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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. Hi WTD, It looks like it doesn't it. Or maybe the other two who are interested are happy to just wait until it appears and do other things.
  2. Maybe there's only nine of you who are interested. Avoids missiles.
  3. Thank you Admin. As you can see we are trying to move things in another direction.
  4. There was a bloke at Gaydon who I'm pretty sure had a wheely bin strapped to his back. ,
  5. I'm not a great fan of DCC sound on OO but it sounds excellent on O gauge upwards, so these are the layouts I make for. There's a couple that are just shed layouts and I could watch them all day especially if I have my extra large backpack to block the view of others.
  6. Instead of having a fight why doesn't one of you prove it one way or the other. Does it really matter if it's 3 pence or £300 per square acre, as long as the stands are there all is well.
  7. It's funny you should mention coiled wire because I can remember seeing that in the Slough sidings enroute to the Trading Estate.
  8. I went last year (I think) and thought the food prices compared well with outside catering. I think Warleys main problem is the space, they could do with spreading things out more and if possible keep similar things together, which is easier said than done I guess. I'm just so knackered at the end of the day it would be nice to be chauffeur driven home. Maybe a 3 day show would be good, bit like some heritage railways, on the Friday it's just old blokes, very civilised.
  9. Vespa, apart from girders what else would be carried in these wagons?
  10. Does seem a trite expensive. Have to sell an aweful lot of stock.
  11. The glass shelves aren't very thick. I've put some supports in the middle (plastic tube) just in case.
  12. There's something very special about Wrenn locos isn't there Tony. I used to have a couple of Castles, they'd pull just about everything.
  13. One of the problems with Saturday at Warley can be getting near the stands of Hornby etc. There's so much to see elsewhere I used to avoid them.
  14. At the time the longest range bomb run ever. Not any more alas.
  15. Went to Wycombe Model Railway Show today, thought I might buy a wagon and I did......but..... I bought the Duke Of Gloucester, split from a train pack.
  16. Thanks RAF. What a great aircraft. Not exactly a great view from the cockpit was it? Did you have a license for those knees?
  17. Oh good grief. When it arrives. You lot need to get out more. Me as well.
  18. It's a little gem fazy. Crosses points as if they're not there. Haven't run it in yet.
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