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No room for decoder in loco


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Re: Wainwright H Class 0-4-4 T Loco R3631, DCC ready.

I'm installing an 8 pin decoder R8249 in this loco (I believe it's the right one). I have it connected but I don't see how it can all fit in. Am I missing something, it just seems odd that Hornby has a chip that doesn't cram in, or do I need to consider other manufacturers. Thanks.

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Yes it is tight and installation has been covered on the forum previously, but any pictures may be lost in transit.

Some folk have returned their model to Hornby to get a decoder installed.

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I have one of those. It was a tight fit getting the 8 pin wired decoder in but I managed it eventually, though the dome popped off during the tussle requiring to be glued back on. I'm wondering now whether a direct plug decoder would be a better fit. I have a direct plug decoder but I'm not going to take the lid of the loco again to find out.

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I wonder if one of those TCS ones would fit. The other thing I have done on many occasions is buy a Zimo MX617, cut the 6 pin plug off and wire it to the 8 pin plug. These come with a shorter wires so there is less issue trying to find space for the wire.

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Hi Howbi,
Was the Zimmo supplied with the little pouch or did you obtain/fabricate that separately................



Hi Stephen.......yes the decoder was pre-fitted with the sleeve so, presumably, Zimo have tested it regarding heat dissipation. The decoder is MX600R, £20.........HB

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  • 2 weeks later...

I persevered and managed to fit the Hornby 8 pin chip in the recess in the side tank (they are not immediately apparent so shine a torch!). There is a recess both sides and it goes under the cabin floor slightly. I found it helped to stick a piece of insulation tape, folded over on itself, (so two sticky sides) in the recess first. Sort out the the wires so they are really neat together. Then carefully insert the decoder onto the tape holding its edges. Then insert the chip pins into place, then fold the wires around so they fit. I didn't have to use pressure from the screws to get it to sit properly when returning the loco body to the casing: it found its seating easily.

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Decoders are not generally scale categorised. They are specified by capability, part of which is current handling. Suitability for any scale relies on matching this to a motor stall current and then finding a size to fit a particular loco along with pin/socket type.

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