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Forum improvements

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I have tow bits of positive feedback to improve this forum:

  • The easy one is to support spellchecking, if I post on RMWeb forum or on the new DCC Concepts forum my typing errors clearly show up.  Your members aren't great typists and this would improve the qulaity of their questiosn and answers.
  • Much harder to fix is the toxic culture on here.Some members are quite rude and there seems no sanction for this.  Is this because you aren't particularly worried or is it that you don't have the resources to porperly moderate.   

I'd be interested to see if I even get a reply to this, whihc is a shame as there is some good stuff on here and most memebers are great and really know their stuff


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I have spell checking on my Windows 10 version of this forum using Firefox. It isn't enabled by default and I had to configure it to function on my PC by downloading a Firefox dictionary extension ,,, see Firefox 'Add-ons' manager window below:




Despite many attempts, I haven't been able to get 'Spell Checking' to work on Android. I can't get it to work in Microsoft Edge or IE11 either, but it does work with Chrome.


This is the forum 'Spellchecker' tool icon. /media/tinymce_upload/f9750d892d9ba3f46284ec99d2dcfe67.jpg


Note that it doesn't default to the 'enabled' condition. It has to be clicked each time you want to use it. And as I said above, if it doesn't do anything then a supporting browser needs to be specifically configured to use it.


With regard 'rudeness'. As a ComMod, I read just about every post that is published. Yes there has been a 'rudeness' issue in the past, but I feel that since the introduction of ComMods 'rudeness' has been much reduced.


The issue is that 'ComMods' have not been given the forum tools to go into a post and edit the content. Therefore it isn't possible to edit one bad sentence out of what is a perfectly valid post in all other respects. In very bad 'rudeness' cases, the only option open to the ComMods is complete removal of the post or sometimes the whole thread. Very much a 'sledgehammer to crack a nut'.


If you could post links to a couple of example posts that you consider to have rude connotations then they can be reviewed for content, to understand what type of comments you consider as being rude.


I'd be interested to see if I even get a reply to this...


Since Adam (the forum administrator) left Hornby last Christmas, this section of the forum is only likely to be read by other forum members and not any Hornby staff. So don't expect to get any response from Hornby.


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Friendly  Fryer , this forum, suffers badly with one posters. The last thing we need is to discourage, the less fortunate, than others, by correcting what they post. They know what they mean, and so. do we.. My son, has writing difficulties, and i know if  his posts for example, were spell checked, he would never post again.. So, i regard your firdy point as a negative, suggestion.   Moving on to your second point, you are relatively new to this forum, unlike me, who was here in its previous format.  Many of the really knowledgeable people, have left, or been driven away, as any form of sarcaism, leg pulling   , is now taken as going off piste..  The only ever rude poster that  briefly, came on, was removed, by Adam.  I have never read a toxic post, on here.. The last thing we need,, is to lose more posters.    You have the option, of not reading any post ,  that you know from past experience, is likely to offend.

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You need a thick skin to post on any forum, particularly, if like me, you are a tad flippant. Its really a case of if you dont like the heat, get out of the kitchen.  The other forums i use, encourage, a bit of banter, and many of us, email each other, direct. Lets get back to trains.

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FF. I had to remove your reply because there was something about your embedded link that forced your reply to be held back for admin approval. I could see from the timestamp info that it was posted prior Rob's post above but only became published this morning. However, once published it was corrupting the page and preventing the forum buttons from working. Please review TIP 13 in my TIPs page (see note below) with regarding embedding links. I suspect that rather than using the offical Forum links tool, you used some form of 'cut and pasting' which is not supported on this forum software.


FF original posted text with link removed


@Chrissaf this thread and reply by John B "what the hell are you going on about" is the most recent , I have a P2 rather than looking for examples and actually after his rant the advice was useful and I said so on there.  

What I'd really like to see is a more respectful approach on all sides as if we were in our railway club house and I guess the only way that can happen is by moderators setting a high standard in this area.  I occasioanlly moderate posts for work though it not part of my day job so I know how hard this can be..



That example [ColinB not JohnB by the way. Time stamp 20:19 on Page 1] is one where the ability to edit the content of a post would have dealt with it. It was not, I believe, an extreme case of 'rudeness' that warranted complete removal of the post. MM who the comment was aimed at, did not seem to take any significant offence to it in his follow up reply. Had MM's reply indicated extreme displeasure at the comment, then Mod policy is to remove offending posts regardless of how valid and useful the rest of the post was.


Note there is still some corruption on this forum page as a result of your post that is preventing me posting a clickable link to my TIPs Page. The URL in plain text is:




URL text to the page FF was highlighting


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I believe the majority of us over 65s are likely to be more direct in our conversation these days without taking offence easily...........I came across the  expression "snowflake" the other day so looked it up......


Snowflake is a 2010s derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.


I suppose the prevalence of Social Media is responsible for all this nonsense.......... 🤐............HB

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the younger generation, in my experience,  dont like  to be contradicted, certainly, my kids dont. I need to save my breath to cool my porridge..  I think you are correct Howbiman, we tend to speak our minds, without fear or favour.. Heather calls it a low threshold on tolerance. she is right.

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Lets face it John and Howard - an idiot is always going to be an idiot regardless of the age or colour of his cloak. I agree the older you get the less tolerant you become of these so called ‘snowflakes’. Sad be it to say, but if we had another real war we would lose it before the first shot was fired at the recruiting office. e.g. Will there be free WiFi, can my mum come to make my bed, what if they shoot at me and its outside my comfort zone, etc.


With regard to Mods having to set a real polite example - when you do this job day in day out there are often occasions when it would be of real advantage for us to be able to make direct contact with some folk and read them their horoscope. As it is we can’t, so until these folk break the forum rules they can continue to post, sometimes fine, sometimes drivel, sometimes borderline rude.


Just waiting for another Mod to dump this post for going political in breach of forum rules.

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I doubt this will close this thread out, but here goes :

Yes I make a lot of typos as its hard being being even midly dyslexic and an awful typist, so my suggestion was to make it easier for contributors to make less errors not for moderators to fix them.

Screengrabs are too hard in here and it looked fine when I used the tools above to show that screen grab I tried to post, which is my profile on Microsoft TechNet forums where I am a moderator with a high reputation.

As for tone - I am only rude to my friends and colleagues who I trust. On this forum we don't really know each other and what will offend  so I try and be really considered as I would like this to be a more inclusisive community where a range of views can be expressed. On other forums there are 1:1 chat options and it'd be nice to do thaty with say @RAF96 as I value his experience etc.  

Getting back to trains  😉 one are where I feel this forum is weak is that Hornby and the subbed out software house that runs Rail|Master don't seem to respond let alone try and fix problems raised here - can we agfree on that and try to fix it

thanks for listenning and for your views.

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I have shown that it is possible on Windows 10 PCs using Firefox / Chrome browsers to have 'spell checking' with a little configuration work.


As a Microsoft Tech Net forum user, I would assume that you have the skill set to configure it.


On other forums there are 1on1 contact options and it'd be nice to do that with say @RAF96 as I value his experience etc.


That feature is called 'Private Messaging' a common feature on many forums. Sadly, not this one. And no likelihood of it being added on this forum in its current guise.


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FF, many of us know each other well, as you can gather, by the number of my postings. We would get to know many more, if first time posters were encouraged to stay... We used to have a kind of chat area, but it was removed.. Hornby, take no part, or read this forum, so they dont respond. As to HRMS, i have never known them not respond to a cry for help. They have assisted me, and many other established posters, over the years, taking over our computers, and correcting any problems. I know of no other manufactures, that do this, even working, on christmas day.. They are a small, dedicated team, who dont get the  appreciation, they deserve. 

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I am in direct contact with many forum members by way of the contact page in my signature linked web site. You are welcome to join the list.



Surprisingly there are some members who although they watch the forum with interest are too nervous to post a question or even just make comment, for fear of making a fool of themselves, yet they are happy to discuss things one-to-one with me. I try to give them the confidence to post on the basis we all started out knowing precious little and gained knowledge by asking wuestions however trivial or seemingly silly they may sound to the poster. Despite the compliment from FF I am certainly not the ultimate guru by any stretch of the imagination, but I am happy to spread around what little knowledge I have. I am also keen to learn new stuff from others. It is a good day when you can say I am wiser now than I was yesterday.


As stated the forum, as is, being bespoke to Hornby and not a commercial forum base, is lacking in what many consider essential as basic functionalitiy for a forum such as PM, private sales, chat rooms, other make discussion areas, a totally off topic area, etc. We Mods for instance cannot directly contact another member by email as we do not have access to the members database. Such contact information has to be obtain via other forums.


As for insulting each other that is banter, which due to being ex-RAF is in my genes, and the more you get to know folk the more you know how far you can go without offending them, similarly you also know those folk not to banter with.


What was the topic we hi-jacked?

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Surprisingly there are some members who although they watch the forum with interest are too nervous to post a question or even just make comment, for fear of making a fool of themselves, yet they are happy to discuss things one-to-one with me. I try to give them the confidence to post on the basis we all started out knowing precious little and gained knowledge by asking wuestions however trivial or seemingly silly they may sound to the poster. Despite the compliment from FF I am certainly not the ultimate guru by any stretch of the imagination, but I am happy to spread around what little knowledge I have. I am also keen to learn new stuff from others. It is a good day when you can say I am wiser now than I was yesterday.


I wouldn't doupt this RAF, from what i have seen your alway's able to help with out being patronizing. I know i'll be pestering you once i get my mojo back.


Oh and your right it is a good day when we end it more knowledgeable, sadly i seem tobe going in reverse  😳.

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Surprisingly there are some members who although they watch the forum with interest are too nervous to post a question or even just make comment, for fear of making a fool of themselves.


On the other side, @RAF96, I am a person who is happy to contribute to the forum, even if I make a mistake or make a complete idiot of myself, because that is what life is about, making mistakes. 


The thing I worry about is the fact that I, one day, might post information on several threads within a short space of time, that may well be of use, but then to only be told that I post too much. Sometimes I think 157 posts, since what, March this year, might be a bit OTT.


Apologies if I have strayed off topic.


14xx Tank

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He just has all this spare time on his hands since he moved back to uk.


Never been busier John. Just finished the garden, deck, sleeper edging, fake grass and shifting tons of gravel.


Her indoors obviously has first bite at my free time if I know whats good for me, then the main layout when

i can muster the moho, then Hornby testing on the secondary layout, which means the forum may take a back seat at times.



Never fear about making a fool of yourself on here, we have some professional village idiots who look after that job. ...wait for it... wait for it...

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Me too Fishy professionally qualified idiot, although the paperwork does not specify a particular village.

I knew a bloke once who had been released from a mental institution. He would say I know I am sane as I have a certificate from the doctor to prove it, but none of you lot can prove you aren’t mad.

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Except for very special villages Rob, the classifications out here are usually just PI1 for SV and PI2 for LV.  Then for very large mult-cultural cities with commercial hubs, you need the Certificate 3 Multi-Media Skills extension to get yourself noticed amongst more Ham Is than you can jump over.

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