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Everything posted by gilbo2

  1. I've found the unlink/link process can get things working again when I've had trouble with DCC or Bluetooth control being 'dead'. (This will reset the CV's but I had no choice, just set them back up again with the app)
  2. Sounds encouraging, thanks for the update.
  3. That seems a really good idea and even maybe include a "standard" horn for those of us where the current 47 really grates ;-) The positive with all this TXS stuff though is that you can at least pick another profile altogether if you want to, so I may even go back to the Class 50 I was using.
  4. How is the testing going, is it starting to function as expected?
  5. A real shame in my book, considering how many eLinks they must have sold. Oh well!
  6. Could the HM7000 class 47 sound profile be updated by Hornby with the TTS horn sound file instead?
  7. That will certainly be a great help for when more and more users start to 'tinker' with CV's to get optimal sound and motion performance.
  8. The only 'downside' with the eLink is that it will not be compatible with the Legacy Dongle, for that you need an Elite or Select unit with the Xpressnet port. However, if you're not interested in controlling legacy decoders with the HM7000 app, there is no issue.
  9. Found this on the Hornby TTS, does sound better ..... just??:
  10. The video below has a resemblance to the Hornby Class 47 horn, they do sound ill!
  11. The only 'export' I can find is for the function maps, but on testing this doesn't export/import all the CV's. Is there another 'export' somewhere or is it part of the vehicle data in the Engine Shed when they get assigned, <confused>?
  12. What is that F15 sound, it has no title in the function map? Also F26 De-Coupling has lost its title, same with the King Charles III profile?
  13. I'm glad to see you are all sorted now. Colour coding reminds me of what my Dad used to do. He used small coloured dots on each point and respective switches, simple, but it made control straight forward.
  14. Just happened to me, no IP change this time. Seems quite random!
  15. The late Chrissaf covered links in his thread TIPs on using the forum (section 3), which aligns with the recent comments above regarding Windows. If he was with us today, he would have updated it to cover iOS as the initial posts here.
  16. I use Chrome / Brave on Windows 10. Pasting a link direct doesn't work for me, but not tried iOS.
  17. Ummm, didn't work for me? I have to save it as a temporary bookmark then drag that into the reply window.
  18. My manually added points showed on the account straight away but maybe depends on who needs to approve them.
  19. You should earn points on the difference between the partial points spend and the item value, so if item was £100, hobby points used £10, you earn points on the £90 element. The +0pts is odd though as my issue was that "earn up to" box was completely blank. I'd email them to sort it out. As a reference, if you look at the same item today, how many points does it say you would earn?
  20. Finally got this resolved today although needed another email, points now manually added. It shouldn't have been this difficult, but all sorted now. Next time the "earn x points" is blank, I'll wait until the system in back up and working.
  21. Just read this thread USB3 which mirrors my experience, also with a Lenovo Yoga. It seems most people have no issues, but doesn't seem 100% conclusive.
  22. My advice is to try and get a machine that has a USB2 port as USB3 I could never get to work properly with RailMaster, unless anyone else has had more success recently?
  23. Also notice this with my TXS at switch on, so does seem quite normal.
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