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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. Same here 2e0. It's good to have the R numbers though, at least we know which ones to avoid at all cost. Horrid things 😆
  2. Fire bucket on a hook. Looks really good.
  3. Doesn't she look splendid PP. At least you now know a CL66 isn't a steam loco 😆 😆
  4. Ah but then you'd only get one side of the discussion.
  5. I think that goes for steam sound generally. Diesel sound just about works.
  6. Yes you did didn't you and very very impressive it is too, even to me. 😉
  7. Some Modelmaster 72XX etched number plates for my 72XX. Makes sense I guess. 😀
  8. I posted the above to see if the edit was there but it isn't. Must be on its Easter break.
  9. You can only edit for about 10 minutes after you post something.
  10. That'll be one of the old Airfix kits. It's their RTR wagons that give me a problem until I change the wheels.
  11. Must be something about the geometry of the wheels.
  12. The only things that ever derail on my layout are, for some reason, Dapol wagons. I have many up to date locos and have no trouble with points, they are however Peco.
  13. As I said before have you checked the back to back? Without wishing to be rude, is your track especially the points nice and flat and the track joining the points nice and square?
  14. Have you fitted the drain cocks to the cylinders and the front steps to the frame? These can prevent the bogie turning sufficiently on curves causing it to derail.
  15. Nickel silver us not magnetic regardless who makes the track RAF, that's why Magna-hesion died a death. I'm afraid one of the reasons front bogies derail is the old 'fine detail' problem. People want locos to look just like the real thing, they want to see light between the top of the bogie and the frame etc. so the bogie is made thinner and lighter. Back to back measurement is the main culprit though.
  16. I did say that PJ, I'm always saying that about everything. 😆
  17. Neither do I poliss. Are you running the train very fast all the time? You will have power pick up problems if you fit extra traction tyres, you are insulating the wheel. It needs metal to metal contact with the track not rubber to metal.
  18. Yes you're right, didn't notice that. My advice still stands though. Best to find the cause.
  19. The tyred wheels have a groove to take the tyre. You may well find the tyres on the other wheels will slip off eventually. It might be better to find out why the wheels slip. Are the other coaches free running or are the wheels binding. One their own they should travel a long way with a gentle push.
  20. Pity you can't get it working again and take it to shows. You'd make a fortune, in 2 pence pieces, but still a fortune, well a small one.
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