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Everything posted by taunmarc88

  1. Two NE vent vans and the NE Brake Van arrived today.
  2. What a load of tosh. Sam really needs to get his facts straight before saying things about other scales that he doesn’t have an interest in! @Rallymatt I would add another grand YouTuber to the mix… @HighFell. I’ve definitely watched his videos quite a few times… good TT content that!
  3. Ah wow, thank you for posting your progress it looks great. What a good idea, it just shows what you can be getting on with now rather than overthinking a huge project. I look forward to all future updates, good luck with it all!
  4. Ah yes, I didn’t even consider breakfast bars… I have seen the IKEA ones for table height but these are much better. Thanks I’ll have a look at those!
  5. @Rallymatt Which legs did you use for High Fell? Debate continues in my household as to how much room can be absorbed by a railway so I may need to buy some decent legs that can clear the height of a pull out desk that are also adjustable for a slightly uneven surface.
  6. It’s nice doing it the way you are that you’ll have the choice of adding either a portable loop or a fiddle yard as appropriate. I’m still looking at what space can be obtained in the spare bedroom, I might be able to have a small loop with a shelf station on the end that could float above a desk.
  7. Well I did think before the TT talk that I was concerned about going with TT as a scale and watching it originally I was quite irritated but now I’m actually starting to think I liked not having all the Q&A and promises for the distant future. Just a simple run down of available and soon to come items - not many but at least it was honest. It gives me some confidence that things are heading in a more sensible and realistic direction - things were a bit mad at the beginning of TT and then whatever happened in Hornby happened and it all went quiet for a few months. Hopefully this is a readjustment. As such I’ve just ordered the two LNER vent vans and the matching brake van which I’ve been dithering about for a while to give myself that push to carry on with TT and creating something to run trains on. Im definitely hoping to have the funds for a flying Scotsman DCC ready model next month and a Falcon DCC before my club membership runs out with discount. I’m sure I’ll join up and pay for the next year after that for the bonus points and hopefully some exclusive models even it is just a different paint job on a piece of rolling stock.
  8. I’m still in the planning stages of my layout but today I was playing around to see how many locos could sit on the track with the PSU from the DCC set and it couldn’t handle my four locos at once. So I’m thinking I may well go for something similar to the track pack layout for now as you can only accommodate a few locos at once. I’m not really getting going with my layout due to indecision but I’d like to be doing something even if it is considered a bit basic so the track pack layout seems a good option (I may add straights to make it longer though).
  9. That looks good moawkward, is it going to be a shelf layout or a modular loop? It seems as though having a box gives so much more realism as opposed to seeing a whole table at once. Looking forward to see what you do!
  10. Blimey, you have done well! I’m still at the ‘what size loop?’ stage so you’re off to a great start. Please do keep posting it really helps those of us who haven’t started properly yet and it looks really promising.
  11. Hmm I wonder what the surprise might be? A club exclusive loco or wagon?
  12. Is it still on YouTube? I’m struggling to find it on there.
  13. Moccasin I do hope you are right regarding the future products learning from previous mistakes. I’m thinking that may take longer than the next few models however. I’m still baffled by the lack of sound in the smaller locos and that we do not benefit from stay alive in TT. Such features I would pay more for, I believe other companies are filling this gap. Crazy that it’s possible but Hornby did not do it. Im currently applying the JOMO rule to my TT, I love it but it is causing me more problems and stress than fun at the moment so I’d rather know I have it in the cupboard than make a permanent layout. At the moment I just pull out my DC OO and make a loop every so often if I want some fun. It only costs me if I buy a second hand coach once in a while.
  14. So many interesting points, of course we all have our own view on pricing dependant on many factors. In regards to TT as this has occupied much of my spending recently, I think it’s certainly intended as a premium product but the execution especially in conjunction with HM7000 is pretty poor in my personal experience. For this reason although I am still occasionally buying bits, it is still in boxes in the cupboard and not played with. It’s a shame, I feel too deep to back out but reluctant to invest further… luckily for myself production issues have now delayed future releases so I can really have a good think. I suppose my overall thinking is this, I didn’t mind paying the price at all but I do wish more time and effort had gone into making a more reliable and fun to run product. I’d have paid more to have it work every time (like my thirty year old Flying Scotsman that’s been through hell and back).
  15. I suppose we should get used to this by now, it doesn’t make it less disappointing when it’s the things you particularly want though. I would say it makes spreading the cost easier but if they raise prices again that’s not true 😅.
  16. Thanks Peachy I’ll be checking that out!
  17. Peachy, loving the videos also. I was watching that neoprene one with interest the other day. Would you say it was quieter than cork? Once I glued cork down it seemed just as loud! Where did you get it from, if you don’t mind me asking?
  18. I have also heard that TT is manufactured by a different factory that was newly chosen rather than using the usual OO ones. It may be that sets require components made at different places such as track, loco, coaches etc so getting it all together is the problem. They seem to have had plenty of pacific locos (although some digital ones are now out of stock). So the locos themselves seem to be feint ordered in a large quantity. Perhaps it’s the track causing the problem.
  19. I definitely missed that. I do hope Hornby can get themselves sorted out soon, it’s all seemed a bit messy for a while. It’s quite good that they offered a discount in exchange though, they need to try and look after those who are eager for their TT project to succeed.
  20. I wasn’t even aware there was a debacle with HST orders? It’s good that your situation has improved, you definitely deserve a gift to yourself… that’s why I bought the set in the end, it’s been a crummy few weeks. Go ahead! I have to say the blood and custard coaches are my favourite thing from TT so far! I think I may be needing some more… and perhaps an era 4 loco …
  21. I received The Eastener digital set from Frizinghall models and three blood and custard carriages from Hornby. Not bad, it took less than 24 hours to get the set from payment to delivery.
  22. I have decided to buy the Eastener digital set from Frizinghall models so I’ll report back how I get on when it arrives. They did have one more in stock when I ordered if anyone was hoping to get one.
  23. I was looking and that’s where I saw them. Not sure what to do quite yet so I’ll probably wait for Hornby and the discount plus points if I do it, I can always use more points 🙌
  24. Thanks Moccasin, I appreciate that. Ah, I’m glad I haven’t missed it, although I did miss the recent price increases, retailers selling TT and the release of the blood and custard coaches! Quite a shock to the system on my return 😅.
  25. Did the Eastener DCC show as in stock on Hornby at all, or all gone on preorders? I’m thinking do I buy one from the other retailers but at extra cost. (I’m still not sure if I should buy but it’s good value for the loco, coaches and PSU…)
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