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E-link vs Elite


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Hi GBM. welcome to the forum.


As you have may have spotted in the posts you have looked at already there are as many opinions about these two controllers as there are ...... well, stars in the sky. Some folk like the physical control knobs of the Elite used with RM or independently, and some are happy to let RM do everything via PC control and the E-link. You can see from my signature which one I use - having used both.


Do you have a model store or a club near you where you could perhaps try both and see what suits you?



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With eLink you are totally reliant upon your PC to be functional. With Elite you can still run your layout using the knobs and buttons even if your PC and or RailMaster (RM) software are temporarily out of order. A personal view, but based upon the posts on this forum, the Elite does seem to be more reliable than the eLink when used with RM. The Elite also includes the 4amp power supply instead of the eLink 1amp supply.


Hattons are selling RM for £5. This buys you an out of date CD but with a valid CD license key. You can then download the current RM version from this website and use your purchased £5 CD key with it.

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 Hi Roger

Thanks for the reply.

I have spoken to my local model shop who said they tried the E-Link when it first came out and said they didn't like it. But hadn't tried it since.

Not thought of looking for a local club, so will look into that.

I like to sound of automation as well that the software can do.

Thansk for the pointers Chris, I take it I would have to buy the eLink supply seperate?

Thanks Gary

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If you're happy to do everything via the PC and RailMaster go for the eLink as it's cheaper and you can quite easily get a 4A power supply for it if you need the extra power. If you like the option of being able to control your locos with knobs and buttons as well as via the PC and RailMaster, go for the Elite.

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That is an expensive way to get an Elite (by getting e-link first).

If you intend to go for Elite, go straight there.  As Chris says, RailMaster is available for £5 on its own or about £70 if bought with e-link I think.  The other £65 could go towards the cost of the Elite.


Just my view of course!

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It sounds like you can have both?


You can't use both Elink & Elite connected to the same track at the same time.........HB

But you can use both with RM - just not connected to the track.

Elite for the track and eLInk for points. Plenty of discussion about that on this forum already as to how that works and the pros and cons, etc


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Morning all

I have been doing modelling for a few months now and am getting to a point where I would like to go for the E-link or Elite controller.

I am currently using just the select controller and everything is Hornby stock.

I run my own computer business so should be able to pick up the Railmaster software quite easily.

I have been looking around forums about the two but the all seam to be old posts.

Now that E-link and Railmaster have been out for a while I was just looking for peoples opinion as to what they thought was best. E-link or Elite controller?

Thanks Gary

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being partialy disadled without the use of my left arm amongst other problems, I opted for the e-link/railmaster option and have been satified with the setup.  The only problem that I encounted was the infamous windows 10 compatability.  I resolved by buying another laptop that was in a sale because it only had windows 8, problem solved and a computer dedicated to my trains.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought the elink/railmaster option first, found it a bit hit and miss with reliability. The biggest issue for me was when you got a short you had to reset it on the PC. As my 4 year old son now wants to play I decided to buy the elite because it was easier for him to use. Since having elite shorts are handled by the elite far better and generally get going straight away without intervention. 

My track is setup on railmaster so decided to keep elink as a second controller to control points and signals. Finding this works very well and glad I have now got both controllers.

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The 'shorts' issue with the eLink is well documented on the forum and usually fixable with a tweak of the "railmaster.ini" file.

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