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Everything posted by ironsides

  1. Personally I would favour a range of 19th century Ironclads in 1/350ish.. any nationality... 😉
  2. Would agree with Ratch, I wouldn't expect free replacement parts on a kit that was produced before Hornby-Airfix actually existed.... It should be easy enough to make a reasonable replacement part for that component though...
  3. "After-all the Royal Navy must be one of the oldest armed forces in the world with a history of inovation second to none. Come on Airfix it needs to be celebrated" And what better way to start that celebration With a new kit of HMS Warrior...... http://www.hmswarrior.org/ 😀
  4. I wouldn't say the majority of Airfix ships kits were particularly rare as I've seen quite a few selling on ebays and have picked up a fair number from that site, the most I paid was 30€ for a genuinly rare red stripe boxing of the Endeavor(rear quarter art work) for the rest the price was much less, I think Collectable kits in good condition are more likely to fetch a good price then a recent reissue in many cases simply because their collectable, but all kits are not equal in this regard often going for easily less then the price of a new kit.... rare for me would be a Quantas Avro 504 and they do go for very good prices 😉
  5. I probably built a dozen or more of all Airfixs WW1 Aircraft over the years(let alone the other manufacturers) sometimes building in multiples, more recently WW2 models include the Defiants and Blenheims and will probably buy more.. so I have a tendency to agree with Mr Mock on this one... If its a good kit, there was plenty built and many Airforces used them, it naturally lends itself to multiple purchases... 😉
  6. I tried to find a colour chart that would be appropriate with RAL codes but to no avail, I would use Yellow Ochre generally this is available in artists acrylics, Rowney, Windsor and Newton, Lucas (The liguid in bottle is my current choice) etc... .-)
  7. In fact I have at least two Vintage Airfix kits with panel lines (some would say tramlines but it must have been really difficult to achieve) an Albatross and Sopwith Camel from the late 50s, at that time I think it was normal for Airfix though I don't personally have many kits from the time, mostly 60s 70s altered tooling with raised lines and rivet detail .-)
  8. Thats pretty much where I was going with it, for my own part the detail on the current batch of 1/72 aircraft is I think excellent and I'm pleased with what Ive bought, Blenheims/Defiants all of em! +DO17 the DFD is excellent value, who could resist! :-)
  9. Sorry double post please delete
  10. Balance is necesary in detail and this is invariably in the eye of the beholder, the question is if you took an aircraft and miniaturised it to 1/72 what detail could you really expect see that easily with the naked eye?, that said the eye expects to see certain details, and without them things look wrong, I think all you can really expect is an impression :-) Each to his own I think.-)
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