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Everything posted by paul71

  1. i had a problem with decalfix too, I found that they would stick instantly they touched the surface and couldn't move them into the more or less right place and i did gloss the surface before putting them on, if they touched my fingers whist still damp they would instantly stick to them and peal off. iv mixed some decalfix with a bit of water i didn't measure it as it was just an experiment but it has worked for me ( i do keep the mixed decalfix in a separate bottle and give it a shake before i pour it out to use then just pour it back into that bottle ready for next time), I'm able to move them the fine little bits and the bigger moves i want to now, they don't stick to my finger instantly any more and they still pull down into the recesses lovely i still gloss before and i gloss over them to seal them in and then do it in matt if i want a matt finish overall I don't try to do my decals all at once now and a tip i got from ratch ( his B17 and ground vehicles post) not so long ago is to do some of the decals as i build
  2. looks good ratch, been interesting to see you build it and how you do things different to me like doing the decals as you go along, iv always done decals last
  3. yes its an exclusive to members on hornby site, but its like what you tell people to get when they ask about them with an air tank , and airfix don't sell it
  4. received my email from hornby ( trains ) and it was about there exclusive tools for club members only, was wondering how airfix which is part of the same group (if im right) is getting there club for members so wrong, seen people asking about compressors for spraying there kits and what to buy and hornby are selling the compressors on there site Hornby Club – Compressor but not on the airfix site, im sure there is other tools people would want but cant get from airfix, and the hornby prices look competitive to the other sites people keep mentioning to buy from.
  5. this is looking good, remember seeing these aircraft at the air shows just after they came back from the gulf war and the dirty pink you have got is so close to how they did look,
  6. enjoying seeing this set, its one i would like to get but just cant justify the price at the moment, thanks for showing it ratch
  7. you are welcome pmm happy to help, getting to an air show early lets you see things before they unwrap them for the day joy, found the side view of it now and the rear tiedown point, if you save the pictures the will open up quite large
  8. Hi pm would this help you out for the undercarriage, i know its the camo one but the all green one iv got was taken at a bit of distance on a very wet day so isn't as clear as this, I took this picture in 2012. The only picture of a gun on a helicopter is an American huey with an m60 i can post that if you want
  9. hi T2B not sure if this technique would help you taking these type of pictures with the glass been curved, as the glass reflects light back up the lens the closer you can get to it the less light is reflected back, if I'm taking a pic through glass i get as close as i can if i can touch the glass i put the lens touching it as it then becomes part of the lens its self and stops it reflecting back. don't use a flash and if the camera has a macro setting try using this as you are more of a 1:1 ratio for picking close detail up, you could try having the light source ( window or a light ) in front of you so the light comes through it and not reflect of it from behind you but not so bright it washes the colour out and turns it white, if it does go a bright white you could look at altering the white balance (wb) settings. sorry if this seems like a lecture but i don't find it easy trying to put what i know into words, but i find what you have done with this kit amazing and i hope this helps you get the picture you want to show how good it is.
  10. the MKVI was a special high-altitude interceptor having a pressurized cabin and elongated wings giving it a ceiling of 39,000 feet a total of 97 were built
  11. early on in the war some fighter squadrons did delete there squadron codes just leaving the roundel and aircraft letter for identification, the serial number would stay with the aircraft even if it moved to a different squadron but would change if it moved to a different air force if they had a different system of keeping track of the history of the aircraft for such things as flying hours / maintenance. as the war went on a squadron leader or wing commander was able to personalise his own aircraft identification letters as they would have there own personal plane, as the other planes of the squadron would be flown by any of the pilots in the squadron.
  12. Had a look at that.....very interesting,im itching to have a go! You changed Paul to Dawn! How did you do that? it was originally set up for my ex years ago, and decided not to set a new account just change it over to my name and now i just cant get her name out of this I've tried changing everything ( no matter how hard i try she will just not get out of my life lol )
  13. Have a look on youtube at steamgeezer and son, he puts one of these motors and lights into an airfix 1/72 hurricane, did it around a year ago for a models for heros auction
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