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Everything posted by Tweezers

  1. So how do I access them? Incidentally, a few modelling sites have the instructions as a pdf file. Helpful if you want to know more than just a box cover
  2. Thanks Chris, that's what I wanted to know.
  3. Them big black stands that held the batteries for the spin-prop motor were of a black brittle plastic that broke easily. I'll see if any survive in the loft insulation. Much better you devise one from whatever misculaneous materials you have to hand. Good luck!
  4. I see Airfix are releasing more figures. I have an innate reluctance to purchase any given past experience of trying to paint them and to my dismay seeing the paint drop off once dry. Given the plethora of new substances that have come on the market since the 1980s, How do we treat the figures now so that paint stays on the figures once dry?
  5. There are several books on this topic and I bought one to get started in the 1980s. It helped with my external mix airbrush and I learn't a great deal. Now I have a no-name chinese airbrush that came in a package with compressor. I could never have afforded this as a teenager. Experiment and enjoy! Humbrol sell a bottle of thinners for their enamels 125ml for £4.49
  6. Please don't! If you feel the need to as a clensing act then please note, charity shops accept kits in made and unmade states. I've made some nice kits and supported some worthwile causes thanks to fellow modellers having clear outs. Thank you folks!
  7. /media/tinymce_upload/3d84dd8f9cda10d18a38560711714670.jpg Well done for giving it a try Mark This is what I have to use now at my age. Oh to be a youngster again and not worry about accuracy. I'm sure you'll make a model you will be happy with then you will find yourself on a roll. I stick with Airfix because they have locating pins. Curses to all manufacturers who skip this modelling aid in the molding process. Boycott them I say.
  8. Very nice. You got the colour scheme spot on. Airfix got the nose correct. Difficult to know how to replicate the GR1 and onwards nose. Yes please, a modern tooling would be nice with lots of ordinance and choice of noses and tails. So French machines can be represented.
  9. You'll need to ask Mr Airfix to re-release 02311 Sheridan tank. Nice one I remember
  10. In my copy of "RAF Wattisham- A Pictorial Hisstory" it states: "All unit insignia and other obvious identification markings had been removed from front-line aircraft by the outbeak of war and replaced by a two-letter code donating the squadron and the individual aircraft" So what is the individual letter fo R3600?
  11. A02063 appears to have two canopies even though it's for a Mk 2 Gladiator
  12. Hi all Two different shaps of front cockpit canopy. Which one do I choose for Mk 1 Gladiator? Glad for the addition of three blade propellor which gives flexibility to the kit.
  13. Hi all, While one part of me is pleased that it is being re-issued, another has misgivings. The attachment of the wings to the canopy rely on a certain amount of strength of the canopy windows to support them. My original 1970s Storch still survives. However this is due to the canopy windows neither being brittle nor weak. Secondly passenger Field Marshal Erwin Rommel has had the bottom half of his body amputated inorder to fit in the cockpit. Otherwise this is a cracking model whose artwork will nobdoubt lead to a respectable sales figure. Though if I was Airfix I would combine it with the 1/76 Reconnaissance set and hope no one noticed the different scales!
  14. "A new tool MiG-19 would be at the top of my kit list. As far as I know the KP kit from 1972 is the last time anyone has a go at this Cold War classic." Correct Old Tonto. Only if you have it, there are a few problems. My one the shape of the wings in plan view. The KP one I have has a distinctive change of angle, whereas it should be quite subtle and it looks like the Airfix one has captured that, looking at the pics in AME. The sprue pics also suggest a PF variant is possible in the future. ie the addition of new parts around the nose.
  15. Well, FWIW the original Airfix release had optional parts for turret or no turret. Thanks Paws4thot. According to the ancient instruction leaflet on Scalemates. So a need for my Perfect Plastic Putty methinks. As for decals. might switch to Eagle Cal: http://www.eagle-editions.com/aircraft-decals-for-the-modeler/72/p-61-a-black-widow
  16. Looks promising! Especially if an early "A" version is an option. I try to support Airix as much as I can, just like I did in the 70s! 😀 Also my LMS = local model shop Thanks Jopres57 for the tips using Print Scale. What about using micro sol and micro set solutions with them?
  17. Thanks for rounding this thread off T2B A case of waiting for the reviews. AMW seems good on that score
  18. "Looking forward to more Soviet and Russian aircraft from Airfix, good affordable kits in that genre are lacking out there." Quite agree with elkart. The attraction for me is the interesting finishes that they pose. It must have been a dilema for someone at Airfix in chosing the options for A03091.
  19. Hobby Boss. Does it have locating tabs for wings? Cannot abide butt joints without tab support. It seems that the european based P-61s were of the early varients. The Airfix appears to be a latter varient with a turret that saw operations in the Pacific.
  20. Hi all I never made the Northrop P-61 Black Widow, but if, in the future, a decal company bring out markings for a 422nd Night Fighter Squadron that flew in Europe at the end of the war, then I might be tempted. Does anyone remember making it? Does it deserve seeing the light of day again? I'm sure I saw once pictures of one in D-Day invasion stripes on the fuselare and wings. Preferable to any all-black a/c, as depicted on the box art.
  21. Are ou sure you need a Me Bf 109 E4/7? I have Erprobungsgruppe 210 in the Battle of Britain by John Vasco. They appear to have used the E4/B Annoyingly I had to go to another manufacturer for the Me Bf 110. At least decals exist. Good luck and hope we see your project
  22. The release date is postponed from "Autumn" to "Winter" any reason for thedelay?
  23. When I get around to airbrushing my 109 G-6 I'll try low pressure with nozzel close to surface. Not an easy finish to achieve. Well done!
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