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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. Rob while we seem to have gone off topic what ever that was, I must warn you that SWMBO and her sister are visiting Limassol on Tuesday for 6 days so don’t go out after dark.
  2. She does look rather splendid. Thanks PP. Hope they don’t spoil it when the weather it.
  3. I reckon he meant them but should have been Stan and Ollie. They were/are always known as Laurel and Hardy though. Think it’s time I worked my way through their films. 😆
  4. This. /media/tinymce_upload/b838763465a98598c16f359e47ea1ef7.JPG
  5. You are very talented HB, where did you learn to dance like that?
  6. You could be right. I wouldn’t buy one what ever the set contained but that’s just me.
  7. "I am surprised at the number of "loose" Santa Express Loco's that are available to purchase" I think this proves that the set isn't particularly popular. People are just keeping the wagons and dumping the loco.
  8. Or you could buy a cheap second hand loco and decorate it yourself. You might start a trend. 😉
  9. A year is nothing. I waited several years for a Bachmann loco. The models are made in China. When they are ready they will arrive. As RAF said perhaps there has been a problem with early models that need correcting. I’m sure if you contact Hornby they will send you a faulty version if you really want one now.
  10. That’ll work, I prefer pliers, don’t like levering things on plastic wheels.
  11. In that case small pliers and remove as if unscrewing. Does the head not have two flat faces?
  12. Good grief what did you use asocket set? Just gently unscrew them. You need a nut spinner. Spinner is the proper term. https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/con-rod-nut-spanner-double-ended.html
  13. The advice is unplug you controller and remove all decoders equipped items when ever you use the the applicator.
  14. Try contacting this ebay seller. He has a lot of different couplings. Scroll down his page. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/hornby-oo-spares-x9717-4x-pendolino-power-car-couplings-with-4-screws/153117538650?epid=1144291042&hash=item23a684395a:g:W1EAAOSwdkZbFlsO
  15. I've added stripes, tiny brush, tiny drop of paint. 😆
  16. Are you going to add stripes to the dots?
  17. The phrase "We're sorry, the website has sold out of this item and we're not expecting any more stock." doesn’t necessarily mean the tyres won’t appear again. This has appeared before and the item has reappeared. I reckon "we don’t know when any more will be in stock" would be better. Fingers crossed.
  18. I notice with interest on PP's pictures how thin and almost invisible are the front steps, unlike the ones on the model Posted by New lad.
  19. Have you checked their spares on here. They’re getting there. They do 13 different traction tyres. In the past I found that any one will fit a myriad of locos.
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