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New Kid on the block.

Puffed Out

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Hi all.

I've just restarted my interest in Hornby Railway, after a 57 year break.

I've recently bought two sets from Amazon. 

1).Hornby R1228 Industrial Freight Train Set. + Hornby R6891 Triple Fuel Tanker Pack

2). Hornby R1167 Flying Scotsman.

Plus some extra track, curves and straights, includings 4 pieces of flexi track. And 6 buffers and some fish plates.

Just out of interest, I also bought a Laser Model Store 00 Gauge Twin Girder Railway Bridge.

I have to admit things have moved on in 57 years. since I had my first Hornby Dublo set.

Looking forward to some advice and help.

Hoping to build a layout, in the order of 10 feet by 15 feet, or thereabouts. Still very early in the planning stage. I'm still waitng for my orders to arriv from Amazon.  Once I get it, then I'll see what extra track I'll need, and potential layout.

I've aleady downloaded the guide to getting started. Perhaps I should have concidered that first before my purchases. 😆

Anyway, happy to be here.


Steve. 😀





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Hi NKOTB - welcome to the forum.


Fully appreciate that you have had a layout before but as a first pointer you might want to keep in mind that you will either need access all around the outer edges of your layout - or - an access hole in the middle somewhere for you to reach any derailments which will happen. You have a great space there for a layout and we look forward to hearing more from you as things progress.



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Thanks for the advice so far. I had considered access to the middle via a hole or trap door.

My first port of call today, was my local Builders suppliers, to checkout the sizes for plywood. 8x4 and 10x4. So I bought 3 sheets of 8x4. (To be delivered Saturday).

I'm considering a staggered layout, with the one sheet central, the other other two staggered eitherside. Forming a sort of delta layout. . Overall dimentions being 12x12.

Or, 2 sheets end to end, with the third set halfway along the length. So giving an overal size of 16x8.

I've tested my overall access and my reach, on my dining table.  Being over 6 feet tall, it was fine for either.

The Free Track Plans are very helpful indeed.

I'll have a mess about tomorrow afternoon, and see what's what.



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I'm 6ft tall and have a layout which is 10' x 18' but I have a inside well 6' x 14'  so the layout is only ever 2' wide anywere. i may increase this to 3'  in places anymore would be to much. yes I could starch further but once scenery is built damage becomes a problematic both of the scenery but also rolling stock. 

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Well the day didn't start too well.  The ply that I ordered, wasn't the one I paid for.

What I got was shuttering ply, and that's about as much use as a cream cracker.  Too late for the correct ply, . the shop only trades for the morning.

Monday it is, hopefully.

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I soldered droppers to my fishplates and to date have not had any problems; however I used these soldered fishplates at every rail joint so probably have some redundant continuity. Personally I would much rather solder to fishplates than direct to the rail but that's a reflection on my soldering skills.  Some brands are easier than others to take the solder.

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Well chaps, I've had to seriously have a rethink.  I was being rather ambitious with the size of my layout. Not so much the area, but the cost of filling it.

So I'll be reducing it to something akin to a 4ft x 12ft or 14ft.  So pretty much half the area of what I'd imagined. 

I did a basic layout of my track without connecting the track together, and I had a job to do a layout on 2,  8ft x 4ft plywood sheets, with what I've purchased. 

Track layouts look ok from the plans, but in a real life situation it's different. Novice mistake I reckon.

Going below 4ft x12ft would be a bit stingy........but it gives me scope to add size, as and when, if I make allowances for track extention/s on this build.

Next question........!

What is the compatability like with Hornby, with Lima, Rivarossi, Jouef and Electrotren.  I only noticed these these makes, on the side of the of a Hornby track extension F and extension B.

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I had to go the stingy route.  The cost of this stuff did surprise me, it's my own fault for not doing the maths. Getting bargains didn't help that much.  Down to an 8ft x 4ft.....I'm rather dissappointed in myself, ambition over cost came crashing in.

But, at least it's a start, acorns to tree etc. etc.

Waiting on some Radius 4 bends, more points, and a some radius 1 bends, to create a goods yard in the middle.

Essentialy 3 and half loops.  The part centre loop for 0-4-0 only, and the trucks and wagons, and possibly coaches to shunt around. 


The bridge will be going into storage. It looks pathetic.




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@Puffed Out


Hornby track is fully compatible with Hornby's international brands - Electrotren, Rivarossi, Jouef and Lima - as you noted on the sides of the track packs. Hornby's track is sold alongside these ranges in their respective markets.


In general, all HO and OO current models should run on Hornby track. This will include stock from producers across the world so if you fancy some Australian locomotives or Brazilian wagons, have fun on Ebay...........! The only exceptions are 3 rail AC stock which will have a different power and pick up requirement (though wagons can be used if the axles are changed) and some locomotives or wagons may not like tighter cures but that is the same in OO as in HO.


Couplings are also different, but that's a whole different can of worms


Have fun building your railway...........

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Looks like you have lost several inches of track at each end. Could you not insert a couple of short staights on each side of the layout to give you more running distance ? Protecting each end of the layout with fencing etc. to prevent "dive-offs".

The gaps at either end has now been filled with radius 4 curves, plus straights and points, so another loop. There's about 35mm(sides) to 50mm(ends) space around the track now.

Yep, I've put up a barrier on 3 sides, with 50mm x 5mm strips of deal, screwed to the sides.

Still waiting for my radius 1 curves to be delivered for partial centre loop. Each loop now has it's own power track connection. Seemed a better idea, rather than soldering bits and bobs for continuity, although more expensive.

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Updated photo waiting for moderation. ?...........plus I'm still waiting for more track parts to arrive. They seem never ending.

At least the outer oval is up and running. Just waiting for the wiring to arrive to connect the other ovals to the power tracks.

I'm in no doubt that it wil be altered, after it's all running sweetly......a tweek here and there.

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