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Everything posted by taunmarc88

  1. @moawkward Thank you for that thorough reasoning towards TT. It brought up a few issues I face that I hadn’t even got around to considering yet. One factor I keep coming back to is the TT community is actually really nice compared to some others. Thanks again, I think it’s TT for the win. I don’t fancy fixing up any more old locos and when you mentioned the idea of doing the round layout first and then applying those skills later to a bigger layout that makes a lot of sense. I better order me some Peco wagons then as I haven’t seen them in person yet!
  2. I spent too long wondering whether to grab a few BP wagons and now it’s too late… I’m pleased they seem to be popular though! Anything to keep Hornby invested in TT seems like great news.
  3. @moawkward - I would be interested to know how you are getting on in your decision between TT and other scales as I am still unsure myself. It feels like crunch time approaches with more products due this year! @david_watts1 - Those coal loads do look good. It looks like they don’t sort out the slight bend in the wagon sides on the Peco wagons though? Not that it is too obvious as TT is quite small.
  4. It’s definitely a little misleading but it’s nice to see it mentioned. Just wish I hadn’t already bought the BR blue as I’ll have two when the green is released 😂
  5. What a lovely piece to have on your layout with so much family history. As you say how incredible that it’s so close to 1:120… funny how these things work out!
  6. Ooh that ship looks great! The whole thing is looking really good, love the building interior and open door idea.
  7. The anniversary special Train Terminal is live in the members section. No new info but they do seem very positive about TT in general going forward.
  8. Perhaps they now have enough straight track for the sets, so they can release ready for Christmas. I’m sure the preorders will have already been taken into consideration as well so this is definitely a good development.
  9. The middle one looks like something from a modelling magazine which is possibly what they are looking for. They all look good though! I expect the want to see plenty of Hornby products in each shot to push sales 😅
  10. Just watched, looks good. It’s funny how this scale seems normal now once you’ve been exposed for so long. You need a few more wagons, hopefully peco will come through soon.
  11. Well that’s a bonus but not ideal! It’s always nice to get something free if it fits nicely on the layout. When I’m ready to do some buildings I’ll have to see what’s available. Quite looking forward to a bit of a more personal look.
  12. That’s looking great. The little details everywhere bring it to life as well.
  13. The only feedback I’m getting when trying to design anything is ‘where’s does the castle go?’ … not overly helpful but an N gauge castle at the back could work …
  14. It baffles me that we are still getting this kind of rubbish content about TT:120 when many of us have a loco running around a track at home quite happy with it. If anything, TT might salvage hornby going forward. It’s a brand new start from scratch… not many companies get this chance and Hornby will run with it. The hobby is changing, that affects the YouTubers the most it would seem.. reduced revenues is everyone starts watching TT endeavours instead !
  15. Definitely good a bit of interest, I like it when you are on the train and see all the bits and bobs parked up especially on a heritage line. Hopefully it’ll look something like that!
  16. @Mocassin Enjoy a holiday and you’ll be pumped up and ready to go! Ive just added a carriage siding to my proposed layout so I think I’ve added an extra 2 inches of depth. I didn’t like how I could only fit one set of three on the board… what if they need extra capacity in summer?
  17. That looks good, I could have had more space and just had a longer loop but it would ruin the room that it is in so I’ve come up with this 5ft x 3ft loop layout which can accommodate two locos, maybe three at a push. I have added the siding at the top left to be the escape for a terminus station similar to High Fell if space opens up in the future. I could build such a module separately if necessary as a project and the connect the two when possible. I’ve used second and third radius. It allows the station on the outer loop and i think to my eyes 4th seemed out of proportion to the layout in my room. Edit: Pic to follow once approved.
  18. Wow Postman that’s a large loop, is it a branch line? I have left a siding sticking out as an escape route for a future expansion should such a thing happen…
  19. @Mocassin I did buy a full 4th radius, i suppose the trade off comes by loosing the engine shed siding on the outside loop but gaining that space as you have in the middle. Fantastic that it fits in 3ft that’s truly tabletop size.
  20. I have been wondering about the track pack layout and now people have got various bits to do it, has anyone made it? I’d especially like to know how people found it in action and if anyone has tweaked it but kept the original vibe such as elongating the straights or doing something else with the first radius siding. I was sold on TT originally as a way of putting the standard 8x4 / 6x4 into a smaller area. I’m thinking 5x3. I like the engine shed area, Good for displaying a loco and it’s an ideal part of a model railway. I also thought of extending the straight section of the loop by one and then moving the back siding to the inner loop and having a single platform county station on the outside loop at the rear. For the front, probably no station at all and use a right hand point where the left hand one is now to make a siding or two for carriages. I do like to drive on the left and I think this would achieve that on the sidings.
  21. Good news that you have you loco back, certainly makes Hornby CS look good. So, we will of course need a new High Fell video on YouTube soon featuring St James Quay… (I know video is a lot of work but I do love them!)
  22. @moswkward What a find! I have one in my loft, I hadn’t thought about using it, I just nabbed the power cable to run my track. The Bluetooth can be a bit annoying if you want to be using your phone for something else so I might look into that 🤔.
  23. @Rallymatt The passion shows through, same for a few others in the forum who are on YouTube. As TT has calmed down some of the bigger names have had to pull away slightly as it doesn’t bring as many views. It’s a shame Sam is using it in a negative way to garner some views, I do enjoy some of his content but this isn’t a good way to gain the new TT audience.
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