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My collection so far.


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It would be good to have a plain background thinking_face





I have some things I can do about the backgrounds. I had planned to photograph a group of them outside but I was quite windy. I won't take any more workbench pics though. My work area is a hot mess. In time all will be better.

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I quite like the backgrounds, looks like an airfield setting. Can’t please everyone!
Did you say each model is based on a real pilot?





Yes, these aircraft all have a story. I know who the pilots were. There are some groups that I do not know the whole story, but the planes really did exist.

Often, the research is done by the decal set maker. The Airfix P-40s for example got an entire decal set devoted to the flying tigers. It is very difficult for me to choose a single plane from a decal set of 10 to build when I could do all 10 and use all the decals in the expensive set.




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Hi Randall
Really enjoying this exhibition of talent. Pardon my ignorance but what is this starfighter parts and decals you keep mentioning?

There was one model you mentioned was a resin kit, was that hard? I have never tried doing a pure resin kit. Don’t have the tools or patience to make one.



Hi Rod



starfighter-decals.com Makes additional parts for older plastic models.



Resin kits are a little tougher than plastic sometimes. Using CA glue has its ups and downs. Sometimes though it's the only way to get rare aircraft.







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My recollections of Monogram kits were for the time good kits. Never saw many where I lived. Only ever came across a P51B kit. That was way ahead of other manufacturers of the time.



Yes, the monogram kits were pretty good for the day. They were lacking in cockpits and engine detail, but those shortcomings are made up with resin parts.







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Hey Randall
Is there any US fighter type or variant you haven’t managed to model or add to your collection? You seem to have quite a few of the more unusual types in collection. Been an education for me.

Do you model just American made fighters of the period or any fighters used by American army airforce of the time?

Just wondering as you might just get to an end to your collection and modelling projects.



Hi Rod,



Here are some stats, as I stated I am keeping an inventory of both the built models and the kits in the "stash"



I have:

701 US aircraft

246 German Pre war and wartime

158 British

197 Japan

64 other nations



These numbers change frequently as new or better products arrive. For example, I bought two of the new Airfix Beaufort when they came out. The advantage of keeping an inventory is know exactly how many of each type and manufacturer I have.



My spreadsheet won't copy and paste here but it includes kit #, Manufacturer, Nation, Plane name and approx value. I also change the colors to indicate if a kit is built, recently I changed the colors again once the aircraft ws linked to a photo.



Remember too that i am a binge builder. For example, if I decide to build Spitfires (coming soon), I may find that my supply of decals is much greater than my supply of kits. I may wish to begin buying up Spitfires so the number of kits will naturally grow. I found some nice P-51 decal sets in the last few years so I've been buying up mustangs this month. I'm currently building 6 P-51 B, Three P-38s (green ones), three A36 Apache and three P-47 razorbacks.



I also have about 4000 N scale trains, many that are kit built or otherwise modified by me.



I don't believe I'll get to the end of it all in my lifetime.









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