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New Track inside the Dining room table


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Saw this and it jumped off the page at me.


So again... that time you thought you had a brilliant idea and wish you never started it.


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Preparing the area for the little car bridge. Weathering of the road will be toned down and water added later. This will ultimately feed the small creek into the back of the station.





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Horse farm base coming together. This will be a big chunk of one end of the table taken care of. Probably should have taken a photo of it not on the tablecloth. Metcalfe buildings.. Fence posts made from match sticks and then I drilled holes in them to run the wire for the rails.


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Well, Al, ANY driver in the car would be nice. 😀 But maybe he nipped under the bridge for a discreet bit of "comfort".  BTW it is Stirling Moss. I was at Goodwood when he had his horrific accident, from which he luckily recovered months later.  It is irritating that models are supplied without drivers. A separate little figure would be a useful bonus.

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Stirling indeed - sorry for the typo to one of my all-time favourites!

Greatest driver never to have won an F1 title as he has unfortunately been 'titled' on many occasions.


I still like my earlier idea of the sliding market stalls - doesn't seem to be much the OP's not able to model - which is a compliment!!



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Hi Uksqueezea, Very imagative railway layout, and I am sure it will be a great talking point.

May I ask one question.The roads you have made so far seem unusual from over here in the UK.

I take it, that you are in Australia, so are the roads made from cast concrete sections, with exspasion joints, as your layout portrays?

Only major roads over here, I know of  constructed with concrete sections were some on M62, M42 & M1.

These types of roads are very noisey, tyre roar, also exspasion joints, repetative bang,bang, bang.

I really am impressed on the brief time it has took so far to construct the layout.

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yes in relation to the roads, the heat out here buckles them as we have a lot of heavy trucks moving around and in qld where I live its largely clay-based. When its wet under the roads its very spongey and this is when the damge occurs.. The trucks who do the most damage are the large tandom dirt haulers or " Mud-carters" as we call them. The road workers then merely cut sections of bad asphalt out and replace them so we do have alot of patch work roads. As for my roadway I was really just trying to build a section of road with a bit of ruggedness.  Its probably still a little over done but it will come good in the end. I'll just plonk a slot car road on here it will give you a look at what I hope to achieve in 00 guage./media/tinymce_upload/c126e75a2d2254fbb43e21c667d468fc.png


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Oh and someone asked if we had Sir Stirling cars, indeed we do, as well as Mr Fangio. Currently searching for some small preferable standing drivers , would really appreciate someone letting me know if they have them in this scale like they do in 32 scale. In the small village setting it will be heavily leaning toward the race car theme with small garages and possibly a WW2 Spitfire restoration workshop. Already having some Mike Hawthorne D+E Type Jags, a Vintage Bentley, Small Porsche 550 and the Mercedes x 4. Also picked up the Classic Bedford Horse transporter for the farm. 



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uksqueezea, welcome to the Hornby Forum.  😀


A layout inside of the dining room table? I thought that was a tying error before I clicked on the thread, but it is inside of the table! I've never seen that before. A 2-in-1 table; Top for eating, inside for playing with trains! It gives the table two uses, which better than 1!  😆


Well done. A clever design.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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Thanks for the comments boys.. Perhaps we've finally solved the issue of a wife saying there's no where to put it. When she's worried about her house. Time will tell if its a winner and as I understand it, no this is not a very common layout idea. 


looking pretty good now - are you going to use real water for the river or is that being a bit dareing???

I've done a few water things before mostly for the cars, but I did do a Battleship for a mate before he retired from our work. He was ex-U.S Navy. ( below )

So I'm probably aiming for not quite so blue like the Pacific Ocean,... but the woodland scenics product will do fine for the water. I'll choose a color later.


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Metcalfe Railway Station/ Really enjoyed building this little kit. Changed the Chimney stacks over to brass so the can handle the weight sitting on them from the glass table top which should be millimenter perfect. This is mean't to be used for extra support for the glass. Base is raised up and I decided on a weathered timber boarded platform. Still a little work to do around where the base of the platform and the table meet and I'm still not decided if I'll put timber boards beside the railway or go with ballast in between the the tracks. (leaning towards ballast at the moment.)





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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost finished the little tower in the middle of the track. This is almost in the exact middle of the layout and will serve at the main resting point for the glass when its closed. I dont know what you call them but I'm sure someone in England will know the name of the small stone forts. The trains simply pass straight through.


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