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Hi Gaza - At some model railway exhibitions there is usually someone selling "loco" sized boxes - I have one, which is solid and well made. The other option, albeit very limited, is to look on ebay. Many "railway modellers" sell-off their boxes (not sure whycry) - again I have bought a number of boxes for specific locomotives and they have been fine - you would be surprised what an empty Hornby box sells for.

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I like to have my locomotives stored in appropriate boxes when not in use - I don't have a permanent track, and occasionally lay a track - latterly in the garage as now.

I have purchased some locomotives in excellent condition, but with a damaged box, or some 'ex set' with no box, so have purchased the odd box, to ensure safe storage.


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I build a lot of locos from bits or buy damaged locos and fix them, so I like to have a proper box to keep them in. Trouble is at the moment the only choice is EBay, some people charge up to £30.00 for a box. I must admit that is well outside my price range. I set a maximum of £12.00 because on top of that there is normally the same post and packing as if you had bought a loco in a box. I like them in boxes as it is far harder to damage them, although some of the Hornby polystyrene ones can damage the loco.

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There are a few sellers on eBay and the like selling loco storage boxes in various sizes and colours. They are pretty generic boxes but do fit locos in nicely, I managed to get a bag full from a model shop near the Ribble Steam railway in Preston as I rang them up beforehand and managed to agree the same bulk price they were selling for on eBay. I had to remind them in the shop but I was very happy with my purchase.

I have had some repro Playcraft boxes printed off at a very helpful local printers from an original, I know there are people on here who have done the same for other makes and the Tri-ang society was selling repro boxes which may still be available.

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Thanks for suggestions. I didn't think of looking around exibitions etc. It reminded me there's a guy goes on the market selling hornby stuff. will look into that and yes ebay. You would have thought though that hornby would have sold them. Boxes do get damaged but my dad kept most of his in a display case and only took them to run and service. But can not find the boxes anywhere. Thanks again

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The fairs at the Reebok or University of Bolton Stadium or whatever it’s being called now are run by Barry Potter Fairs and I know that some of the vendors travel from all over the North, it might be worth looking on the BPF website to see if there is anything local as the same vendors might attend the other fairs.

I wonder if the chap with the boxes is from the Preston model shop which is ‘just up the road’. If you are going for a particular stall if you know their name it’s worth checking they will be there if you are making a special journey. For me I live less than two miles away so it’s not a problem blush

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Or if all else fails, what you could do is :- get a / make a box the right size for a Loco / Carriage - paint it red - stick a 'Hornby' Logo on the Top Right hand corner, take a photo of said Loco / Carriage - print out photo - then stick it on the front of the box (& not forgetting to put the info on the side end of the box - the 'R' No. & the Name of the Loco & a pretend Bar code - just to make it look more real!!!) 😉🚂🚂🚂

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Cheltenham Model Centre have nice boxes at very reasonable prices and in several sizes depending on what you have. Small is for tank engines/shunters, medium for say prairies or Class 20, and large for big tender steamers / large diesels. Multibuy offers too. Satisfied customer, no interest.

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You have to bear in mind that, for collectors rather than modellers, the lack of the correct original box for a model can affect its value quite considerably, so the box has a not insignificant value of its own.

Modellers may be quite happy to keep their models in any suitable protective box when not being run (as atom has said, when detailing parts are fitted it is sometimes impossible to return a model to its original box anyway) but not so for collectors (and some modellers), who thus may view the prices being sought as not so outlandish as they at first seem.

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I am not so sure about the boxes giving the model more value, it might do when the model is relatively new, say up to 10 years old. When I started collecting in the 1980s, a model in its box cost a lot more second hand than without its box. When I sold my old 1980s to 1990s old tender driven locos, I didn't seem to get anymore for them than if I had sold them without the box. I do try and get the right box for ones I buy without a box, but that is just so I have somewhere to store them. Since I permanently join loco to tender, as per latest Hornby design, I generally have to cut away some of the foam in the box anyway. It is a shame you cannot buy the latest type of "block of ice" packing, but I can see why this is impractical but the newer packaging is so much better.

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Boxed models in mint condition nearly always attract the best resale price. Having the original box, packing, instructions etc., in good condition is a must.

Good condition boxes and packaging have a value and can add £'s to a models value. Some models are rare and good boxes for these attract good prices.

For example, a good box for a Tri-ang/Tri-ang-Hornby EM2, with inner tray and instructions, will set you back the best part of £35 today.

Don't forget you were selling items, Colin. The rule of thumb for trade buying is 50% of the book price unless an item is over £300 in which case value is 2/3's of the book price.

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You are right about the boxes, but it has to be an extra special model that someone is looking for. Trouble is if you want a lot of money for a loco in a box, EBay is not the place as generally all Sellers tell you in the text that it is in superb condition, so very few people believe them. Generally the immaculate locos that command high prices sit there for weeks. If it is rare then that is where you seem to get the high prices, then if there are exactly more than two people that want it, like any auction. Before I found the Heljan EM2s, I bought the Triang versions, generally when they were selling for sensible prices. Mine came with boxes and cost between £60 and £80. There is a guy on EBay that wants £30.00 for a Hornby Falcon A4 box, it has been there for a least the last two months.

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When buying I prefer toy and train fairs, I can give a model a thorough examination there and then and do the pp3 battery test. I always take my guide books with me in a bag so I can look up values, although I keep a good memory of book values, you always forget the odd price.

You can haggle on a toy and train fair and squeeze some off the price the traders are asking, if they won't budge on the price then you move on. Boxes can be found on the fairs as well, often well below online auction prices unless it's for a rare item. It doesn't have to be a special box online to command a good price, a Tri-ang window coach box went for £15 on ebay a little while ago, it was as new. Considering the coach was a common to find Pullman coach, someone must have wanted the item boxed up very badly.

I've just bought a pile of everyday boxes such as point motor boxes etc., they fetched peanuts, yet last year some the same sort of everyday item boxes went for silly money. Online buying is very unpredicable, as you rightly say mint models are sometimes over looked or ignored, it's mainly through silly above book pricing that causes them to be ignored and everyone online wants to buy as cheap as possible even for something perfect.

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