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Dominic Thomas

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Everything posted by Dominic Thomas

  1. As the new Platform is up and running, I have been able to see all the pictures in this post. Somehow I missed all the RAF ones first time around. Very good models and very helpful to see what the latest Airfix moulds look like on completion. Thank you for sharing. One question: the Buffalo has squadron codes QV. Which squadron is that? I know 19 Squadron had the QV codes, but I didn’t think they flew Buffaloes.
  2. Early days yet, but I’m not getting a warm fuzzy feeling about it just yet. Time will tell obviously.
  3. I’ve just posted - seemed to be instant even with a picture.
  4. As I had an Xtrakit Sea Harrier FA2 in the collection that needed making before the many Airfix versions, here it is. Not the most enjoyable of builds. The scene borrowed from the days of early RAF GR1s, except the ground crew seem to still be on the train.
  5. This is similar to playing ‘spot the ball’. It also requires a prediction which should be nothing to do with personal wish lists. With that said, I have three predictions for aircraft releases following three predictions of aircraft that would not be released. The first aircraft I don’t think will be a surprise release is the Fairey Battle, While the favourite of many with a lot of colour/markings options, I can’t see Airfix management going with this yet. The second non-event would be the Harvard. A trainer with a variety of colours/markings, country service, and modification states, this surely would return some significant profit for Airfix, yet it doesn’t seem to have that secret ingredient to tempt Airfix, yet. Finally, I just cannot see the Hampden appearing this year in a new tool. The case has been made repeatedly for a new tool, with detailed business cases explored. The appearance of the vintage classic, for me, eliminates a new tool release this year. As for the release predictions, my first is a 1/48 Hawker Seahawk. My reasons are that there are a variety of colour/country options as well as modification states, and it follows the Fleet Air Arm trend established by Airfix recently. Secondly, I would select the Fairey Barracuda, in 1/72. Never part of the Airfix catalogue, a quality model of this FAA aircraft would give a profitable return for Airfix. Finally, a return to the golden age of the interwar period with an updated Hawker Demon in 1/72. While this has received the Vintage Classic treatment some 5 years ago, it would give Airfix a chance to demonstrate their latest skills as showcased in the 1/48 Bulldog in a small scale biplane with numerous release options based on colours and country use, plus the future options of releasing rest of the ‘Hart’ family. As I said at the start, these are my predictions. They are not a wishlist even though I would be happy to see any of them released. But as with all my attempts at Spot the Ball, I won’t be surprised if I get none right.
  6. I really like these dioramas. The aircraft are not always to my taste but that’s irrelevant. The creativity is tremendous. Did you buy the blast pens complete or did you make them? Also, are the vehicles from the Airfix USAAF re supply set (I guess I can check that one).
  7. Paul, Thanks very much. You make a good point about making digital photography into a friend rather than an enemy. I did this with the Potez where the picture I was going to post showed that I’d forgotten to paint the canopy frames. At least they look a little better now.
  8. A great selection of Japanese types, and a very useful reference of Type, Code Name, and picture. Well done.
  9. Thanks for those supportive comments guys. Much appreciated.
  10. Thanks Tim. That helps a lot. 😄
  11. Having found, from a photo intended for posting here, numerous deficiencies, I tried to improve this Heller Potez 542. I am happier with it now but it could still be improved for next time.
  12. Very kind of you, thank you. The Wellesley is from Matchbox with aftermarket markings if I remember correctly. I’ve been amazed at the impact of digital photography. The Battle looked ok on the shelf. But that picture with the ability to zoom in shows a less than acceptable finish on the canopy plus a lack of adhesion of the serial on the rudder. Just have to do better next time.
  13. Well done on the 50s Typhoon. Looks much better than its age would suggest. The Wellington also looks good. Sadly, I had one by the time the Airfix version was released. Now I have both. I guess I’ll use the Revell one as a training aid. Your model has given me the incentive to start, so thank you.
  14. It’s a great kit. Thank you for showing what’s possible with the build.
  15. Thank you DD. Now two from the days when it was easy to find out which squadron the aircraft came from. While the Battle was big, the Wellesley was much bigger.
  16. They look good. Thank you for sharing. Which version of the Typhoon is that? The original from the 50s/60s?
  17. Apologies for this next pic. I couldn’t resist this pose with suggestion of the Dewoitine pilot coming in over the fence to perform a dead-stick landing between two parked aircraft.
  18. Thanks guys. I am pleased with the way the background turned out. The base was from Coastal Kits and the field/sky was a photo I took of a local field with fence posts. I printed this on A4 paper. The two went together quite well I thought. I need to think about producing a background which is at least the width of the base next. I decided I to try these backgrounds based on the pictures from several modellers on this forum. So thank you all for giving me inspiration.
  19. Nice finish. I do like it. Which kit is it? Thanks for sharing.
  20. Thanks, Randall. Even though I haven’t made it yet, a look in the box is enough to know that the latest Airfix Blenheim is the ‘go to’ kit for this aircraft. Anyway, the next group are attempt to paint the early WWII French camouflage. I’d never done this before, and used different paints for each of these three early Frog kits. Not sure which is the best representation, and really, does it matter that much? See what you think.
  21. The next couple of models are alternatives to the Airfix offerings. I had this MPM Blenheim before the latest Airfix versions were released and I wanted to make it before I tackled the new Airfix ones. I would say it’s more detailed than the original Airfix Blenheim from the 1960s, but it’s very challenging and not a model that would make me want to buy several. I’ve not yet added the propeller blades, so we can pretend the engines are running. The Lysander is the Frog version, and again, I don’t think it’s quite up to the Airfix version, but I haven’t made that one yet.
  22. The secret, if you like the hobby and get a sense of achievement from it, is to challenge yourself by doing something new quite often. Above all, don’t give up and you will get better. That’s the way I do it. Looking forward to your next pictures.
  23. I hope that’s not the end of the collection.
  24. Agreed with the Liberator and Chinook. Those two and the Bulldog look to be maintaining the latest high quality from Airfix. My disappointment is the Hampden as a Vintage Classic release. I wish I had a £1 for everyone that would like to see a new tool version. I am concerned that this release will stop any chance of a new tool. I can’t recall any kit that had a vintage release and then a new tool. Can you?
  25. There’s a good amount of experience with the users of this forum about rigging biplanes. You can use rigging wire (aftermarket sets cut to size for the specific aircraft), stretched sprue, and elastic thread, to name but three. I prefer the latter and have a post on here showing my attempts. Others are better at it than me, but I’m happy with the results. Hope this helps.
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