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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. DCC uncouplers are already available. I read today that the RAF are printing spare parts for the Tornado.
  2. I totally agree that detection is going to be an amazing thing. What I find strange is the way you are all discussing how it's going to do this and that when nothing has been released. It has been announced that it is going to be different to what was originally put forward. From what I've read it's going to be better than first thought and will work in a completely different way.
  3. I'm so far behind DCC that I'm going backwards Graskie, but I don't understand all this second guessing. Probably completely different when it comes out and then they'll be saying 'oh I thought it was going to do this not that'.
  4. Thanks for that PJ. I did wonder about having an account with the other forum. It is worth having one if you want to discuss other thing though isn't it?
  5. GeoFF03 said: For what it's worth, here's my little 6x4 layout: http://s75.photobucket.com/user/ukgeoff/slideshow/railway%20photos Not sure about 'for what it's worth' it looks absolutely brilliant and in 6x4. Well done.
  6. When I retired in 2006 it took me about a day to get used to it. I now live by the 'why do something tomorrow when you can do it another day' plan.
  7. If this works there should be 5 pictures of my layout. http://www.modelrailwayforum.co.uk/album.php?albumid=61&pictureid=460
  8. Looking at what you've just written, I reckon I've been living an event driven world all my life.
  9. Looks good RAF96. I take it that it's based on Wendover international station prior to it being closed to build London's new airport.
  10. It's not easy showing layouts on this forum. You have to download the pictures onto something like photobucket and then post a link, hardly worth the trouble in my view. There are other forums where you can post pictures. Modelrailwayforum is one.
  11. The final version won't be seen until the patent is published. They're hardly going to give anybody a clue how it works until it is safe to do so. Don't know anything about RM but I doubt what is on there is anything like it's going to be.
  12. Email from Liverpool days Crosti 9F available NOV. Gives me time to save.
  13. PJ_model_trains said: Thanks to Hornby also that have locked the other thread with same name. . Sorry I started a new thread with the same name as this one. When I read the article about detection I thought I'd flag it up on the Forum. When I started it I thought I mustn't give it the same name which I promptly did. I blame everything but me.
  14. Maybe they will when it actually exists. There aren't many people who are discussing it on the two postings.
  15. No I've still got a bit left over BB. It was in the Sheffield sale, couldn't resist. Look forward to seeing you if we're not iced in.
  16. They won't say what it will do until the patent is sorted. If they give any clues it won't be long before another company works things out. The best thing they can do is keep quiet until things are sorted and for you to wait until they feel they can make a statement. No point in trying to second guess. Everybody does it when early photos of a new loco appear and get all worked up over nothing.
  17. That is absolutely mint SOT. Bet they don't come like that very often. What a bargain.
  18. RDS said: I have an R156 but it is larger, both in height and length than my Bluebox Class 08. Could you confirm please that this model is 00 scale. It doesn't look right! The old 08's are wrong. They use a general 0-6-0 chassis not a scale one for a start.
  19. We know how to live in South Bucks you know. We even have knives and forks. Haven't got round to spoons yet.
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