ever got back.
  6. I was brought up in the Thames Valley west of London and suffered the same fogs and smogs. We were sent home early from school on many occasions as the smog set in.
  7. We had a paraffin stove burning pink paraffin. SWMBO had to be rescued by the fire brigade when she was nine, the paraffin stove set fire to the curtains at about 2 in the morning and gutted the upstairs of the house. Nasty.
  8. Bit like the letter from the bank asking if it would be possible to go back to the old system of you banking with them.
  9. Hi Ferret, how come it took you 258 days to spot the spelling mistake or did it take you that long to look it up in the dictionary?
  10. I won't double head them Vespa, bit of an overkill on my layout. I got them because I liked them. Had a black one, thought it would be nice to have a green one.
  11. LMS lined green diesel 10000 made by bman. Goes with my black 10001 made by dpol.
  12. Definitely not 3 in 1 or WD40. There are several oils and greases specifically for model railways. May I suggest going onto some of the model railway retail sites and see what they sell. Sewing machine oil is a good choice and not as expensive as some of the specialist brands.
  13. That must have been a real challenge Graskie. I have just changed the body on my 56xx and it fits like a glove, not a lot of spare room.
  14. I'm not referring to being polite I'm referring to going through the correct channels. For instance don't ask for new items on the forum, send them to Hornby using the link at the top. You can make all the suggestions in the world on here but they won't end up with the right people. RDS has obviously done a good job as I thought he would.
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