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Everything posted by gilbo2

  1. **Be careful** Fake Hornby Telegram accounts are contacting customers to say they have won the latest YouTube "HORNBY | CORONATION GIVEAWAY!" competition. Delete and ignore!!!!!!
  2. Did you write 0 to CV178 and then try the sounds? On my TTS this would switch sounds off completely and when writing 1, sets the lowest they will go. Still quite loud though! (I cannot read the value of CV178)
  3. Thanks 96RAF for the Loco Detection update, interesting and sounds quite complex! With the info and pointers in this thread I've now been able to resolve by workarounds my issues regarding skipped commands. 1) Referring to this thread, TTS Switching Problems , St1ngr4y explains Function grouping and how to resend / kick start the functions by issuing an unused (or little impact!) function from the same group. It works, now I have a work around for reliable functions in programs when using an Elite. Never had to do all this "messing about" with my eLink though! 2) That thread also discussed reliable point commands which is resolved using double pulse=1 in the .ini file. Again, my eLink doesn't have this issue. I'm guessing that after all these years this will never get resolved, which is a real shame for something I consider as fundamental. Mind you, if HM7000 + Legacy dongle has this issue, maybe the Elite would be updated!? As for pure manual control, double pulse = 1 also fixes this for points. However, manual functions may still need another 1 or 2 button presses! I did look at macros to try to switch an unused function automatically but didn't get anywhere, mainly down to it not being possible to have macros with on/off functions.
  4. @BM. yes all sorted, now on 1.45
  5. Is there a download link for St1ngr4y's version?
  6. @PH, I really appreciate your suggestions though, thank you.
  7. @PH - I always use the large throttle screen, but the small one is no different in my experience. Also, I only touch RM, I leave the Elite buttons alone. @96RAF - Thanks, so it would seem this is a known "issue" between Elite and RM which does not exist with eLink. Yes, my programs go wrong which was when I first became aware of this. Has anyone found a workaround that I could use within a program?
  8. Yes, I've now changed device manager to match.
  9. Thank you PH. I've just checked the baud rates, my eLink was using 115200 and Elite 19200. I've now changed it to 9600 for the Elite in RM and also under Windows Device Manager. Unfortunately its not made any improvements to Function reliability.
  10. I'm using an Elite 1.45 (standard mode) with RailMaster 1.74.5 I have an issue where function commands are sometimes missed. E.g. I select F1 for cab lights, most times the cab lights will switch on or off as instructed but occasionally (maybe 1 in 20 or so), the lights fail to turn on or off. When this happens (ON request) the RM F1 button is green, but function itself stays off, pressing the button again and the cab lights turn ON for a fraction of a second and then turn OFF again, now matching RM, most odd. The opposite is true if the OFF command has been "missed". I've tried this with different Functions, locos and decoders and they all have this random, occasional issue. Loco control and point control (with double pulse) never fails, always just this oddity with functions. When I use the eLink / RM instead, it does not have this issue and never misses a beat. I've been through the .ini file, port settings, tried different things such as long pause times between on and off, but nothing improves the problem. It's as though the logic control in the Elite is not outputting the correct function signals 100% of the time? Any suggestions please or is this normal with Elite + RM?
  11. I've now picked up a 2006 Elite and its working fine, heatsinks nice and tight too. Thanks for all the feedback.
  12. So the same loco can be setup on both the iPhone & iPad but only controllable from the first device to connect to the loco?
  13. Thank you, I phoned Hornby yesterday and its still £15 for the update. Quite reasonable these days! Looks like that's the route to go.
  14. I am looking at using an old Select (Ver 1.1) as a walkabout for an Elite (Ver 1.45). I've read though that the older Select firmware was troublesome, even causing damage to accessory decoders. However, as I'm only ever going to use it to control locos as a walkabout, without even point control, do I still need to send it to Hornby for an update? I assume it just gives the Elite an instruction and it will then send the relevant DCC commands as though I was pressing its owns buttons?
  15. Suggestion: To be able to share/sync data between handheld devices so that trackbuilder layouts and locos do not need setting up twice, eg between an iPhone & iPad.
  16. Thank you, your approach has given me plenty to think about. Yes I agree, I don't see the app replacing RM 100%, but it does give more options for the future hopefully. Although I understand there are no plans for a PC version of the app, hopefully in the future Hornby might consider it. At some point, RM may need to be retired, especially if Microsoft starts to do an "Apple" and force developers to upgrade code. Mind you, HM7000 it more at risk with that one!
  17. Many thanks for the replies and useful information. It sounds like there are no fundamental issues with the old Elite's which would make getting one a bad idea. Good call to remove the back cover and check the heatsinks. Usual risks then with anything second hand!
  18. I'm considering getting an old (2006 era) Elite, but is that too risky? I.e. are there any failure modes or hardware changes since then that would make it a bad choice?
  19. My current setup is eLink + RailMaster and to be honest I'm quite happy with that. However, the HM7000 system does appeal to me, in terms of being to use an iPad to control both the latest and legacy decoders. It's a shame though that the eLink will not have the capability to work in this way, so I'd have to get an Elite + legacy dongle for it to work how I'd like. (Real shame Hornby have/will not develop an upgrade path for existing eLink users but I guess that's another topic!). So, can I use Elite (with legacy dongle) + RailMaster like the eLink, i.e. I would never have to touch the Elite, except after a short circuit? This would then allow me to hide away the Elite like my eLink is today. Sounds strange I know, but due to space constraints on an established 'eLink' layout, this would be my preference. Also, for those now using HM7000 on an iPad/iPhone, is my proposal to ditch eLink for Elite + dongle worth it in your opinion?
  20. Thanks for the info. I only have a single bus which everything hangs off, so that part sounds OK. Seems like I need to wait for the app to be updated then, as I wouldn't want to go down the HM6010 route as it wouldn't make sense for my DCC setup.
  21. So if you go the down the route of Elite+legacy dongle+HM7000 app for remote operation, can you also control points (wired to the original accessory decoder R8247) through the new app?
  22. 96RAF, that's not what I was meaning. A PC/Laptop (usually) already has a bluetooth adapter which could be used for comms with the new HM7000 decoders and already talks to elink via USB for legacy DCC. Just needs a software wizard to recreate the iOS version to run on a PC and add elink protocols. No dongle or mods to elink would be required. Or put another way, take Railmaster which already works with 'legacy' dcc / elink and patch it to have the ability to use the PC's bluetooth adapter to talk to the new decoders. Also an opportunity to revamp Railmaster ;-)
  23. Thanks Fishmanoz, understood. I hope in the future they will develop a version of HM7000 that will work on a laptop/PC with elink. All "legacy" hardware already exists (Bluetooth / comms with elink etc), just needs the software to enable it all. Railmaster2 ;-)
  24. Is there an upgrade path to HM7000 if you have an elink? It seems the new 'legacy' dongle only works with elite or select?
  25. Thanks Bulleidboy, I like the way you have lit up the arches. It has given me some ideas...... 😀
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