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Not such a bargain!


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Don't worry Scottish Power are good at that sort of thing. I had a cold call visit by one of their reps. When I moved into my current address one of the previous tennents had, had key/card prepay meters installed. So I am able to budget quite well [thankfully the old prepay meter surcharge has long gone. where by if you put say £20 on a fiver was used as the surcharge and you only got £15 energy. Now if you put £20 on that's how much energy you get.], costs me £25+/- a month for electric [funnily enough the electric stays pretty well the same all year round! Curios or what?] and between £25-£45 for gas 'pending time of year i.e. more in winter than summer. So over the year what £55-60 per month collectively [£700-800 p.a.] . nyway this caller from Scottish Power was most insistant he could do a better deal. The deal being he'd reduce the gas to £30+/- a month over the year and reduce my monthly electric charge from £25 to £42! So much for the savings when the electric was increased by 75%.As half of the gas charge was being transfered to the electric charge.......

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My Mum (in her 90's) had been wound into some deal by SSE where she paid a set charge monthly for gas and electric - then if she overpaid or underpaid one year, the payment would be adjusted in the next year to compensate - sounds like a sensible way to do things eh?

When she passed away and we were sorting out her estate, paying final bills etc., we found that she was over £800 in credit with SSE. She had been in credit at the end of the previous year and nevertheless, they had still increased her monthly payment.

To me, the unjustifyable taking of money is known as theft... theft from a 90 year old at that! - anyway, what's this got to do with model trains? - sorry!

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I know it's a bit off topic now but I understood that all gas and electric companies had to automatically refund once the overspend got to £100 past the usage charges ie paying in £40 a month and after 12 months being £100 overpaid. I am with British Gas and they review my account every 6 months. What annoys me is that the summer review says I am paying too much and the winter says I am not paying enough so they alter it twice for no reason really. I am always "on Target" for the "plan". What plan??????

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Before we left UK I had a stand up argument with BG about them wanting to increase my payments and me saying but you owe me money.


In the end I cancelled the DD/STO arrangements and opted to pay cash as the bills came in, as well as demanding back all the overspend I had in credit with them, despite losing 10% discount for not having the DD/STO..


Support desk jockies who cant deviate from the script when it comes to common sense judgements - you find them everywhere.

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Of course, support desk people can't deviate from the script. Nowadays they say something they shouldn’t and with everything being recorded both them and the company they work for could end up having to honour god knows what. I have never had to demand money back, I just ask them to return it to my bank account and they do.

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